满分5 > 初中英语试题 >




  Holly: Did you see Jim Jensen? He used to be so wild!

    Greta: Yes, but he  1    (be). He looks very conservative(保守) now.

    Holly: Was he thin in high school? I don’t remember.

    Greta: Yes, and he  2    (be).

    Holly:  3    (he, wear) glasses?

    Greta: Yes, he does.

    Holly:  4    (he play) the guitar?

    Greta: Yes, he does, but now he plays classical guitar. He  5    (play) rock and roll  6    .

    Holly: Didn’t he used to have long hair?

    Greta: Yes, he did, but now he’s bald. I also saw Jan Bissing at the reunion(校庆). 

Remember her? She used to be the most popular girl in school.


    Holly: What does she look like now?  7    (she, look) the same?

    Greta: Yes, except for her hair. She  8    (have) long, brown hair  9    . It’s short and blonde. And she  10    (be) cute! She  11    (have) those big blue eyes and those thick eyelashes(眼睫毛).

    Holly: There was something different about her…didn’t she always used to wear a hat?

    Greta: Yes, and she  12    (do).

    Holly: Didn’t she used to date(和…约会) George Weissler?

Greta: She  13    (do)! In fact, they’re going to get married (结婚)next month.


 isn’t anymore   still is    Does he still wear   Does he still play   doesn’t play   anymore   Does she still  doesn’t have   anymore   is still    still has    still does  still does 【解析】  根据He used to be so wild!可知现在不同了,所以用not anymore表否定。  根据答语yes可知他现在仍然是这样。  根据答语“Yes, he does”问他仍然戴眼镜吗?用Does still...?  根据答语“Yes, he does”应该用Does still...?       根据“he plays classical guitar”所以用一般现在时doesn’t play  根据前一句的意思所以用anymore  根据答语“Yes, except for her hair”问她仍然看上去一样吗?所以用Does she still...?  根据后面提示“It’s short and blonde”说明不再留长发了,故用doesn’t have  由于前面有not所以用anymore        她仍然很可爱吗?用is still  她仍然有大眼睛浓眼睫毛,所以用still has  根据“didn’t she always used to wear a hat?”可知she still does  根据最后一句“In fact, they’re going to get married (结婚)next month.”可知她仍然和George Weissler约会。

用used to或anymore的正确形式填空

  My grandmother complains about how things have changed, and she says that life  1    be better.

    Families aren’t families the way they  2     be. Everyone’s divorced.(离婚) If a husband and wife are having problems with their marriage, they don’t stay together  3     . And mothers  4     stay home and take care of their children, but not  5    . Everyone’s working. 

No one has time for children  6    .

   And the cars! No one walks  7    ; everybody drives. We  8     walk five miles to school everyday, even in winter.

    And people don’t talk to each other  9    . They are too busy to talk, too busy to eat, too busy to think…

    Life  10     be simple, but it isn’t  11    .



用used to或一般现在时完成句子

1.I used to play tennis. I stopped playing a few years ago.

2. Do you do any sport? Yes, I play basketball.

3. ‘Have you got a car?’‘No, I _______________ one but I sold it.’

4. George _______________ a waiter. Now he’s the manager of a hotel.

5. ‘Do you go to work by car?’‘Sometimes but most days I_______________ by train.’

6.When I was a child, I never _______________ meat, but I eat it now.

7. Mary loves watching TV. She _______________ TV every evening.

8. We _______________ near the airport but we moved to the city centre a few years ago.

9.Normally I start work at 7 o’clock, so I _______________ up very early.

10. What games __________ you _______________ when you were a child?



看图,用used to完成句子





1. comic            a. almost no

2. hardly       b. fill with fear

3. insect       c. books or magazines with stories in the form of drawings

4. terrify      d. winged animals with 6 legs

5. dark         e. having little or no light




1 read comics   2 chew gum      3. short    4 get up early  5 medium build

6 play on the swim team     7 sleep with light on       8 play games           9 straight hair     10 heavy       11 watch TV     12 thin     13 paint pictures      14 attend gym class     15 eat candy

1.容貌外表__________  __________  __________  __________  __________

2.生活习惯__________  __________  __________  __________  __________

3.活动爱好__________  __________  __________  __________  __________



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