满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据对话内容,填入适当的词、短语或句子,使对话完整。(5分) A:When di...


A:When did you get up this morning?

B:I    1    at 9:30 in the morning.

A:Were you late for school?

B:No,     2      I have no classes these days. I’ll have an exam next Monday.

A:Did you      3     late last night?

B:Yes,I did. I       4       the coming exam.

A:Are you busy these days?

B:Yes ,     5    . I’m really tired, but I’ll go to Beijing on  vacation after the exam.


 got up      I wasn't    study\sleep    studied for     I am                    【解析】  此题考查谓语动词的过去式。Got up表示起床  此题考查一般过去时的一般疑问句的简略回答。  此题考查一般过去时的一般疑问句的基本构成  此题考查动词短语study for表示为…而学习  此题考查一般疑问句的简略回答。


A: Hello, House of dumpling!

B: Hello!_______1________

A: Sure.

B: __________2___________.

A: Un-huh.

B: And sixteen dumplings.

A: What kind of dumplings would you like?

B:      3          .   

A: OK. Anything else?

B: Oh,yes, I’d like some soup.

A: OK. Then,       4        .

B: Tomato soup.

A: OK.         5        .

B: One large green tea and one small orange juice.

A:OK. What’s your address,please?

B:15 Peace Road.

A.What kind of soup would you like?         

B. Would you like any drinks?

C. I’d like chicken, fish and cabbage, please.   

D. What kind of food would you like?

E. Mutton and carrot dumpings,please.        

F. I want to order some food,please.

G.I would like some beef noodles.



 Students need at least eight hours to sleep, or they are_______ in class.

A. sleep        B. sleepy       C. asleep       D. sleeping



 He _______ be a history teacher.

       A. used to       B. be used to      C. use to be    D. be use to



Sometimes our hobbies can _______ schoolwork .

A. get in the way               B. get in the way of   

C. get in the way in                D. get in the way to



Last year he had an opportunity _______ in Oxford University, but he gave it up.

A. study        B. to study     C. of study     D. for studying



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