满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A teacher once told each of her students...

A teacher once told each of her students to bring a clean plastic bag and a bag of potatoes to schoo1.For every person they didn’t want to forgive in their lives,they were told to choose a potato,write on it the name and the date,and put it in the bag.Some of their bags were very heavy.

They were then told to carry this bag with them everywhere for one week.They would put it beside their bed at night,on the seat when sitting in a car or on a bus,and next to their desk at schoo1.

Days of carrying the bags around with them got the students to get to know what a weight they were carrying in their hands.And they had to pay attention to it all the time (1)__________they didn’t forget it.(2)As time passed by,the potatoes went bad and smelt very terrible

Too often we think of tolerance(容忍)as a gift to other people,and it clearly is for ourselves! Sometimes we choose to keep our sadness in our hearts,we have to carry them around all our lives.If everyone learns to forgive,our world will become a better one.



3.回答问题:How long did the teacher tell his students to carry the bag with them?


4.在文中找出与Once each student was told to bring a clean plastic bag and a bag of potatoes to school意思相近的句子______________________________________.




1.so that 2.随着时间流逝,这些土豆变质了,很难闻。 3.For one week 4.A teacher once told each of her students to bring a clean plastic bag and a bag of potatoes to schoo1. 5.If everyone learns to forgive,our world will become a better one. 【解析】要注意阅读表达。阅读短文,按要求完成短文后的各项任务,注意语言表达方式。

Rivers are one of our most important natural resources(资源). Many of the world’s great cities are located on rivers, and almost every country has at least one river running through it that plays an important part in the lives of its people.

Since the beginning of history, people have used rivers for transportation. The longest one in the United States is the Mississippi. The lifeline of Egypt is the Nile. To the people of India, the Ganges is great, but it is also important for transportation; ships can travel along it for a thousand miles. Other great rivers are the Congo in Africa and the Mekong in southeastern Asia. The greatest of all for navigation(航海), however, is the Amazon in Brazil(巴西). It is so wide and so deep that large ships can go about two thousand miles up it.

Besides transportation, rivers give food to eat, water to drink, water for crops, and chances for fun. In order to increase the supply(供给) of water for crops, engineers sometimes build a dam (大坝)across a river and let a lake form behind the dam. Then people can use the water not only to irrigate(灌溉) their fields but also to make electricity for their homes and industries.

However, large cities and industries that are located on rivers often cause problems. As the cities grow in size and industries increase in number, the water in the rivers becomes polluted with chemicals and other materials. People are learning the importance, however, of doing more to keep their rivers clean if they want to enjoy the benefits of these natural resources.

1.The greatest river for navigation is ________________.

A.the Mississippi

B.the Nile

C.the Mekong

D.the Amazon

2.Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Many cities are located on rivers.

B.Almost every country has at least one important river.

C.The Nile is in India.

D.Rivers play an important part in the lives of people.

3.When rivers are dammed, people use the water for __________.

A.keeping the rivers clean

B.making electricity

C.washing clothes

D.irrigation and the production of electricity

4.Most water in rivers is polluted with ___________.

A.people’s drinking water too much

B.people’s swimming in the river too much

C.chemicals and other materials

D.people’s building a dam across a river

5.The best title for the passage is _____________.

A.The Importance of Rivers

B.Rivers in Cities


D.Natural Resources



Can you imagine a world without the Internet? It’s surprising to think about it.

Now, China has more than 162 million Internet users, according to the China Internet Network Information Centre. This is the second highest number of user in the world after the United States. Today, 66%of Chinese “netizens (网民)” are teenagers. “They spend about thirteen hours every week online,” said Qian Hulin, an Internet expert(专家). Doctor Song in Beijing Xuanwu Hospital said about 14% of Chinese netizens who are teens often lasted over ten hours to play online games.

The main reasons why teenagers surf the Web are to search for information, to communicate with others and to have fun. On the Internet, teenagers can find out almost anything. And surfing the Web can help students with their homework and widen their knowledge.

Li Dong, a teacher at No. 41 Middle School in Shijiazhuang, likes her students to use the Internet. “When we talk in class, students who surf the Net usually know more background information than the others,” she said.

