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TV PROGRAMS(电视节目) Channel 1(中央1台) Channe...



Channel 1(中央1台)

Channel 2(中央2台)

18:00 Around China

18:30 Children's program

19:00 News

19:30 Weather report

19:40 Around the world

20:10 TV play: Sisters

21:00 English Today

21:15 Popular music

21:55 Talk show

17:45 Computers today

18:10 Foreign arts

18:30 English classroom

19:00 Animal world

19:25 China' 99

20:20 Sports

21:00 TV play: Guo Lanying

21:45 English News

22:05 On TV next week

1.If you want to watch a football game, the best program for you would be ________.

A. TV play       B. Sports      C. Around the world      D. Talk show

2.The program of ______ will let you know much about western countries.

A. Sisters       B. Around China     C. Around the world   D. On TV next week

3.If you want to know something about tigers, elephants and monkeys, the best program is ___.

A. Around China    B. Animal World     C. TV play      D. Foreign arts

4.English classroom is a program that ______.  

A. lets you know something about classroom  

B. tells you something about students

C. lets you know something about school life  

D. teaches you English

5.The program at the end of Channel 2 means _______ on TV next week.

A. news         B. programs         C. people         D. places


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.B 【解析】 1.根据图表的内容20:20 Sports,可知答案为B 2.根据文章内容19:40 Around the world可知答案为C 3.根据题目的要求,可知答案为B 4.根据题目中的要求吗,故选答案为D 5.根据图表的内容可知答案为B

I have a sister. My lifestyle is different from her. I healthier than her. I exercise twice a day. Usually I come home from school 2 , though my home is 3  from school. It takes me more than one hour. And my eating 4  are better than hers. She often has a 5  , because she likes to eat unhealthy diet. 6  I don’t like milk, my mother wants me to drink it. She says it’s good for my health. So I have to drink it. I try to eat 7 vegetables ten to eleven times a week. I keep eating fruit every day. They help me to keep in good health. As 8  meat, I must try to eat less of it. Of course, I love junk food too. I try to eat it only 9 a week. I sleep for nine hours every night. 10 you see, my healthy lifestyle depends on good food and exercise. It helps me study better.

1.A. am               B. is             C. are            D. was           

2.A. on feet          B. on foot        C. by foot        D. on bike

3.A. different    B. near               C. far            D. come      

4.A. habit            B. hobby          C. habits         D. health    

5.A. headache B. sore throat C. stomachache          D. sore back

6.A. So     B. Although                 C. And           D. But       

7.A. much             B. a little       C. any            D. more      

8.A. to               B. for            C. from           D. of            

9.A. once             B. twice          C. three times    D. four times

10.A. But             B. So             C. Because        D. And






1.How often do you watch TV?

2.How do you get to school?  

3.What’s the matter?   

4.What are you doing for vacation?

5. Can you come to my party?

A. I’m going camping.

B. Sure, I’d love to.

C. Three or four times a week

D. I usually walk.

E. I have a cold.



She is tired . She wants to stop ____.

        A. to work                   B. having a rest    

 C. to have a rest               D. to do his homework



It ____about 15 minutes ____the theatre.

A. take, walk    B. takes, to walk  

C. takes, to walk to   D. take , to walk



—Would you like _______  cake?     —No, thanks. I’m full(饱的).

        A. other       B. the other        C. others     D. another



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