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选词填空(共10小题;每题2分,满分20分) 从方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用正确...


说明: 满分5 manfen5.com


1.No country __________________such great progress as China in the past thirty years.

2.The woman ________________________you if you don’t agree with her.

3.He ________________________________from time to time in the past.

4.The farmers ________________________the trees when the policemen came.

5.The volunteers _______________________________to save the pandas in Sichuan because many of them have disappeared.  

6.It’s _____________for her to finish the task in such a short time.

7.In our society , the old ___________________________by the government.

8.I want to know where ______________________________to solve the problem.

9.If people want to live better, they must pay attention to ___________the pollution

10.He always listens to the teacher____________, so he often fails the exam.


1.has made 2.will quarrel with 3.felt lonely 4.were cutting down 5.are making up their mind /have made up their mind 6.impossible 7.are taken good care of 8.to ask for advice 9.reducing  10.carelessly 【解析】 试题分析:1.句意:在过去的30年里,没有哪个国家像中国那样取得了巨大的发展。题目有时间状语in the past thirty years.在过去的三十年,在句中要用现在完成时。 2.句意:如果你不同意她,女人将会和你争吵。if引导的条件状语从句注意主将从现的现象。quarrel with sb与某人吵架 3.句意:过去,他常常感到孤独。句中in the past.在过去。是个过去的时间状语,句子要用一般过去时。 4.句意:当警察来的时候,农民正在砍树。句中有when the policemen came,时间状语,根据语境要用过去进行时态,表过去正在进行。 5.句意:志愿者下决心要救助四川的大熊猫,因为很多大熊猫已经消失了。make up their mind to do sth下决心做某事 6.句意:对她来说,在这么短的时间内完成任务是不可能的。impossible不可能的 7.句意:在我们的社会,老人们被政府照顾的很好。句中要用被动形式,are taken good care of被照顾的很好。 8.句意:我想知道去哪里寻找解决问题的方法。ask for advice寻求建议,where to do sth疑问词+不定式,去哪里做某事。 9.句意:如果人们想生活的更好,应该注意减少环境污染。pay attention to doing注意做某事。 10.句意:他总是不认真听老师讲课,所以他经常考试不及格。carelessly粗心地,副词修饰动词listen. 考点:副词、动词短语及固定结构等


Dear Li Lei,

Thank you for your last letter. I’d like to tell you about a good 1. f  __  of mine. His name is John. Next week, he will 2. v  ___  China, but he knows nothing about the country. Can you 3. m  ___  him at the airport?

Look, here is a picture of him. He is tall with short, black hair. He has two 4. b  _ ___  eyes. On the day he arrives, he will wear a light blue shirt and white trousers. He doesn’t wear

5.g  ____ .

Could you help me? Thank you very much.




1.The fight ________(反对) financial crisis(金融危机) has lasted for almost ten years.

2.We hope that the little girl can tell us the _______________(真相).

3.There is no doubt that you’re ________(完全地) wrong, and you must say sorry for what you did..

4.Space boots will probably become even ______________________in the future.(fashion)

5.He took a few deep ________(breathe) to make himself relaxed.



 Warner Brothers is an American company that produces movies and television shows. It started as a small family business operated by four brothers — Harry, Albert, Sam and Jack Warner. In nineteen-oh-three, the brothers began their business by traveling throughout Ohio and Pennsylvania showing movies using a projector (放映机). By nineteen-oh-seven, they opened a movie theater in New Castle, Pennsylvania. Within ten years, the Warner brothers started producing movies, and moved that part of the business to California.

  In nineteen eighteen, their first complete picture was called “My Four Years in Germany.” The film was based on a book by the United States’ ambassador to the court of Kaiser Wilhelm. In nineteen twenty-five, they began to work to include the technology for sound in their movies.

  Two years later, Warner Brothers Pictures released the first major movie with sound, or “talking picture.” It was called “The Jazz Singer” and it was a huge success. In the nineteen thirties, the company made several films that were highly praised, including “Little Caesar,” “The Public Enemy”, “The Gold Diggers” and “Forty-Second Street.”

  The Warner Brothers’ success continued in the nineteen forties with movies like “The Maltese Falcon,” and “Casablanca.” Movies during this time starred popular actors like Ingrid Bergman, Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney, Gary Cooper and Bette Davis. The company continues to produce popular movies today.

  By the nineteen seventies, the Warner Brothers studios had also become well set up in television. In nineteen ninety, Warner Communications combined with Time Incorporated to form Time Warner Incorporated.

In two thousand one, the company combined with America Online. The company now includes film production, cable television networks, music and publishing. This year, the company announced a deal with the CBS Corporation to form a new television broadcast network. The CW began broadcasting this month.

