满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

假如你叫Ann, 你最好的朋友叫Mary,她的父母希望她把所有的时间都用在学习上...

假如你叫Ann, 你最好的朋友叫Mary,她的父母希望她把所有的时间都用在学习上,不希望她做其他的事情,这使她很苦恼. 她向你诉说了她的苦恼,并希望得到你的帮助. 请你就上面提供的信息写一封回信给她 .

要求: 60词以上 ,内容连贯 .

提示词:  1.  not … argue  ,study hard , give … a surprise

2.  talk about , tell , something else ,important

3.  ……


Dear Mary, I’m sorry to hear that you have a big problem . I think you should study hard first and give your parents a surprise . And then you should talk about your problems with your parents and tell them your ideas . At last , you should tell your parents that there is something important except learning . if you do that , i thik your parents may understand you  . Yours, Ann 【解析】这是一封书信,首先要掌握好书信的基本格式。称呼,署名和正文。尽可能地使用所给的提示词,表明自己的观点和看法。运用所熟悉的句型结构表达自己的思想。

根据下面对话中的情景, 在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整 。

A: Alice ,  66. ______________________ when the fire started ?

B: I was studying in the library .

A: Did you smell the smoke ?

B: 67. ____________________ , but Meimei did .

A: Where was she ?

B: 68. _____________________ in the gym .

A: 69. _____________________

B: John was eating lunch in the dining room . Where were you ,Dong  ?

A: I was talking on the phone .

B: 70. _________________________

A: I called the fire department .

B: Good for you  .



Differences in bicycling between China and other countries

People all over the world ride bicycles . But there are many differences between China and other countries .

Wearing helmets(头盔)

You may think  helmets  are useless .But you are wrong . In many places kids have to wear them when they ride bikes . In some places of the United States , it's against the law (违反法律)for kids under 16 to ride without  helmets  .Many people say that helmets are like seat belts (安全带) for bikes .

Bike lanes (车道)

In China , bicycles have their own special lanes on the road . People can ride next to cars . In the USA , roads are only for cars . People don't ride their bikes to school or work . But this isn't true everywhere in the West . In the Netherlands(荷兰)there are more bikes than people . The whole country has bicycle lanes .

Riding for fun

Do you ride your bike to school ? In China this is very common . But in the USA , kids only ride their bikes for fun on the weekend . They regard bicycling as a sport . Many cities have special parks .People turn old railways(铁路) into bike roads . People can ride from town to town  .

1.What are  the differences between China and other countries in bicycling ?

_________________ are the differences between China and other countries in bicycling .

2.Which country has the law that everyone must wear a helmet while riding ?

____________ has the law that everyone must wear a helmet while riding  .

3.What do many people think of helmets  ?

They think that helmets are  _______________ for bikes .

4.Which country has more bikes than people ?

__________________________ there are more bikes than people  .

5.What do Americans regard bicycling as and how do they do  ?

They regard it as  __________ ; they build some special  _________ and turn  __________ into bike roads .




题目:My favourite food   

情境提示:What’s your favourite food?  Why do you like it?  Is it healthy?  When do you eat it?

要求:1.语言流畅,逻辑性强,无语法错误。 2.不少于50字。
















Tom ______________________ swimming.

2. Betty有一些米饭和肉。

   Betty _________________________some rice and meat.

3. 让我们放学后打篮球吧!

let’s ______________________________________________after school.


 ___________________________________________________ in the fridge.

5. 合理膳食很重要。

_____________________________________________________ to eat right food.



Where is my pen?

   Tommy is in the classroom, and cannot find his pen--- he needs to write down his homework! The teacher helps him to look for(寻找) it.

“What’s the matter, Tommy?” says the teacher.

    “I can’t find my pen,” says Tommy.

It is Tommy’s favourite pen. But it is not in Tommy’s bag. Tommy looks in the computer room, but the pen is not there. He goes to the library. He can look if it is open, but it is closed!

Tommy’s teacher asks if it is in the dining hall, but Tommy doesn’t write in the dining hall. He doesn’t write in the gym, either. He goes to the science lab, but it is closed too.

    “Is it in the classroom?” says Tommy’s teacher.

    “No, it’s not there…” says Tommy.

    “What’s that on your desk?” says his teacher.

    “It’s my pen!” says Tommy.

1.What can’t Tommy find?


2. Is it in his bag?


3. Does Tommy write in the classroom?


4.Where is Tommy’s pen?




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