满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1 He is a 16-year-old boy. __1__name is ...

He is a 16-year-old boy. __1__name is Alan Brown. Alan is __2__ American high school student. He lives at __3__ Road. Art and music __4__ his favourite subjects. He loves studying and also loves sports. He usually goes swimming three or four times every week. And he walks after supper every _5__. Cool water and clean air always make him happy. American students are quite different from __6__. On Saturdays, he often has parties __7__ his friends and they always enjoy themselves. On Sundays, he usually __8__ at home and watches TV.

1.A. His            B. He           C. Him          D. /

2. A. a              B. an              C. /            D. An

3. A. park              B. Park        C. park’s          D. parks

4. A. is           B. like             C. are           D. /

5. A. evening        B. morning       C. noon           D. afternoon

6. A. our            B. you             C. we           D. us

7. A. and           B. but           C. with            D. at

8. A. work         B. studies        C. learn          D. speak


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据前文的内容He is a 16-year-old boy,可知是一个男孩,故选与男孩有关的形容词性物主代词,需要修饰名词的词,A为形容词性物主代词,符合题意,Bhe 为表示男他的人称代词,后不能接名词,C为人称代词宾格形式,后不能接名词,故选A 2.本题考查的是冠词的用法,因为American的首个音标为元音音标,故选an,故将AC排除,而本句需要的句子中的冠词,故选B 3.一般表示地点时,应该首字母大写,故选答案为B 4.本题缺少的是谓语动词,因此将D排除,A为is,因为主语为Art and music为复数形式,所以与is 不符合,主谓不一致;而根据like 的意思,在此不符合题意,故选答案为C 5.根据本句的前文内容And he walks after supper可知答案为晚上的意思,只有A符合题意。 6.因为放在介词后面,所以用人称代词宾格形式,故将A和C排除,其中A为形容词性物主代词,而C为人称代词主格形式,放在主语动词前;而答案B在意思上不符合,故选答案为D 7.本题考查的是with的用法,do sth with sb,表示与某人一起做某事,故选C 8.本题考查的是一般现在时态,当主语为三单形式,谓语动词用三单形式,只有选项B符合题意,故选答案为B 考点:本题考查的是完形填空题型。要注意把握全文的内容 点评 :注意所选的内容,能够联系上下文的内容,注意时态和固定词组搭配。

My uncle said he  __________for Shanghai the next day .

A.will leave

B.is leaving

C.would leave

D. leaves



Running in the morning can make me  ________ relaxed .


B.to feel

C. feel

D. Feeling



She looks very busy . I want to help her , but I don't know  ___________ .

A.what to do

B.what to do it

C.how to do

D.why to do



I think math is as __________ as English .

A. important

B.Very important

C.less important

D.the least important



I believe my dream  _________ true in the future .


B. came

C. Will come

D.To come



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