满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

We chose the persons and these people di...

We chose the persons and these people did      .

A. special something B. something special

C. special anything    D. anything special


B 【解析】此题重点考查不定代词 anything,something,nothing被形容词修饰时,常把形容词放在被修饰词的后面。

Frank 去年来到泰中学习。在校学习期间,他对学校提倡的“创建和谐校园”活动感触颇深。请你以他的名义,给远在美国的父母写一封信,介绍学习的现状并谈谈感受。













      4、参考词数:respect尊敬;build up建立,创建;a harmonious campus和谐校园;

impress 给……留下印象

Dear Mum and Dad,

    Time flies! I’ve been here for nearly a year. I’m very pleased to find that our school is really a good one. The students in our school                                                     













Many books have been written about “the art of giving”. But what about the art of r  1  ? Sometimes, receiving a gift can be difficult, especially when someone buys you a gift you don’t want!

“I remember when I was about twelve years old, my parents b  2  me a purple purse,” laughs Guo Xiaojing. “It really made me feel embarrassed(尴尬), because I thought the purse was really ugly!Still, I pretended (假装)that I liked it b  3  I knew it would make my parents happy!”

Han Ling agrees. “That sounds like my grandparents!A few years ago, my grandparents gave me an orange sweater f  4  my birthday. I used to wear it every time I visited them, but when I left their house, I took it off! Of course, this made me feel g  5  . It was a very nice thought, but my grandparents have different taste from me! I think it’s hard to buy clothes or other personal things for people.”

To make things easier, some people would rather just give money. In some cultures, h  6   , receiving money can make people uncomfortable. “When someone gives me money, it j   7    makes me think they’re being lazy,” says John Wilson. “In England, we have a saying: It’s the thought that counts. When s   8   gives me money, I feel they don’t think at all. I prefer to receive a gift that has some thought behind it. I don’t mind if it’s something I don’t need. If someone has thought about a g   9   for me, it always makes me happy.”

Different people have very different thoughts on this subject! So maybe the art of receiving is e 10   more difficult than the art of giving! What do you think?



Nowadays(如今) everyone has a practical goal for life. Do you have one? What’s it? Do you want to become a writer, singer or just become a rich person?

 A recent survey shows that in modern society, most people pick up practical goals, such as “earning money to buy a house and a car” , “to improve one’s life quality, “finding a good job”.

 Wang You worked in a small firm (商行) in Nanjing. The job was good and he didn’t have to work for extra hours. However he felt the work was not exciting at all and the life was boring. ① So he          ______   _______his job and went to Beijing in February, 2007. When he arrived in Beijing, he set his new goal as finding a good job.

 Nowadays more and more people want to live a better life. This fact shows that the society is making progress and people’s life goals have become more practical. One researcher says, “Everybody has his/her own life goal, which will be surely different from people to people. If one is poor, one’s life goal will be to earn more money; if one doesn’t have a diploma(文凭), studying hard to get a diploma will become his life goal; and if one doesn’t have love, his life goal will be to look for it. ②But if one has no life goal, he will idle away(虚度) his lifetime.”

1.回答下列问题:Why did Wang You go to Beijing though he had a good job in Nanjing?





He needn’t work in his spare time because of his good job.







1.Among the patients that poor girl was          ( terrible) ill.

2.The old scientist devoted all her time she had to         (develop) the western parts of China.

3.He has decided to have a party for his wife’s _______(forty) birthday.

4.All the students _____________ (divide) into four groups and then they went on hiking with four teachers.

5.An old man was found ___________ (die) in the street yesterday.

6.The police believe these footprints are one of the _____________ (thief).

7.You have no choice but _________(work) hard if you want to enter your ideal school.

8.While my mother     (cook)dinner ,I got home.

9.These comic books _______ are more or less worth reading. (it)

10.The more he thought of it, ________________(excite) he felt.



Everybody hates rats. But in the earthquake places of the world – Japan, Los Angeles, Turkey – rats will soon be man’s new best friends.

What happens after an earthquake? We send in rescue(救援) dogs. Why? Because they can smell people. Dogs save lives. They help rescuers to find living people. But dogs are big and they can’t get into small spaces. So now a new research project is using a smaller animal to save lives: the rat.

    How does it work? First, the rat is trained to smell people. When this happens, the rat’s brain gives a signal. This is sent to a small radio on its back, and then the rescuers follow the radio signals. When the rat’s brain activity jumps, the rescuers know that someone is alive. The rat has smelled that person.

    Although there are already robots which can do this job, rats are better. Christian Linster at Cornell University, New York, says, “ ‘Robot’ noses don’t work well when there are other smells around. Rats are good at that.” Rats can also see in the dark. They are cheaper and quicker to train than dogs, and unlike robots, they don’t need electricity.

    The “ rat project” is not finished, but Julie Ryan of International Rescue Corps in Scotland says, “ It would be fantastic. A rat would get into spaces we couldn’t get to and a rat would get out if it wasn’t safe.” Perhaps for the first time in history, people will be happy to see a rat in a building ( but only after an earthquake, of course.)

1.In the earthquake places, rats will become man’s best friends because they can __________.

A. take the place of man in rescue jobs

B. find the positions of people alive who are trapped in buildings

C. serve as food for people alive who are trapped in buildings

D. send signals for the coming earthquake

2.The underlined word “that” in Paragraph 4 refers to(所指)  _________  

A. treating wounded people.               

B. helping rescuers.

C. smelling people among different smells.    

D. carry the wounded people to safety.

3.From the third paragraph we know the rescuers can judge a person is alive by ___________.

A. the nose made by the rat                   

B. the rat’s unusual behavior

C. the signal sent by the radio on the rat’s back   

D. the smell given off by the person

4.In doing rescue jobs, __________________________.

A. rats have better sense of smell than dogs. 

B. dogs don’t need to be trained to smell people.

C. robots’ sense of smell can be affected by other smells around.

D. rats can see in the dark and are smaller than robots.

5.After reading the passage we can know ______________________________.

A. rats have taken the place of dogs in search for people.

B. the “ rat project” has been completed

C. people are now happy to see a rat in a building

D. now people still use dogs and robots in performing rescue



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