满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1 My name is Tom. My father, Mr. Read wo...

My name is Tom. My father, Mr. Read works on a farm, and my mother works in a factory. My father and my mother work six days a week and I am at school from Monday to Saturday. On Sundays we all stay at home. We often go out in a car on Sundays. We often go to the rivers or lakes. Dad likes fishing and I like swimming. Mum sits there and watches us. Dad is very good at fishing. He often catches a lot of fish. Then we take them home for supper. We often have a good time.

Sometimes we go to see my uncle. He has a son, Jim. We often play football together. My uncle and Jim like meat very much. My mother cooks meat for them. I often help her. I like cooking meat and eating, too.

1.Tom often goes to _____ on Sundays.

  A. his uncle’s    B. the rivers or lakes          C. school      D. the lakes with his father

2. Who is Jim? He is _____.

  A. Tom’s friend       B. the Reads’ son      C. Tom’s uncle’s son      D. also a student

3. What do Tom and Jim like eating?

  A. Tom likes eating fish and Jim likes eating meat.               

B. They like eating fish.

  C. They like eating meat.               

D. Jim likes eating fish and Tom likes eating meat.


1.B 2.C 3.C 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据文章内容第一段第三行. We often go out in a car on Sundays. We often go to the rivers or lakes.可知答案为B 2.根据文章内容第二段内容Sometimes we go to see my uncle. He has a son, Jim.可知答案为C 3.根据文章内容第二段内容We often play football together. My uncle and Jim like meat very much. My mother cooks meat for them. I often help her. I like cooking meat and eating, too.可知答案为C 考点:本文的内容为记叙文。本文是介绍Tom一家人的情况,从兴趣到爱好。 点评 :在做题目时,要注意文章内容,从总体上把握文章内容,注意时态,人称和固定词组搭配。

What is your wish for the New Year? The following is some children’s ideas.

John: I wish to be a better boy to Mum and listen to her more. I also want to get better grades in school.

Kate: My wish is to change my school as there’s too much to study in this school.

Ann: I wish I could spend more time with Mum. She should stop working at the bank and take up a job at our neighbourhood toy shop.

Peter: I wish someone would find a way to help me walk with my only leg, so I can take part in activities and sports that I’m unable to do now.

Mary: I wish that I could save all my money, so I could buy presents for my mother, father and big sister on their birthdays.

Bob:  I wish for good health though I’m badly ill. I want to finish high school and take an IT course after.

Mark: I wish I could get more money to fix our house. There is a big hole in the wall and big mice run inside the room.

1.How many children can you find in the passage?

A. seven.          B. Four.            C. Three.           D. six.

2. Who is badly ill among the children?

A. Kate.            B. Peter.           C. Mary.            D. Bob.

3.What’s Mark’s wish?

A. To get better grades.             B. To change his school.

C. To buy some presents.             D. To fix their house.



Peter likes playing in a river .But there ___1__ a river near his new house .He is not very ____2___. One day ,he asks his mother ,“___3___ a river near here ?”“No, there isn’t ___4___,”his mother says ,“but our new house has a garden .”“I don’t like it,”says Peter .

One morning his mother says ,“There is a beautiful park near here ,Peter ,and there are two pools(水池)in it .We’ll go there this afternoon .”Peter is very happy .

After lunch, Peter and his mother ___5___the park, and he plays in one of the pools .He has a very good time.

1.  A. isn’t       B. is            C. aren’t        D. are

2.  A. cheap     B. busy         C. happy       D. cold

3.  A. There is   B. Are there    C. There are     D. Is there

4.  A. some         B. one       C. two         D. no

5.  A. go to        B. comes to      C. go         D. come



He is a 16-year-old boy. __1__name is Alan Brown. Alan is __2__ American high school student. He lives at __3__ Road. Art and music __4__ his favourite subjects. He loves studying and also loves sports. He usually goes swimming three or four times every week. And he walks after supper every _5__. Cool water and clean air always make him happy. American students are quite different from __6__. On Saturdays, he often has parties __7__ his friends and they always enjoy themselves. On Sundays, he usually __8__ at home and watches TV.

1.A. His            B. He           C. Him          D. /

2. A. a              B. an              C. /            D. An

3. A. park              B. Park        C. park’s          D. parks

4. A. is           B. like             C. are           D. /

5. A. evening        B. morning       C. noon           D. afternoon

6. A. our            B. you             C. we           D. us

7. A. and           B. but           C. with            D. at

8. A. work         B. studies        C. learn          D. speak



My uncle said he  __________for Shanghai the next day .

A.will leave

B.is leaving

C.would leave

D. leaves



Running in the morning can make me  ________ relaxed .


B.to feel

C. feel

D. Feeling



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