满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Happy Zoo来了两位新成员,下面是它们的表演照及相关信息。请你据此写一份海...

Happy Zoo来了两位新成员,下面是它们的表演照及相关信息。请你据此写一份海报,对它们进行描述。(不少于50词)

Name: Larry

Age: 8

From: Africa

Like: play with a horse


Name: Molly

Age: 12

From: India

Like: play basketball

Welcome to Happy Zoo!

Good news!  ___________________________________________________





Welcome to Happy Zoo! Good news!  There are two new animals at our zoo now. One is Larry,  and the other is Molly. Larry is a lion. He is 8 years old. He is from Africa. He likes to play with a horse. Molly is an elephant. She is 12 years old. She is from India. She is kind of shy,  but she can play basketball very well. Come and see their good shows! 【解析】略


from,  well,  with,  show,  at,  friendly,  kind of,  old,  this,  clever


Look,    1    is Andrew. He is a dolphin. He comes    2    the sea. He is only one year    3   . He can swim very    4   . He likes to play    5    a ball. I think he is a good player.

People like to see his    6   .  He is very    7    and    8   . His home is in the Atlantic Ocean(大西洋). But now he is    9    the zoo. I think he is    10 homesick(想家的).




1.I like dolphins because they can show well. (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ you like dolphins?

2.The students in our school sleep nine hours every night.(对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ do the students in your school sleep every night?


_________ go to _________ the elephants _________.


Old Henry likes _________ _________ _________ kids.


Some students sleep _________ _________ _________, and surf the Internet _________ _________.




1.I’d like to visit Beijing because the people there are very _________ (friend).

2.The oranges come from _________ (south) China.

3.What other _________ (language) do you like? 

4.There _________ (be) lots of meat in the ice box.

5.How many _________ (box) of apples would you like? 




1.Let’s go to the zoo on weekends. There are many new a _________ there.

2.He doesn’t want to do any homework and he is l _________.

3.The e_________ has a long nose and two big ears.

4.This yellow skirt looks very b_________. I want to buy one for my mother.

5.I have two uncles. One is a runner,  and the o_________ is an actor.





There is a zoo named Zhongshan in our city. There are many animals. Some animals are very friendly. But some other animals are not. Tigers,  lions and some snakes are dangerous(危险的). That’s why they must be in cages(笼). But I don’t think it’s good for animals to be in cages. They need to be free. The animals in cages cannot be happy.

Tigers usually live in forests(森林)and mountains(高山). They are strong and can run very fast(快). They run after and eat small animals like rabbits and deer(鹿),  but now they are in small cages. They have nothing to do every day. So they walk around in the cages,  and they want to come out. When they are tired,  they sleep. I am kind of sorry for them.

1.Why do tigers ,  lions and snakes have to stay in cages?

A. Because they are very dangerous.

B. Because they are very friendly.

C. Because they need to be free.

D. Because they like to be in cages.

2.Where do tigers usually live?

A. In cages.

B. In forests and mountains.

C. In the zoo.

D. In small rooms.

3.What do tigers usually do in forests?

A. They have nothing to do.

B. They walk around.

C. They want to sleep.

D. They run after and eat small animals.

4.Tigers want to ________ when they are in cages.

A. come out                         B. eat animals

C. run fast                             D. be friendly to people

5.Why does the writer feel sorry for the tigers in cages?

A. Because the writer thinks tigers need to eat food.

B. Because the writer thinks tigers are dangerous.

C. Because the writer thinks tigers need to be free.

D. Because the writer thinks tigers are very happy.



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