满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



1..                               2..                          3..

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quarter,  two                  want,  go,  zoo                Why not,  orange

4..                          5..

说明: 满分5 manfen5.com                  说明: 满分5 manfen5.com

short,  hair                  work,  hospital


1.It’s a quarter past two.                                                                                2.I want to go to the zoo.                                                                                 3.Why not have / eat an orange?                                                                                 4.He has short hair.                                                                                 5.She works in a / the hospital.  【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据所给单词及图片内容可知考察时间表达方法,…… past ……,几点过几分.                                                                                2.根据所给单词可知考察want用法,注意want后接带to的不定式作宾语。结合图片可知是去动物园。                                                                                3.根据所给单词可知考试句式Why not do sth为什么不做某事?注意not后面接动词原形。根据图片可知是吃橘子。                                                                               4.根据所给单词及图片内容可知句意为:他长着短发。结合语境可知本句描述的是客观状态,故用一般现在时态。主语he是的单数第三人称,故谓语动词用单数。                                                                                5.根据所给单词及图片可知句意为:他在医院工作。结合语境可知本句描述的是客观状态,故用一般现在时态。主语he是的单数第三人称,故谓语动词用单数。 考点:看图写话


1.I’d like two              (公斤)of meat, please.

2.Help              (你们自己), kids.

3.—What’s              (四十)and fifty?

—It’s ninety.

4.The book is too dear and I’ll              (考虑)it.

5.Kate likes orange              (一点儿).




1.I meet Jim              (on / in)my way home.

2.Let’s go              (fish / fishing).

3.There are six              (knife / knives)in the bag.

4.My grandparents are old. My father              (have to / has to)live with them.

5.—            (Whose / Who’s)the girl in white?

—She is my friend.




Han Mei:Would you like to have dinner with me?

Jane: 1. 

(Han Mei and Jane are in a restaurant.)

Waiter :Welcome! May I take your order?

Han Mei:Jane,   2. 

Jane:I’d like some chicken and some rice.

Han Mei: 3. 

Jane:Yes. A glass of apple juice, please. 4.

Han Mei:I’d like some fish, some rice

and a glass of juice, please.

Waiter :OK.

(A few minutes later(以后))

Han Mei:Help yourself, Jane.

Jane: 5. 

Han Mei:That’s OK.

说明: 满分5 manfen5.com



Dear Emma,

Are you free this afternoon? Can you bring(带来)these things to me? I am at school now. I need my shoes, T-shirt, English book, bag and pens. My shoes are white. They’re under the sofa. My English book and bag are on the desk. My pens are in the pencil-box(铅笔盒)and the pencil-box is in the drawer(抽屉). Thanks a lot.




Sally is at 1            now.

Sally needs her shoes,   2         , English book, bag and pens.

Sally’s shoes are 3           the sofa.

Sally’s English book is on the4           .

The letter is from 5           .




It’s Peter’s birthday(生日)this Sunday. Peter and his good friends, Kate, Lily and Kangkang, go to the West Hill. Peter’s friends take a lot of food. They will have a picnic for his birthday.   1. 

Kangkang and Peter play games(游戏)2. At noon(中午), Peter is hungry. 3. So he asks Kate to cook for him. Lily helps Kate cook. There is no water. 4.Peter is next to a tall tree. He plays with his dog.

They think the picnic is very nice. 5.

A.He wants to eat something, but he can’t cook.

B.Kangkang has to get some water for them.

C.Peter will go there with his cute dog.

D.And Lily and Kate sings some sings.

E.They have a good time.



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