In addition, people can use the Internet to write letters or stories and send e-mails. Many teens keep in touch with their friends online. It is cheaper than phoning somebody far away and also much quicker.

1._______ has the most Internet users in the world according to the article.





2.There are about _______ Chinese netizens to surf about 13 hours every week.

A.107 million old

B.22.7 million old

C.107 million young

D.22.7 million young

3.Song said some teenagers continued _______ more than ten hours.

A.playing online games

B.searching for information

C.chatting with their friends

D.sending e-mails to others

4.Li Dong in No. 41 Middle School likes her students to use the Internet because she


A.thinks surfing the net can help students spend less time on homework

B.thinks her students can get more background information than the others

C.wants her students to talk to her about their hobbies and interests

D.wants to know what her students do and think about at home

5.Which way is the cheapest and quickest to learn something about friends far away?

A.Giving them a call.

B.Going to see them.

C.Writing a letter to them.

D.Sending e-mails to them.



Once there was a piano player in a bar(酒吧). People came just to hear him play. But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song.

"I don't sing," said the man.

But the lady told the waiter, "I'm tired of listening to the piano. I want the player to sing!"

The waiter shouted across the room, "Hey, friend! If you want to get paid, sing a song!"

So he did. He had never sung in public before. Now he was singing for the very first time! Nobody had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung so beautifully!

He had talent(天赋) he was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar. But once he found, by accident, that he could sing well, he went on working hard and became one of the best-known singers in the US. His name was Nat King Cole.

You, too, have skills and abilities. You may not feel that your talent is great, but it may be better than you think. With hard work, most skills can be improved. Besides, you may have no success at all if you just sit on your talent.

1.The lady asked the player to sing a song because _____.

A.she had paid him for this

B.she knew him very well

C.she wanted to have a change

D.she enjoyed his singing

2.Nat King Cole succeeded because _____.

A.the lady helped him a lot

B.he caught the chance

C.he continued to play in the bar

D.he stopped playing the piano

3.The words "sit on" in the passage probably mean" ___________.”

A.fail to realize

B.forget to use

C.try to develop

D.manage to show

4.From the story we know if you have some talent, you should _____.

A.hide it and wait

B.ask others for help

C.pay no attention to it

D.work hard to improve yourself

5.Which could be the best title (标题) for the passage?

A.Sing in the Bar

B.Achieve Success in Life

C.Never Lose Heart

D.Find Your Hidden Talent



Yucai Middle School will have a School Day on Friday.Students don't need to have any classes.Instead,they are going to do a lot of things for fun.Here is a poster for it.

The most wonderful game of the year

Meet our school basketball stars

Basketball Court 3:00 p.m.— 5:00 p.m.

Tel:375 — 7682

 Water Sports

It's really cool!

Xingsha Beach The whole afternoon

Tel:375 — 7442

Talent Show

Are you good at singing,dancing,acting or playing the guitar?

Come and show yourself!

Music Hall 7:00 p.m.— 9:00 p.m.

Tel:375 — 9876

Chess is fun!

Different kinds of chess

Who will win at last?

Chess Club  8:00 a.m.— 10:30 a.m.1:00 p.m.— 3:30 p.m.

Tel:375 — 7465

For further information,please call the school office.Just do it! Enjoy yourself!

1.You can _______  in the morning or in the afternoon.

A.have the chess competition

B.go to the talent show

C.watch the basketball game

D.have water sports

2.If you want to see the school basketball stars,you can go at _______.

A.8:00 a.m.— 10:30 a.m.

B.3:00 p.m.— 5:00 p.m.

C.1:00 p.m.— 3:00 p.m.

D.7:00 p.m.— 9:00 p.m.

3.You can have water sports _______.

A.at Xingsha Beach

B.at the music hall

C.at the basketball court

D.at the chess club

4.If you are good at singing and dancing,you should call at _______.





5.If you want to learn about further information,what should you do?

A.See the poster.

B.Ask your classmates.

C.Call the school office.

D.Go to the school office.



I met Jim yesterday, we _______ each other since _______ from the university.

    A. haven’t seen, graduated              B. haven’t seen, graduating 

 C. hadn’t seen, graduating              D. hadn’t seen , graduated



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