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As a kid, everyone wants to learn how to...

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As a kid, everyone wants to learn how to ride a bike. Here is some advice to_1_ you be on your way.

The bike. Start with a bicycle and it’s small enough for your feet to touch the _2_. If you lose your balance, you can put your feet to the ground _3_.

Training grounds. You need a big place for the first part of your practice. Be sure to wear something to keep _4_.

Keeping your balance. It’s very important to learn how to keep your balance. You may practice this easily. _5_ your bike to the higher place. Sit on the bike seat  _6_both feet on the ground. Lift both feet a few inches to let the bike roll down. If you start to fall, just put your feet on the ground. Try practicing this several times _7_ you get your balance.

Pedaling(踩动). After you get your balance, it’s time to _8_ learning how to pedal. Start by sitting on the bike seat. With your left foot on the ground and your right foot on the pedal, then push _9_ on the pedal. Push off with your left foot. Keep on practicing until you learn it well.

Braking(刹车). Catch them lightly at first, slowly increasing the pressure to get to a full _10_. Remember that braking hard while going fast can cause you fall over.

1.                A.hold           B.help           C.feel  D.wish


2.                A.tree           B.floor           C.ground   D.bike


3.                A.at first          B.at last          C.on time   D.at once


4.                A.dangerous      B.safe            C.warm    D.cool


5.                A.Take           B.Bring           C.Give D.Ask


6.                A.under          B.over           C.with D.after


7.                A.because        B.though         C.until D.after


8.                A.start           B.keep           C.enjoy D.finish


9.                A.up            B.down           C.in   D.on


10.               A.look           B.stop           C.beginning D.turn



1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文中作者主要介绍了如何学习骑自行车的方法。 1.联系下文,可知此处指的是这有一些帮助你上路的建议。故选B,帮助。 2.联系下文,可知此处指的是接触地面,故选C,地面。 3.联系上文,如果你失去平衡,可知此处指的是立即用脚站到地上,故选D,立即。 4.结合语境可知此处指的是保持安全的意思,故选B,安全。 5.联系下文,可知此处指的是把你的自行车带到高处去,故选A,带走,拿。 6.介词辨析。A.在……下面;B.越过,在……纸上;C.带有,伴随;D.在……之后。句意:坐在后座上,两脚着地。结合语境可知此处表示伴随动作,故选C。 7.联系下文,可知此处指的是这样练习几次,直到你掌握了平衡,故选C。 8.动词辨析。A.开始;B.坚持,保持;C.喜欢,享受;D.完成。结合语境可知此处指的是开始学踩踏,故选A。 9.联系常识骑自行车应该是向下踏踏板,故选B,向下。 10.联系前文,可知此处指的是完全停下来。故选B,停止。 考点:关于学骑自行车的说明文


-- I can’t move the box. Can you help me?

A.What do you do?                       B.What’s the problem?

C.What can you do?                       D.How are you?



--Could I go skating with you, dad?

-- ____. You have to practice piano at home.

A.I am afraid not                          B.Have a good time

C.Of course                             D.You should do that



--Could you tell me __________?

--Of course, last night.

A.when you reached Beijing                 B.why you came to Beijing

C.how you came to Beijing                  D.where you came from



--Don’t forget to turn off the lights if you are the last one to leave.

-- _______.

A.Me, neither        B.I won’t          C.Me, too           D.I will



-- I’m sorry I ______ my homework at home.

-- That’s all right. Remember ______ it to school tomorrow.

A.forgot; to take                          B.forgot; to bring

C.left; to take                            D.left; to bring



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