满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.The ____________(...


1.The ____________(high) of the new building is over 400 meters.

2.On Christmas Eve, the Santa Claus hides gifts _____________ (secret) into kids' stockings.

3.— How many times should I take the pills, doctor?

— ___________ (two) a day, please.

4.— Shall we meet at 9:00 at the school gate tomorrow morning?

— I hope we can make it ___________ (early). What about 8:30?

5.Mr. Li's report gave us a deep _____________ (impress) .

6.Remember __________ (turn) off the lights when you leave the room, please.

7.The film was __________ (base) on Chinese history in the 1940's.

8.Look! Can you see a kite _____________ (fly) in the sky?

9.The boy is a good swimmer. He can swim ____________ (cross) the wide river.

10.Many students find it ____________ (bore) to play computer games all day.


1.height 2.secretly 3.Twice 4.earlier 5.impression 6.to turn 7.based 8.flying 9.across 10.boring 【解析】 1.指高度,用名词形式。 2.修饰动词hides,用副词形式。 3.指次数。 4.时间提早了,用比较级。 5.give sb sth结构,a deep修饰后面的名词。 6.remember to do sth“记得做某事”。 7.be based on“以……为基础;以……为依据”。 8.see…doing sth“看见…正在做某事” 9.此处使用介词。cross是动词;across是介词。 10.“…find it +形容词+to do sth”,用做形容词,指的是做某事无聊,用boring。


A. Wonderful

B. I forgot where I put it

C. I lent it to tom

D. What's more, the copies in the library are all out

E. I suggest you read it if you have time

F. Sorry, I haven't got it with me

G. I have a copy of my own

  A: Have you ever read the novel Sanchongmen written by Han Han?

  B: No, I haven't.

  A: It's a very popular book. ______1_____.

  B: I've been expecting to read it for a long time, but I can't get a copy. ______2______.

  A: Well, _____3_____ If you like, I can lend it to you.

  B: ______4_____ Can you lend it to me now?

  A: ______5_____ Would you please come to my house after school?

  B: OK. I'll go as soon as school is over.




A. named     B. relax    C. enjoyable    D. worst    E. start    F. best

Lisa: Lily, it's Saturday today. Why not go and ____1.___ ourselves this evening?

Lily: Good idea! What would you like to do? See a movie or watch a play?

Lisa: A movie. It's said a new movie ___2.___ The Grey is on these days. Have you seen it?

Lily: No. But I heard it was the ___3.___ movie of the year.

Lisa: Really? Then how about the film Shadows of Love? It's a love story. It should be _4._.

Lily: OK. What time does it __5.___, do you know?

Lisa: Wait a minute. I'll check it... Yes. It says 7:30 this evening.

Lily: Good. See you then.



Information is received into our brain by attention, and its quality determines (决定) how well it will be processed, saved and used afterwards.

All information we receive is chosen by our attention. Factors (因素) affecting (影响) our attention are personal interest, experience, ability, feelings, knowledge, environment, timing, and so on. The same information may attract different forms and levels of attention from different people. Some people can get and save the information easily; some may have great difficulty; while others may just turn a blind eye to it. To the same information, one may even pay different levels of attention at different times. But if the facts work together, the quality of attention may be better. Therefore, it is not surprising to see that somebody with average intelligence (智力) can have excellent performances in some fields.

The good news is that a person's attention can be shaped, trained and made stronger by effective exercise. With this in mind, we should keep improving the quality of our attention.

1."it" in Paragraph 1 means _______.

A. information       B. brain       C. attention        D. quality

2.All information we receive depends on _______.

A. information itself     B. our attention   

C. our intelligence      D. the environment

3.Which is not the factor that affects our attention according to the passage?

A. Interest and experience.            

B. Experience and knowledge.

C. Ability and feelings.               

D. Food and drinks.

4.About attention, which of the following statements is right?

