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书面表达 俗话说:“人是铁,饭是钢,一餐不吃饿得慌”,健康饭食关系到青少年的身心...


俗话说:“人是铁,饭是钢,一餐不吃饿得慌”,健康饭食关系到青少年的身心健康成长,请根据以下提供内容和提示词以“Healthy Eating”为题写一篇作文。

提示:1、健康饮食的重要性(important, energy).  2、良好的饮食习惯(keep a balanced diet).  3、健康饮食的益处(Make……strong).


略 【解析】 试题分析:本题是围绕健康饮食展开叙述,首先应该说明健康饮食的重要性,然后,分别叙述如何才能保持健康。最后,要发出倡议,号召大家保持健康饮食。在写作时,本文的主语可以用第二人称,时态一般应该用一般现在时。应该尽量包括文中提示的内容,可稍加拓展。 考点:提纲类作文



A: Excuse me.1.___________________? I haven’t seen him for weeks.

B: Jim’s gone to England.

A: Really?2._________________?

B: He went there last week.


B: Yes, He had lived there for 15 years before he came to China.


B: He traveled with his friends.


B: He’ll be away for about two weeks.

A: Oh, thank you.  I’ll phone him this evering.





1.Low-carbon is a popular word nowadays.  We should make a great contribution to__________(保护)the environment.

2.There are 56_______(民族)in China.  We are like a big family.

3.There will be a ________(强) Wind in the northeast of china.

4.GPS is one of the greatest__________(发明) in the world.

5.Bolt is a magic__________(奔跑着) in the world I think.

6.I’m Sorry to tell you that the situation has become _______(坏) than before.



Are the lives of city kids the same as those in villages? In lots of ways, they are very different.  But what are the differences?

Hu Peng and his four friends decided to find them out.  Earlier this month, they went to live for a week at Huagui Village near Xishui.  They went door to door there and asked kids there lots of questions.  They wanted to learn more about village kids’ everyday lives, so they asked questions like these: Do your parents teach you how to do housework? How much money do you usually spend on dinner? What would you do if a thief comes into your houses? They also asked 150 city kids the same question.

On April 12, the team gave a report to their class.  They told about lots of differences between children’s lives in cities and those in villages.  The biggest difference is independence.  Hu’s team say that more than 60 percent of city kids can’t do much housework, but more than 80 percent of village kids can care for themselves.

City kids told Hu they cared about school a lot, and they had no time to wash clothes or make their beds.  Village kids said they helped their parents with a lot: they cook, clean houses and feed farm animals, Hu’s team also saw that village kids had less pocket money.  Many never use computers.  They play in rivers or on mountains.  Some don’t really like to make new friends.

Hu’s team said their trip gave them more self-confidence(自信心) because they were doing something by them-selves.  But it also worried them a bit because they saw they still had a lot to learn.  “When we grow up, our parents can’t take care of us,” Hu said.  “We have to learn to take care of ourselves. ”


Kids in the city

Kids in the country

Can’t do much housework


No time to wash clothes or make bed


Have pocket money

Have less pocket money

Use computers



Don’t like to make new friends



Our earth is in trouble.  Our drinking water is becoming dirtier, and the air is not as clean as before.  People and factories are polluting the air, rivers and lakes and seas.  You may think that there is mothing you can do to help.  That’s not true.  There are many things you can do to help the earth.

Cars burn gasoline.  This will produce a lot of CO2 into the air.  Some people believe that too much CO2 is making the earth warmer than ever.  They think CO2 thins the clouds above us.  The clouds keep us away from the strongest sunlight.  So try to walk, ride a bike or take a bus.  And if you drive a car, drive at a steady speed.  This can save some gasoline.

The biggest energy use at home is for keeping warm and cool.  So turn the air conditioner off when you don’t need to use it.  Use lights that save energy.

Use fewer things that cannot be used again.  When you buy something, consider those made from things that can be used again first.

(1)要用大量的水来洗澡沐浴。In one week an American family uses as much water for showers as a person drinks in three years! Buy a waterworks that uses less water, or take shorter showers.  This can cut the use of water.



2.找出 If there is too much CO2 in the air, the earth will become warmer 的同义句。






Bicycles, a long-forgotten vehicle that seems to belong to the last century, are returning to the streets of Guangzhou, as the city starts to ban the running of motorcycle in urban Guangzhou.

“Business has never been so good for my shop,” said Chen Yongwu, a bicycle shop owner at the city’s Donghua West Road, “I have to work 12 hours a day to meet the demand of my customers. ”

“Even my wife and brother-in-law have to give me a hand lately. ”

Chen originally ran a motorcycle repair shop.  He grasped the opportunity of the motorcycle ban, and started his bicycle business soon after hearing about the banning.

“I sold 23 bicycles on January 2 alone. ” Said Chen.

Bicycle is more convenient and healthier

“My home is one kilometer from the metro station,” said a middle-aged man who is waiting for his bicycle at Chen’s shop, “it is too tiresome to walk to the station, but taking a bus for such a short distance is a waste of money. ”

“So I decided to buy a bicycle. ”

The bicycle costs around 600 yuan, which is equal to the bus fare of half a year.

“Besides, riding a bicycle to work is much healthier than riding a bus. ”

The bicycle buyers can be categorized into two groups.  One group of buyers buy the bicycles for the transportation of small commodities; the other ride the bicycles to work.

Arising problems

Riding a bicycle to work may be healthy, but it is not without problems.

The lack of bicycle lanes has posed a big threat to the safety of the bicycle riders in Guangzhou.

“I was riding my bicycle on Huifu West Road on day,” said Mr.  Zhang, “then suddenly the bus pulled over besides me near the bus station. ”

“I was so frightened at the time, because the bus nearly hit me. ”

The sideways in Guangzhou are usually crowded with foot passengers, so citizens also could not use the sideways.

“It is worse than walking. ”

Besides, finding a place a park the bicycles could be very difficult, much more difficult then finding a place to park your car.

1.What is the min topic of the passage?

A.Motorcycle ban.


C.Convenience of riding a bicycle

D.Problems brought by bicycles

2.What is the purpose of the 2nd paragraph to the 5th paragraph?

A.To prove that more people choose to ride bicycles.

B.To persuade people into buying bicycles.

C.To ensure that there are enough bicycles to buy.

D.To prove that the bicycle business helps get a lot more profit.

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.A lot of motorcycle repair shop started their bicycle business after the ban.

B.Taking a bus is much healthier than riding a bike.

C.Guangzhou has designed lanes particularly for bicycle riders.

D.Finding a parking space for bikes can be more difficult than for cars.

4.Where can the passage most likely come from?

A.A magazine        B.A newspaper       C.A textbook        D.A booklet



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