满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。 ( D--D...


 ( D--David ; N--Nick)

D : My father is a soldier, so he wasn' t at home much when I was young. I      1     saw him at home.

N: Did you miss him?

13: I don't think I     2      . When he was at home, he always made me do things like cleaning my shoes or  3   breakfast. My mother usually did al1 of the housework   4  when he wash' t at home.

N: Now you both seem so close!

D: Well, one thing   5    me how much he loved me and helped me understand him better.

N : What   6  ?

D : One day in December last year, I was looking for my Christmas presents. I wanted to see them before Christmas Day. I went quietly into my    7    bedroom and looked under the bed. I didn’t find any presents, but   8  , I found a photo album.

N : So?

D : To my surprise, the photos inside were all of   9  . And they were all carefully kept. On the back of one photo there were some words written by my father, " David, my dearest son, you are growing up some day to   10   us and start your new life.”

N : So, what have you learnt about your father7

D: His love for me is deep and strong, but it’s hard for him to talk to me about it.


 hardly  did  making/ cooking  alone/ herself  showed  happened  parents’  instead  me  leave 【解析】对话内容是David和Nick谈自己的父亲。因为一件偶然的事,明白了父亲的对自己的爱很深却从不言表。  根据“he wasn' t at home much”可推测此处用否定词。  时态与问句保持一致。    “做饭”;与前面的“cleaning my shoes”形式保持一致,做介词like的宾语。    跟前面对照,妈妈自己一人做家务。  意思是:有一件事表明了…….。指过去的事情,用一般过去时。  针对上面的“one thing”,问具体发生了什么事。因为指过去的事,用一般过去时。  这里是悄悄进入父母的房间。parents是复数,所有格只加“’”。    这里意思是没找到礼物,却发现了相册。instead“反而”。     根据后面的“my dearest son”可以猜测这本相册的照片全是“我”。介词后面用宾格。  根据后面的“start your new life”可知是离开父母独立生活,不定式符号to后,直接用动词原形。


1.Jane can play the piano, but she can't play it well. She n        to practice more.

2.I really like sports. I want to join a sports c          

3.Bob was very s            two year's ago. Now he is tall, and he's the tallest in his class.

4.Yesterday evening, Mary t            a walk with her mother after dinner.

5.My sister studies h           , and she usually gets good grades in exams.





1.What time is it now?

     It' s           o' clock in the        .

2.How' s the weather?

                a          day.

3.Where are these people?

    They are at a          

4.Is the place in this picture a busy and crowded one?

   No, it __, because only       persons are there.

5.What do you think they are doing?

   I think they are                 a bus.



Mom and Dad are two of the most important people in your life. Over your lifetime, they may influence you more than anyone else you will meet. So if your mom loves to read, you just might grow up carrying a book wherever you go, just as she does. But parents do a lot more than just pass on their hobbies. Moms and Dads need to care for their kids the minute their kids are born. Most parents will do this as long as they live.

Here are some ways you can stay close, get along well, and build a strong relationship( 关系)with your parents.

Spend time together. Instead of playing computer games or watching TV, ask your mom and dad to play with you. Go outside together, or do some reading.

Be kind. Little things might mean a lot to your mom or dad. You can brighten a parent’s day with a hug(拥抱), a card , or a joke. It’s also lovely when a kid cleans up his or her room without being asked. And if you try not to fight with your brothers or sisters, your parents will be so happy!

Do your best at whatever you do. You don’t have to be perfect, but when you do your best, you make your parents proud. It makes them happy to see how you’re turning into a great kid. Why? Because it lets them know they’re doing a good job.

1.Who may influence you more than anyone else you will meet according to the passage?

A.Teachers       B. Friends       C. Parents     D. Grandparents

2.Which of the following can’t help you build a strong relationship with your parents?

A. Spending time together              

B. Being kind.  

C. Doing your best at whatever you do.    

D. playing computer games or watching TV

3.Your parents will be unhappy if you       .

A. clean up his or her room without being asked

B. fight with your brothers or sisters

C. try your best to do something

D. give them a hug

4.What does the underlined part in the passage mean? It means         .  

A. they make you become a good kid

B. they work hard

C. they are perfect

D. they do well in their office work



If you usually take the school bus or sometimes need to take public buses to school, there are some important rules you should know.

·When you are waiting for the bus, you should wait at the bus stop, and stand well back.

·When you get off the bus, make sure you and the driver can see each other, and wait for the driver to signal you before you cross the road in front of the bus.

·Never go back for anything you may leave on the bus when it is starting.

·Never bend down near the bus when you walk to or from the bus stop.

·You should cross the street at a crosswalk or a street corner, and wait for the light to turn green or for the WALK crossing signal.

·It is important to look carefully to the left, the right and the left again when you cross the street.

·Remember that it is dangerous to stay in the areas around buses where the driver can’t see you. Don’t run between parked cars or buses.

·Do not run across the street or through parking areas to catch up with your friends.

1.When you are waiting for the bus, you should wait    .

A. at the bus stop     B. on the street   C. at a crosswalk  D. a street corner

2.It is important to      when you cross the street.

 A. run quickly           

B. wait for the light to turn green

C. look carefully to the left     

D. look carefully to the right

3.If you walk to or from the bus stop, you mustn’t        .

A. bend down on the bus

B. cross the street at a crosswalk or a street corner

C. bend down near the bus

D. look carefully to the left, the right and the left again

4.This passage is mainly about        .

A. safety rules for students by bus

B. safety rules for drivers

C. safety rules for children by train

D. how to cross the street



Steven Jobs, the CEO of Apple, was not a good student when he was in school. At that time, he always got into trouble with his schoolmates. When he went to college, he didn’t change a lot. Then he dropped out(退学). But he was full of new ideas.

 After that, Steven Jobs worked as a video game designer in a company. He worked there only for a few months and then he went to India. He hoped that the trip would give him some new ideas and a new chance to change his life.

Steven Jobs lived on a farm in California for a year after he returned from India. In 1975, he began to make a new type of computer. He designed the first Apple Computer with his friend in his garage. He chose the name“Apple”just because it reminded him of a happy summer he once  spent in an apple orchard.

His first Apple Computer was a great success. Because of this, Steven Jobs soon became famous all over the world.

1.Steven Jobs always got into trouble with          in school.

A. his schoolmates     B. his parents       C. his teachers         D.his brothers

2.Steven Jobs designed the first Apple Computer with his friend      .

A. in his school    B. in his company          C. in his garage     D. at home

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Steven Jobs didn’t finish his college.

B. Steven Jobs worked as a video game designer in a company for a few months.

C. Steven Jobs soon became famous all over the world because of his first Apple Computer.

D. Steven Jobs chose the name“Apple”just because he liked eating apples.



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