满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 寒假即将来临,说说你的打算怎样度过。题目已给出。要求: 尽量使用“be...



尽量使用“be going to”结构;




I’m going to have a nice winter vacation











略 【解析】这篇书面表达是给材料作文,根据提供的信息,写出你的寒假中的打算,特别强调的是用“be going to”结构。避免语法和单词拼写方面的错误。


A. Cool

B. I’m going to go to pilot school

C. when you grow up

D. after school

E. first I’m going to finish college

F. Are you going to be a teacher

G. My dream job is to be an actor.


A: What are you going to be     1    ?       

B: I think I’m going to be a pilot.

A:     2    . How are you going to do that?

B:      3    .

A: When are you going to start?

B: Well,      4    . What about you? 

A:      5    .




I ___1__ a dream. That is I’m going to be an __2__ when I grow up. You know I began to draw pictures at a very young ___3___. When I grow up, I’m going to ___4___ somewhere interesting. Paris ___5__ like a city that I could enjoy. There are a lot of famous painters and art exhibitions every year. So how am I going to do it? First I’m going to get a part-time job for a year __6___two and ___7___ some money. Then I’m going to be a student at an art college in Paris. Next I’m going to hold art exhibitions that will __8___ me famous and rich. I’ll ___9__ all over the world with the money. I hope my __10___ will come true one day.




1.I am going to learn to play the piano.(就划线部分提问)

___________ ____________ you going to do?

2.I’m going to be a pilot.(就划线部分提问)

____________ are you going to ____________?

3.I went hiking last week. (用next week改写)

I ______  ______ hiking next week.

4.He practices playing the piano every day.

____________ ___________ does he practice playing the piano?

5.They are going to move to Qingdao next year.

_____________ ___________they going to move?




1.We are going to do more exercise _________ (keep) fit.

2.I am going to ___________ (be) a doctor when I grow up.

3.I’m going to practice __________ (play) the guitar every day.

4.When did you learn __________ (play) the violin?

5.—Shall we go to the movies tonight?

—That_________ (sound) interesting.




1.What are you going to do when you g_________ up?

2.I’m going to move s_________ quiet and beautiful.

3.The girl likes music very much. She needs to learn to play an i__________.

4.There are some f_________ friends visiting our school.

5.My d_________ job is to be a scientist.



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