满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- Why do you like watching soccer game...

--- Why do you like watching soccer games?

--- Because they’re _______.

       A. boring    B. interesting   C. ugly   D. beautiful


B 【解析】此题重点考查形容词的含义,根据语境可知询问的是你为什么喜欢看足球比赛,从四个选项中只有interesting符合句意。

 Please be quiet. My little child _______.

A. go to bed B. is sleeping C. sleeps D. going to school



Mail-order Advertisement                

Moonlight Company Products for a Sale Environment


You are going to love this natural soap. There are no chemicals in it .It is very good for your hands and face.


Insects (昆虫)are going to run away from our new microbial insecticide (环保杀虫剂).It is safe and natural


You are not going to need 5 or 6 chemical cleaners. You have Dr Clean! It is safe and strong ,and it cleans everything in your house !

A2104-CANVAS BAG(帆布袋)

You are going to say ,“No paper or plastic!”You have this excellent heavy canvas shopping bag




Natural shampoo



Microbial insecticide



Canvas bag



Hand soap



Home cleaner



Postage :$3.50


1.What do you need if you want to kill ants?

     A. Microbial insecticide.                B. Moonlight Company.

     C. Canvas Bag.                          D. Dr Clean.

2.You're going to love the natural soap, because ____  .

     A. it is clean                          B. ii smells sweet

     C. there are no chemicals              D. it is powerful

3.How much will you pay if you want three shampoos and two canvas bag mailed to you?

   A. $12.25.    B. $ 20.50.     C. $13.50.   D. $17.

4.What does the underlined word "it' most probably refer to?

     A. Canvas bag.    B. Chemical.        C. The house.  D. Dr Clean.

5.How many products are mentioned in the ads ?

A.3   B.4    C.4    D.5



Spending two or three hours playing outdoors each day can reduce(减少)a child’s chance of becoming short-sighted(近视),research shows . It challenges the belif that short-sightedness is caused by computer use , watching TV or reading in weak light .

     Australian government researchers believe that sunlight is good for people’s eyes . They compared the vision (视力)and habits of 100 seven-year-old children in China and Australia .In all,30% of the Chinese children were short-sighted .This percentage was ten times higher than Australian children.

     Both groups spent a similar amount of time reading, watching TV and playing computer games .However , the Australia children spent an average of two hours a day outdoors ,90 minutes more than the Chinese children.

Professor Ian Morgan said ,“Humans are naturally long-sighted ,but when people begin to go to school and spend little or no time outdoors ,the number of short-sighted peoplegets larger. We are also seeing more and more short-sighted children in cities all around the world –and the main reason may be that city children spend less time outdoors .

Daylight can be hundreds of times brighter than indoor light . But why does playing outside prevent us from becoming short-sighted ? Scientists believe that natural light has a special chemical(化学物质)which stops the eyeball from growing out of shape and prevents people from becoming short-sighted .

So go outdoors .It doesn’t matter if that time is spent having a picnic or playing sports .


1.What can reduce a child's chance of becoming short-sighted according to the passage ?

            A. Playing computer games.                

B. watching TV.

            C. Reading books.

D. Spending 2 or 3 hours playing outside every day.

2.What does the underlined word "percentage" mean?    

   A.百分比  B.功率    C.平均分  D.效率

3.How much time did the Chinese children spend outdoors according to the research?                                    

A. 2 hours.     B. 90 minutes.    C. 1 hour.    D. 30 minutes.

4.What is the fifth paragraph mainly about?

             A. Why people become short-sighted.

             B. Why natural light has a special chemical.

             C.  Why playing outside is good for one's eyesight.

             D.  Why daylight is much brighter than indoor light.

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  

        A. People will all become short-sighted after they begin to go to school.

        B. Playing outdoors for 2 or 3 hours every day can help protect your eyesight.

        C.  Children in Australia are more likely to become short-sighted than those in China.

D.  lf you spend 2 or 3 hours playing outside each day, you will become short-sighted.





Julio loves to visit his grandmother . He doesn’t get to visit her very often because his family lives in a city that is six hours away .His grandmother lives in a big wooden house on a farm .It is old and looks as if it has secret hiding places .

