满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—_____________? —Quite well, thanks. A....

 —_____________? —Quite well, thanks.   

A.What do you do                        B.What do you think of it

C.How are you getting on with your Math       D.Are you quite good at English


C 【解析】 试题分析:A. What do you do 你是做什么的?  B. What do you think of it 你认为这个怎么样?C. How are you getting on with your Math你的数学学得怎么样?D. Are you quite good at English你非常擅长于英语吗?通过回答看,非常好,谢谢。可知应该询问数学学得怎么样?故选C. 考点:习惯用语的辨析

—Do you know the man wearing a pair of glasses?

—Yes. He’s a teacher of ________. He teaches ________ History.

A.me; us            B.my; our           C.mine; us          D.mine; our



My father is not here, you’d better call him ________ 3 p.m.________ 5 p.m. tomorrow.

A.from; and         B.from; to           C.between; and      D.between; to



It’s snowing so ________ that we can ________ go out now.

A.hard; hard                            B.hard; hardly

C.hardly; hardly                          D.hardly; hard



---I’m hungry. Could I have some bread?

---I’m afraid there’s _______ left, and ________ of us has any spare time to get some.

A.none; none        B.nothing; none      C.none; no one      D.something; none



---Is John coming by train?    ---He should, but he ________ not. He likes driving his car.

A.must             B.can              C.may              D.need



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