满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

____ Mr. Zhang gave us some good suggest...

____ Mr. Zhang gave us some good suggestions, we still didn’t deal with those problems very well.






A 【解析】此题考查连接词来引导状语从句。Though和but引导让步状语从句;两词不能同时出现在一个句子内。because引导原因状语从句。故被排除。根据题干的含义可知,尽管张老师给我们一些好的建议,但我们还是没有很好的解决这些问题,由此可知选择A。

Those poor children really need a house _____. 


B.to live

C.to live in

D.live in



—There is ____ with my watch, so I don’t know the time.    

—Let me have a look.

A.something wrong

B.anything wrong

C.wrong something

D.wrong anything





Father: Mike, yesterday you told me that you will have a Chinese test today. Why are you still in bed? You should get up and get   1   for school. If you don’t hurry up, you’ll be late.

Mike:  I don’t   2  very well.

Father: Oh, dear! What’s the matter?

Mike: I don’t know. I have a stomachache.

Father: Really? If you are   3  , you’ll have to   4   the doctor.

Mike: Can I have some breakfast?

Father: No, you   5   eat anything until you see the doctor.

Mike: Dad, I feel a little better now.




   Tom felt terrible. He had a   1   fever, so he went to see the  2   . The doctor said, “Listen   3   ! I’m going to give you three  4  medicine. First, these white pills.   5   one pill three times a day after  6  . Now look at these red ones. Take one every night before you go to bed. For these yellow pills, take two every  7  you get a headache, but never more than five times  8  a day.”

   Tom went back and did as(按照) the doctor  9  him and soon he felt much   10  .



1.Michael had a temperature because of the bad weather. (改为同义句)

Michael had _____________ ___________ because of the bad weather.

2. Tom’s mother looks worried. (对画线部分提问) ____________ does Tom’s mother ______________?

3. The novel ends with happiness. (对画线部分提问) ____________ _____________ the novel end with?

4. The boy will be able to go to school next year. (改为否定句)

The boy ____________ _____________ able to go to school next year.

5. He must stay at home to care for his grandpa. (改为同义句)

He must stay at home to ________ _____ his grandpa.



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