满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When can you ________ America? A. arrive...

When can you ________ America? 

A. arrive in            B. arrive at            C. arrive               D. get


A 【解析】arrive后跟大地方用介词in,跟小地方用介词at; get“到达”,后跟地点名词时要加介词to。

The ________ of the movie is very scary.

A. begin            B. begins           C. beginning        D. to begin




1.I’d like large hamburgers for lunch.  (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ ________  hamburgers would you like for lunch?

2.kind,  what,  they,  like,  of,  would,  noodles, (? )(连词成句)


3.Nancy wants some salad. (同义句转换)

Nancy ________ ________ some salad.

4.He’d like a medium bowl. (改为一般疑问句)

________ he ________ a medium bowl?


I ________ like green tea ________ coffee. 




1.There ________ (be) some beef and eggs in the noodles.

2.I would like you ________ (come) to my house.

3.Would you like some juice ________ (drink)?

4.I want to buy some ________ (tomato) to make ________ (tomato) noodles. 

5.She ________ (have) an egg,  a small bowl of chicken noodles and two apples every day. 




1.China is a l________ country with a long history.

2.What s________ shoes would you like?

3.We often have rice,meat,________ (马铃薯) for lunch every day.

4.What ________ (饮料) would you have?

5.We have many great ________ (特色菜) in the restaurant. 



English breakfast is a big meal-eggs,  tomatoes,  tea,  coffee. . .

For many people,  lunch is a quick meal.  In cities,  there are a lot of sandwich bars.  There office workers can buy their favorite bread-brown,  white,  or a roll and even all kinds of salad,  meat and fish.  School children can have a hot meal at school.  But many just take a sandwich,  a soft drink and some fruit from home.

“Tea” means two things.  It is a drink and also a meal!  Some people have afternoon tea with sandwiches,  cakes and a cup of tea.

They usually have the evening meal quite late,  between 6: 00 pm and 8: 00 pm,  and often all the family eat together.

On Sundays,  many families have a traditional lunch.  They have chicken,  pork with potatoes,  vegetables. . .

Englishmen like food from other countries,  especially from France,  China,  Italy and India.  People often get take-away food—they buy the food outside and then bring it home to eat.


1.In England many people have a b________ breakfast and a q________ lunch.

2.There are many sandwich bars in c________ and o________ workers can buy sandwiches there.

3.In England,  tea can mean a d________ and a m________.

4.Dinner lasts(持续) about t________ h________.

5.English people often buy t________ f________—they buy some food outside and bring it home. 



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