1.According to the text, at the beginning of their business the four brothers __________.

A.started a movie theater

B.started to produce films

C.were projectionists

D.settled their business in California

2.The Warner Brothers produced its first talking picture in ___________.

A.1918             B.1925             C.1927             D.1930

3.According to the text, which of the following is not sound film?

A.The Maltese Falcon


C.Forty-Second Street

D.My Four Years in Germany

4.We can see from the text that ___________.

A.The Warner Brothers has closed.

B.The Warner Brothers has expanded(扩张) its business greatly since it was set up.

C.The CW doesn’t belong to the Warner Brothers.

D.People in the U.S. can’t buy music records produced by the Warner Brothers.



 I remember my maths teacher Mr Young very well. He stood out because the kids made fun of him. He was missing one of his fingers. In school Maths was my worst subject. I don’t think there was ever a day I went to school that I was not afraid.

One day, I was told that if I got one more E on my report card, my parents would be called to school.

I tried really hard for weeks to learn Maths. I just couldn’t understand how to make different parts of numbers into whole things; my brain just couldn’t do it, no matter how hard I tried.

The day before report cards were to come out, I knew that Mr Young would give me an E, just like he always did.

After class ended, I went to Mr Young and told him what would happen if I got another E. He told me there was nothing he could do; it would be unfair to the other kids if he gave me a better grade than I had actually earned.

I looked at the teacher and said, “Mr Young, you know how all the kids make fun of you because you’re missing your finger?”

He looked at me, and said nothing.

“They shouldn’t do that to you because you can’t help not having a finger, Mr Young. Just like I can’t help not being able to learn numbers and matters like that,” I said.

Again, he said nothing as he looked down at his desk, and began grading papers.

The next day, when I got my report card, I looked at my grades: Geography: B- , English: D-  , History: C- , Gym: B+ , Art: C, Maths: D- .

That Math grade was the most favorite one I ever received in my whole life. I knew that someone in the world finally understood what it was like for me to be missing a finger inside my head.

1.Where was Mr Young different from others?

A.He had only nine fingers in all.

B.He played jokes with students.

C.He usually gave higher mark to students.

D.He taught Maths in an interesting way.

2.What would happen to the writer if he got another E?

A.He would be asked to leave school.

B.He might be punished by his parents.

C.He would not be allowed to play any more.

D.He would be laughed at by other students.

3.The writer got a Math D- at last because            .

A.he achieved a higher level after working hard

B.Mr Young was afraid of being made fun of again

C.Mr Young knew the trouble of being poor in mind

D.Mr Young thanked him for telling him the opinions of students

4.The story tells us that              .

A.students should respect(尊敬) the disabled teachers

B.teachers should treat all the students fairly

C.students need to be cared for in their study,

D.teachers should have an understanding of the students



 As many as 10 of the 17 kinds of penguins(企鹅)may be in danger of disappearing. The number of penguins have decreased(减少) by 30% since 1987.

  Penguins are black and white birds that live in the southern part of the world. They are common in South America,New Zealand,Australia and South Africa. Many live near cold waters. But some live near warm waters in Galapagos Islands. Penguins cannot fly,but they are fine swimmers. Penguins eat fish and krill(磷虾).

  The warming of the earth is the decrease in penguin populations. The heating of the air has caused ocean waters to become warmer. Higher water temperatures have reduced the supply of fish and krill. Some years later these birds are completely unable to reproduce(繁殖).  Besides,many adult penguins die of hunger.

  Widespread(广泛的) fishing,exploration for oil and oil leaks(漏) also make penguins be in danger. Poisonous organisms(生物) in ocean water are another danger. Penguins also have their enemies,including wild dogs,sharks,seals and sea lions.

  News about penguins is not all bad,however. Several years ago,oil leaking from a ship hurt 40% of the penguins in South Africa. The penguins became covered with oil. But thousands of people helped clean and treat the birds well. Then they returned the penguins to the wild.  Now these South African penguins are reproducing in higher numbers than before the oil leaking.

1.Penguins ___________.

A.can swim better than fly                  B.can be found near Oceania (大洋洲)

C.eat fish only冬腊月                     D.live only in cold waters.

2.Which of the following is NOT the cause of penguin's decrease in numbers?

A.Oil searching.                          B.Widespread fishing.

C.Human's killing.                         D.Warming of the oceans.

3. Why are the penguins in South Africa reproducing in higher numbers than before the oil leaking?

A.Because people removed the ship.

B.Because people sent a lot of penguins to the wild.

C.Because people helped the penguins.

D.Because people treated the penguins well.



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