满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Can you tell me the way to the railway s...

Can you tell me the way to the railway station?

A.where is

B.how can I get to

C.the way at

D.how to get to


D 【解析】问去某地的路,可以使用the way to…,也可使用宾语从句或疑问词+不定式短语。A、B是宾语从句,但没有使用陈述语序,因此选D项。

学校英语角将于本周末举行以 “How to relax ourselves after the exam” 为主题的讨论会,请你用英语写一篇发言稿。内容包括以下要点:

1. 去旅游,亲近大自然;

2. 参加娱乐活动,比如:听音乐、看电影……;

3. 进行体育锻炼;

4. 你的建议。

注意:1. 词数:80100,不要逐条翻译,可适当发挥;

2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。

How to relax ourselves after the exam
















Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work or when your best friend does not wait for you after school?

If you do, you need to take control of your feelings. Getting angry with others can cause you to lose friends.

Gary Egeberg, an American high school teacher, has written My Feelings Are Like Wild Animals to help you control your feelings. It tells how to stay cool when bad things happen.

The book says that getting angry only makes problems worse. It can never make them better.

“Getting angry is not a natural way to act,” the book says. It is just a bad habit, like smoking.

The book says you can control your anger easily … all you have to do is to tell yourself not to be angry.

The book gives many tips to help you if you get angry easily. Here are the top three.

●Keep a record. Every time you get angry, write down why you are angry. Look at it later and

you will see you get angry too easily.

●Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry. This will teach you not to be angry.

●Do something different. When you get angry, walk away from the problem and go somewhere

else. Try to laugh.

1.What is this article mainly about? ( no more than 10 words )


2.What will happen to you if you get angry with others? ( no more than 5 words )


3.Is getting angry a natural way to act? ( no more than 5 words )


4.List two tips the book gives on how to control your anger. ( no more than 12 words )

(1) _______________________________

(2) _______________________________

5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(将文中划线句子翻译成汉语。)





ask,  answer,  for,  and,  large,  learn,  mean,  question,  why,  smile

 Long ago, there lived a learned man in Greece. He was well-known               (76) his wide knowledge. And lots of people from all over the country came to               (77) things from him. The great man taught his students with all his heart and               (78) their questions with great patience.

One day a student               (79) him, “My dear teacher, didn’t you say you have many more questions than we do? But we think we students have a lot more than you.” With a               (80), the teacher drew two circles — one is as               (81) as a big plate (盘子), and the other smaller.

“Of course, I’ve learned much more. But I don’t think I know all you know. Now, look at these two circles. Inside the big one is my knowledge of things,               (82) inside the smaller one yours. Out of the circles is what we don’t know. My circle is larger, so its line is longer. That               (83) I have more opportunities to meet with what we don’t know. And that’s               (84) I myself have more questions than you do. The more you learn, the more               (85) you’ll have. You will never learn enough, you know.”




1.I hope to go to Taiwan one day to enjoy the b______________ sights there. 

2.He is too fat. His mother asks him to eat more vegetables and l______________ meat.

3.She was very ill, but ______________(幸运地)she is now out of danger.

4.We will have a meeting on ______________(周四)afternoon.

5.It is well-known that there are four ______________(季节)in a year.





Have you heard about “Survival Holidays”? It is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities. Now about 1,100 companies are allowed to take children into the great outdoors without their parents.

The reason why people like “Survival Holidays” is that they think being close to nature is good for children. Many children in big cities spend all time watching TV and playing computer games. “Survival Holidays” gives them an important change.

Is “Survival Holidays” a wonderful idea? Maybe it is. Children need more free time to play. They need to be left on their own, without adults disturbing (干扰) them. Parents care too much about their children. They like to see the children being busy with activities that are controlled (控制) by adults, which causes many problems. Children don’t know what to do when they are in danger. Even something like crossing a small river seems to be a hard challenge. Children are not comfortable with danger. Even slight danger like getting their feet wet or falling down seems very terrible to them.

Many people think the survival activities are good for children. Even years later, they will still remember what they have learned. Some have learned to stay calm in dangerous times. Some have learned how to keep safe. Others have learned how to work in a team. All these skills will help them a lot in their lives.

1.What is “Survival Holidays” according to the passage?

A. It is summer holidays.             

B. It is winter holidays.

C. It is a kind of holidays to escape from danger.

D. It is a holiday to go into the lonely place for exciting activities.

2.Which children may take part in “Survival Holidays”?

A. Poor children.                      

B. Rich children.

C. Children from cities.                   

D. Children from the countryside.

3.What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. The reasons people dislike “Survival Holidays”.

B. The advantages of “Survival Holidays”.

C. The disadvantages of “Survival Holidays”.

D. The suggestions of taking part in “Survival Holidays”.

4.In a “Survival Holidays” children can learn the following except ________.

A. how to get good grades              

B. how to stay calm in different times

C. how to keep safe when they meet danger  

D. how to work in a team

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. No companies can hold “Survival Holidays”.

B. Parents can take part in “Survival Holidays” with their children.

C. Parents like to keep their children busy with activities controlled by adults.

D. Children don’t listen to their parents any more after “Survival Holidays”.



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