满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I’m sorry. I can’t__________you. A liste...

I’m sorry. I can’t__________you.

A listen   to        B. listen      C. hear       D. hearing


C 【解析】 试题分析:此题考查动词listen和hear的区别。Listen是不及物动词强调动作,若后跟宾语时要加介词to;hear是及物动词强调听得内容。本句的含义是对不起,我没有听到你的话。根据语境可知选择C。 考点:listen和hear的区别。

----Mary doesn’t hear very well.

----Yes, there is       with her ears.

A.something wrong

B.nothing wrong

C.anything wrong

D.wrong something



----May I have a look at the I-phone,sir

-----Which one?_________black one?


B. An





九年级学生面临着升学的压力。因此,许多学生课间休息时依然在教室里做作业。这样的行为会给学习带来帮助吗?初三(2)的同学们就这个问题进行了热烈的讨论。现在请你以“Is it a proper way to study in the 10-minute break?”为题,根据同学们的讨论结果写一篇短文,并谈谈你的看法。讨论结果如下:

Some students’ ideas

Your ideas

1. save time


2. do more exercises

2. …

3.Get rapid(飞快的)progress

3. …


1. 开头部分已写好,你只需接着写。开头部分不计入总词数。

2. 所写内容必须包括表格中一些同学的想法和你的至少三个想法。

3. 词数:80左右。

Is it a proper way to study in the 10-minute break?

Recently we have had a discussion about whether it is a proper way to study in the 10-minute break or not..                                                     








1.Spring ______(来) after winter.

2.Father’s Day is on the t______Sunday in June.

3._________(游泳) is good for our health. Do you want to have a try?

4.Could you please speak more s__________, Tom? I can’t catch what you say.

5.We are going to c________the hill. I am sure we will have a good time..

6.Is there a ______(图书馆) in the new city? I want to borrow some books.

7.The great wall was b_________ thousands of years ago.

8.Tom is the captain of our school basketball team. And he is the t_______ of us all.

9.Don’t be afraid of m_________mistakes because nobody can be right all the time.



选择方框内的单词完成下列句子, 使句子通顺、正确。

A. knowledge  B. twentieth  C. largest  D.  written  E.  hungry  F uncomfortable.

1.Bruce is _______ , so he can’t go to school today .

2.He lives on the _______ floor . He uses a lift to go up and down.

3.China has the _______  population in the world .

4.The books _______ by Mr White are very interesting .

5.I’m not _______  , but I’m a little thirsty .

6.Our _______ of the universe is growing all the time .



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