满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It was the end of the year party at scho...



It was the end of the year party at school .I had asked my mother to __36__us cookies .Mom’s chocolate chios were the best .

     But two o’clock passed, and she didn’t   37  .Most of the other mothers had come and gone , dropping off their cookies , chips and cupcakes . I took my bag and left   38   my home . The house was empty when I arrived . My heart was    39   anger.For the first time in my life ,my mother had let me down .

I was lying on my bed upstairs   40   I heard her come through the front door .“Robbie,”she called out .“Where are you ?” I could hear her running from room to room . She was looking for me .I kept silent .When she entered my room and sat beside me on my bed , I didn’t move .“I’m sorry , honey ,” she said .“I got busy and forgot .” I still kept __41__.

Then my mother began to laugh .I couldn’t believe ___42___.I rolled over (翻身)and faced her .

But my mother wasn’t laughing at all . She was crying . “I’m so sorry . I let my boy down .”

She cried like a little girl. I had never __43__my mother cry .

“It’s OK , Mom ,”I reached out and stroked (抚摸)her hair .“We didn’t even need those ___44___.” There was plenty of stuff to eat .Don’t  cry It’s all right.”

My ____45__made my mother sit up . She pulled me to her . We didn’t say another word .We just held each other in a long hug .

1.A.make          B. put         C. have           D.give 

2.A. go           B.leave        C.appear          D.turn

3.A.in            B. for         C. from           D. on 

4.A.Please  with  B.fed up with  C. strict with    D. filled with 

5.A. though       B. because     C. when           D. while

6.A.silent        B. angry       C. sad            D.calm 

7.A. him          B. it          C. her            D. them

8.A. felt         B. looked      C.found          D. seen

9.A.chips         B.cupcakes     C. cookies       D.hamburgers 

10.A. words        B.thoughts      C. actions     D.saying


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A 【解析】 1.此题考查动词,make cookies表示做甜点 2.此题考查动词,appear表示出现。 3.此题考查固定短语leave for表示离开去某地。 4.此题考查固定句型结构be filled with表示盛满,装满 5.此题考查        when引导的时间状语从句,表示当…时候。 6.此题考查固定短语keep+adj 表示保持某种状态 7.此题考查人称代词,根据语境可知我不相信妈妈会笑这件事,就翻过身子来看看,故用it。 8.此题考查固定句型结构see sb do sth表示看到某人做某事。 9.此题考查名词,根据语境可知选择cookies。 10.此题考查名词,my words表示我的话语。

—Could you please tell me _____?

--Sure , there is a post office at the end of the road .

A.how can I buy some stamps B.where I can buy some stamps

C.where I could buy some stamps  D.how could I buy some stamps



—Anyang is a famous city ____has a long history and rich culture .

---I hope I can visit it some day in the future .

A.what   B.who  C.which  D.whose



_____good advice you have given to me !I’ll take it .

A.How    B.What a   C.How A  D. What



—Do you remember “______you eat ,_______you are”

   __Sorry ,I won’t eat too much ,I’m too fat now .

A.the more ;the fatter  B.more  ;fatter

C.the more ; the more fatter D.more ; more fatter



It’s a good way to control how many minutes your child       talking on his cell and texting.

    A. take            B. spend           C. costs           D. spends



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