满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Betty will ring me up as soon as she ___...

Betty will ring me up as soon as she ________ in Shanghai.

A.arrive            B.arrives            C.arrived           D.will arrive


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:当她已到达上海,贝蒂就会打电话给我。当主句为一般将来时态时,状语从句中用一般现在时态表示将来动作,本句主句为一般将来时态,故选B。 考点:状语从句的时态

I have been to London. I ____________ there last month.

A.go               B.went             C.have gone         D.will go



—Who listens _________, Eric , Brad or Rick?

—Of course Brad.

A.the most carefully                       B.more carefully

C.the most careful                        D.more careful






现在,某英文报纸正在开展题为“The important person in my life” 的征文活动。请你投稿,稿件内容包括:你生活中最重要的那个人是谁?描述一件发生在你们之间的事儿, 并谈谈你的感受。

提示词语:important person, remember, help, wonderful, think





The cinema is very near. ________ go there on foot.


I’m from Beijing. Where do you ________ ?

3. 为了赶上其他同学,汤姆正在努力学习。

Tom is studying hard to _______ other students.


The problem ________ explain now.

5. 玛丽不仅自己喜欢下棋,还花时间教别人如何下棋。

Mary ________ play chess.




Do you want to keep your brain active and your memory strong? Here are some useful ways:

Choose the Brain Food

A proper diet will help keep your mind running strong all day long. Make sure to include plenty of fruits and green vegetables. Some of the best foods include: blueberries, blackberries, fish and fish oil, eggs, strawberries and so on.


Get your body moving and your memory will soon follow. Exercise improves the heart’s blood flow. This, in turn, helps the brain function better and stay sharper.

Pick up a Book

The key to keeping your memory quick is to continue to challenge it. Try to always have a book in hand. After you’ve done reading a section or two, question and review the material you’ve read. Try to imagine what you’re reading. Discuss what you’ve read, and talk about it with friends or join a book club.

Develop Interest

We remember new things because we enjoy them. Find ways to make a boring subject fun by connecting it to something you already know. You can use your imagination and create a fun story behind a subject to help make it easier to remember.

Repeat after Me

When learning new information, the more you repeat it, the more likely you will be able to remember that information. Practice is the key to lasting memory.

Share with Others

Don’t keep your knowledge stored up. Teaching others is another great way to improve memory skills. Don’t be afraid of taking on new challenges. After learning something, it’s necessary to put the new information to use.

1. What will help keep the mind running strong?

2. What’s the key to keeping your memory quick?

3. Why do you remember new things?

4. How many useful ways are mentioned in the passage?

5. What does the writer tell us in the passage?



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