满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据要求完成小作文,词数30词。 每个人都有最好的朋友,假如王林是你最好的朋友,...




(略) 【解析】 试题分析:本题是写一篇我最好的朋友王林有关情况的书面表达,根据提示信息我们可以从王林的性格特征,王林的爱好,王林的生活等方面介绍介绍王林,介绍时应注意主要使用单数第三人称,在写本题时,除了注意时态的变化,也要注意语言的准确性和连贯性。 考点:命题作文。

What will you do if weight keeps going up? Here are ideas to help you stay healthy:

Don’t sit around

Stay active. Try to exercise 30 to 60 minutes every day. Your exercise doesn’t have to be hard. Start small. Take the stairs instead of the elevator(电梯). Walk or ride a bike to places such as school or a friend’s house. Help your mum with housework, such as cleaning windows or the bathroom. It all burns fat. Make changes from time to time so you don’t get bored: Try running, biking, skating. There are many choices. Don’t spend long hours watching TV or playing video games. Even reading a book burns more fat.

Eat healthy

Truly different kinds of food and get enough fruits and vegetables each day. Drink water and low fat milk instead of soft drinks like Cola. Stay away from fast food. Eat when you are hungry, not when you are bored or because you can’t think of anything else to. Don’t eat meals or snacks while watching TV because you’ll probably end up eating more than you need. Some worry so much about their weight that they don’t eat breakfast. This is a bad idea. Teenagers need enough food. If not, you won’t get the nutrients you need to grow normally.

Don’t rush to go on a diet

Even if you are a little heavier than your fiends, you still may be normal. Remember to talk to doctors and your parents before you decide to lose weight.



Don’t sit around

Stay 1._____Try to exercise 30 to 60 minutes every day

Don’t spend long hours2.______TV or playing video games

Even reading a book burns more fat

Don’t eat fast food

Try 3._____ kinds of food and get enough fruits and vegetables each day

Don’t eat when you are bored or because you can’t think of anything else to do.

Eat when you are4. ______

Don’t rush to go on a 5.______

Talk to doctors and your parents before you decide to lose weight




How would you like to live in a land where the sun shines day and night? There are place in the polar regions where, for North, the sun never sets! This is known as the land of the Midnight Sun. This period of sunlight can last up to six months.

This happens because the Earth tilts(倾斜). When the North Pole is tilted towards the sun, it has constant (不断) daylight. As the same time, the South Pole is tilted away from the sun. It is in darkness.

Six months later, the South Pole tilts to the sun and has constant daylight. Then the North Pole is tilts away. It has darkness.

1. Where can you see the Midnight Sun?

2.How long can the period of sunlight last?

3.Why can we see the Midnight Sun?

4.When there is Midnight Sun in the North Pole?

5.What happens in the South Pole?



Have you ever hoped a toy balloon? They are very light. But there are much bigger balloons can fly very high up in the sky. They are big enough to carry people. They are called hot-air balloons.

To make a hot-air balloon go up, turn on the burner(燃烧器). That will make the air inside the balloon hotter. Then the balloon will go up.

To make the balloon go down, turn off the burner. The air inside the balloon will get cooler. Then the balloon will go down. Underneath(在….下面) the balloon there is a large basket. That is where the pilot and the passengers go.

The burner is just above the basket. You can stand in the basket and turn the burner on and off. The balloon will go where the wind is blowing the right way! Do you want the balloon to go somewhere special? First make sure the wind is blowing the right way!

People have been flying in hot-air balloons for over two hundred years. Before planes it was the only way of flying. Today people fly in hot-air balloon for fun. Some people like to race hot-air balloons.

1.A hot-air balloon is ____

A.smaller than a toy balloon                 B.bigger than a toy balloon

C.the same as a toy balloon                 D.lighter than a toy balloon

2.Where will you sit if you want to fly in the balloon?

A.Inside the basket                        B.On top of the balloon

C.Under the basket                       D.Inside the balloon

3.You want the balloon to go up. So you will ____

A.jump out of the balloon

B.let the air out of the balloon

C.make the air inside the balloon hotter

D.let the air inside the balloon cool down

4.Now you are high up in the sky. If you want the balloon go down, you will _____

A.make your friends go out of the basket

B.make a hole in the balloon with a knife

C.make the air inside the balloon hotter

D.make the air inside the balloon cooler

5. Now everything is all right! The balloon is flying across the sky. Where are you going?

A.Towards the sun                        B.To the seaside

C.Where the wind blows you.                D.To the nearest mountains



Once there were two crows (乌鸦)whose opinions(观点) were always opposite.

One day, one of the crows said to the other, “ You should realize, of course, that I can fly much higher than you.”

“ Don’t be ridiculous (荒谬的).” the other crow said. “ Everyone knows that I can fly much higher than you.”

“No, you can’t” the first crow said.

“Yes, I can” the second crow replied, and the argument went on and on.

At last they decided to have a contest to solve the argument.

“ We will compete to find out who can fly higher while carrying a bag” the first crow said.

They argued for some time because of the size of the bag, but at last came to an agreement.

Then there was a further argument about what each bag would be filled with. Finally, they agreed that the first crow would fill his bag with cotton and the second crow would fill his with salt.

The first crow thought he was clever to agree to this, because salt is much heavier than cotton. At last they were ready for the contest. Holding their bag in their mouths, they flew into the sky.

They had not been flying for long. However, when it began to rain- as the second crow had expected it would. Can you guess who could fly higher?

1.The two crows were arguing about ____

A.who was much clever

B.who can fly higher

C.how to fly into the sky

D.how to carry the bag

2.The underlined phrase “came to an agreement” means ____ in Chinese.

A.达成一致         B.争论结束          C.请来裁判         D.争论升级

3.In the rain the bag with cotton in it would got ____.

A.lighter            B.heavier           C.bigger            D.smaller

4.The second crow filled his bag with salt because he thought ____

A.salt was lighter                         B.cotton was heavier

C.it would rain                           D.he would need some salt

5.How many times did the two crows argue?

A.Once             B.Twice             C.Three times        D.Four times




俗话说:“人是铁,饭是钢,一餐不吃饿得慌”,健康饭食关系到青少年的身心健康成长,请根据以下提供内容和提示词以“Healthy Eating”为题写一篇作文。

提示:1、健康饮食的重要性(important, energy).  2、良好的饮食习惯(keep a balanced diet).  3、健康饮食的益处(Make……strong).



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