A. People always have the same level of attention.

B. People pay the same attention to the same information.

C. A person may pay different levels of attention to the same information at different times.

D. All factors affecting attention never work together.

5.According to the passage, _______ can help people to make their attention better.

A. speaking more      B. effective exercise   

C. hard work     D. high intelligence



Where there is a will, there is a way.

说明: 6ec8aac122bd4f6e

Nick Vujicic was born, without arms and legs, in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia. Nick faced all kinds of problems and troubles in his life. But he never gives up. Now Nick has his own speaking company; Attitude Is Attitude. And he has traveled around the world to give speeches. He shares with his audience his audience the importance of vision and dreaming big. He says attitude (态度) is the most powerful tool in the life and failure (失败) is just a learning experience.

说明: 6ec8aac122bd4f6e

Mark Zuckerberg, the boss of Facebook, is only 28. In only 8 years, Zuck turned his small website into a world famous network. Zuck once wrote to his workmates, "We don't build services to make money; we make money to build better services"

说明: 6ec8aac122bd4f6e

Jeremy Lin's excellent performances in basketball courts attracted the eyes of both Americans and Chinese this year. Then what has led this young man to such a success? The following may help us understand it.

1. Believe in yourself;

2. Catch the chance when it comes up;

3. Find the system that works for your style;

4. People will love you for being yourself;

5. Stay humble (谦逊).

1.Attitude Is Attitude is _______.

A. the title of Nick's speech            

B. Nick's company

C. an international organization         

D. a machine that can speak

2.Which of the following about Nick is wrong?

A. Nick had no arms or legs when he was born

B. He says people can learn from their failures

C. He tells his audience to dream big and have vision

D. He has never traveled around the world so far

3.Facebook is _______.

A. a world-wide network    B. Zuck's workmate    C. a popular book    D. Zuck's boss

4.From what Zuck wrote ,we can learn _______.

A. Facebook doesn't build services

B. Facebook doesn't make money

C. offering better services is more important than making money

D. building services doesn't make money

5.From Jeremy Lin's success, we can find _______.

A. one must have self-confidence          

B. catching the chance is the most important

C. one should try his best to follow others   

D. one must keep the rules all the time



Old George bought the black gloves for just $35 ten years ago. They were made of lamb skin, soft and warm and very strong. Until then, he had worn cheaper man-made material. Those gloves never lasted longer than three years. He first decided to buy the expensive gloves, because they would make him feel nice in front of others.

George never let a drop of water or rain touch his expensive gloves, so they looked new. Losing this favourite thing was almost like losing a child to him.

Bad luck! George lost his expensive gloves on New Year's Day.

Back home. George was at a loss. In deep winter, he could not do without a pair of gloves. If he bought cheap ones again, he would have to replace (更换) them very soon. If he bought a new leather pair, it would cost $50 now. He was upset that people no longer returned things they found on the road.

After the holiday, poor George decided to buy another leather pair. Before boarding the subway, he went into Value Mart again to see if his gloves had been returned to the Lost and Found Office (失物招领处).

"What colour are they?" the woman in the office asked again.

"Black," he gave the same answer. She looked into her drawer and drew out a pair of men's leather gloves. "Are they?"

"Yes! Those are mine!" George explained, with great joy in his eyes.

1.When did George buy the leather gloves?

A. On New Year's Day.             B. Before the holiday.

C. Ten years ago.                  D. In the winter.

2.Why did George decide to buy the expensive gloves?

A. Because they were black.          

B. Because they made him feel good before others.

C. Because they had a long history     

D. Because they were much cheaper.

3.The leather gloves looked new after years because _______.

A. George took very good care of them.  

B. they were soft and warm.

C. they were expensive.               

D. George washed them with water.

4.How did George feel when he got home on New Year's Day?

A. He was happy.     B. He felt nice     C. He was thankful    D. He felt upset

5.About old George, which of the following is true?

A. He was a very rich man

B. He never bought cheap gloves

C. He believed somebody would return the gloves to him

D. He hadn't ecpected to get his gloves back.



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