On the third Sunday of June ,Julio’s parents took him to his grandmother’s .Since it was summer vacation, he was going to stay at grandmother’s for a whole summer . Hid cousins Mario and linda would soon be arriving. They would also be staying at their grandmother’s this summer .

A big porch (走廊) wrapped (缠绕)around two sides of the house .Julio sat in the porch swing (秋千).He could see the trees that circle the house .They had been planted as a windbreak (防风林).They protected the house from the wind and blowing dirt .The house was in the middle of a large flat field .

Julio watched the dirt road that led to the house .He couldn’t wait for his cousins to get there .Mario was his age ,and Linda was a year younger .They had fun together .Last summer they spent one whole morning making a fort out of sacks of seed (装种子的麻袋做成的堡垒).Then Uncle Henry took them on a tractor ride.

Julio remembered another time with his cousins .They had gone out to explore the fields .Julio touched an electric fence and got a shock .Then they found an old snake skin. Nothing like that ever happened at his own home !

Julio could smell the dinner that his grandmother was cooking .It made him hungry .

Finally he saw a cloud of dust coming up the road .“They’re here ! They are here !”He shouted .


1.Why doesn’t Julio often visit his grandmother ?

           A.Because he doesn’t love his grandmother.

            B.Because his parents don’t let him visit his grandmother.

           C.Because his home is far away from his grandmother's.

           D. Because he is often ill .

2.Who is the youngest of Julio and his cousins ?

       A. Linda.       B. Julio.        C. Mario.     D. Henry.

3.The story tells about Julio and his cousins doing all of the following except_____.

          A. watching old movie                

B. taking a tractor ride

          C. finding a snake skin                

D. making a fort from seed sacks

4.How do you think Julio felt when he saw his cousins arriving?

             A.  He was worried.                        B.  Ht: was excited.

            C. He was angry .                         D.  He was sad

5.After Julio cousins arrive , when would probably happen next ?

A. They would build a fort on the hill

B. They would look for snake skins .

C. They would climb the trees in their grandmother’s yard

D. They would eat dinner at their grandmother’s house





It was the end of the year party at school .I had asked my mother to __36__us cookies .Mom’s chocolate chios were the best .

     But two o’clock passed, and she didn’t   37  .Most of the other mothers had come and gone , dropping off their cookies , chips and cupcakes . I took my bag and left   38   my home . The house was empty when I arrived . My heart was    39   anger.For the first time in my life ,my mother had let me down .

I was lying on my bed upstairs   40   I heard her come through the front door .“Robbie,”she called out .“Where are you ?” I could hear her running from room to room . She was looking for me .I kept silent .When she entered my room and sat beside me on my bed , I didn’t move .“I’m sorry , honey ,” she said .“I got busy and forgot .” I still kept __41__.

Then my mother began to laugh .I couldn’t believe ___42___.I rolled over (翻身)and faced her .

But my mother wasn’t laughing at all . She was crying . “I’m so sorry . I let my boy down .”

She cried like a little girl. I had never __43__my mother cry .

“It’s OK , Mom ,”I reached out and stroked (抚摸)her hair .“We didn’t even need those ___44___.” There was plenty of stuff to eat .Don’t  cry It’s all right.”

My ____45__made my mother sit up . She pulled me to her . We didn’t say another word .We just held each other in a long hug .

1.A.make          B. put         C. have           D.give 

2.A. go           B.leave        C.appear          D.turn

3.A.in            B. for         C. from           D. on 

4.A.Please  with  B.fed up with  C. strict with    D. filled with 

5.A. though       B. because     C. when           D. while

6.A.silent        B. angry       C. sad            D.calm 

7.A. him          B. it          C. her            D. them

8.A. felt         B. looked      C.found          D. seen

9.A.chips         B.cupcakes     C. cookies       D.hamburgers 

10.A. words        B.thoughts      C. actions     D.saying



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