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foot ; tired ; quiet ; vegetable ; idea ...


foot ; tired ; quiet ; vegetable ; idea ; before; sound; healthy; early; good.

You are so  1   at night, but you can’t sleep. Here are some good   2 . First, you should be in a    3  room. That’s important. You should put your  4  in some warm water 5  you go to bed, and that’s a traditional way. You should have a glass of milk. It’s  6  for sleeping. You should think you are in a beautiful place. It is very quiet there and there are many trees and you walk slowly. That  7   like a good idea. It can help you to sleep soon.

   Sleeping is important to our   8   .Don’t be stressed out. Go to bed , eat more  10   and  do some exercise. And everyone will have a good sleep tonight.


 tired      .ideas        quiet          feet         before  good      sounds        health         .early        vegetables 【解析】  此题考查形容词,表示劳累的,疲倦的故用tired。  此题考查名词,根据下文可知是些方法或建议,故选ideas  此题考查形容词,解决失眠的方法应是在一所安静的房间  此题考查名词,根据生活常识在睡觉前用热水泡泡脚,有利于睡眠。  此题考查介词,在睡觉前,故用before。  此题考查固定短语be good for sth表示对于…有好处。  此题考查固定结构sound like表示听起来怎样。  此题考查名词,睡觉对健康非常重要。  此题考查副词,早睡有利于健康。故选early。  此题考查名词,根据语境可知选择vegetables。





1. “Three Little Cows” is ___________.

A. the name of a zoo              

B. the name of a movie

C. the name of a restaurant          

D. the name of a party

2. When are great drink specials and half price pizza offered?

A. On Monday and Friday, 3-6 pm.  

B. From Monday to Friday, 3-6 pm.

C. On Wednesday, 6-10 pm.        

D. At any time.

3. From 6 pm to 10 pm on Wednesday, customers can __________.

A. have free wine                 

B. make a bottle of wine

C. pay $10 less for the wine         

D. have wine for only $10




Is it difficult for you to get up in the morning? Do you sometimes oversleep? Do you often     26     late? Yes? Then Hiroyuki Sugiyama of Japan invented a     27      bed for you. His bed will wake you up! Here is    28     it works.

There is an alarm clock and a recorder(录音机) in the bed. When the clock      29    a sound, you’ll have a few minutes to wake up. Then the recorder plays light music with a little girls’    30      voice. She says quietly, “Wake up, my dear.” A few     31      later, a second recording plays. It can be unpleasant sounds, “Wake up,    32     you’ll be late!”

If you don’t get up after the     33     recording, you’ll be sorry. There is a mechanical (机械的) “    34     ” in the bed. It can kick(踢) you in the head. Then the bed ­    35     for a few more minutes. What? You’re     36      lying in bed! Slowly the top of the bed goes     37     . The end of the bed goes lower and lower.     38      the bed is straight. You slide off(滑下)the bed and fall onto the    39      . You are     40     the bed and awake.

1. A. go home   B. go to school   C. go to bed   D. have supper

2.A. special    B. big           C. small      D. long

3.A. where     B. when        C. how       D. why

4.A. needs     B. hears         C. makes     D. gets

5. A. loud      B. unhappy      C. terrible     D. sweet

6. A. minutes   B. hours         C. days       D. weeks

7.. A. and       B. but          C. or         D. until

8. A. first      B. second        C. third       D. fourth

9. A. mouth    B. hand          C. arm       D. foot

10.A. asks      B. sleeps         C. waits      D. wakes

11. A. also      B. still           C. even       D. already

12. A. higher and higher    B. lower and lower

C. longer and longer   D. shorter and shorter

13. A. At first    B. At last        C. As usual    D. As well

14. A. bed       B. chair         C. table       D. floor 

15. A. in        B. on           C. under       D. out of



 We need to __________a plan about what to do on Clean-up Day.

    A. come up with    B. come over     C. come along     D. come out



They were _________ when they heard the _______ news.

    A. excited, exciting                 B. exciting, excited

    C. excited, excited                  D. exciting, exciting



Beijing is one of the ____ in the world today.

A. busiest city    B. busiest cities    C. busy city      D. busy cities



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