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Eagles are members of the bird family. M...

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Eagles are members of the bird family. More than 60 kinds live in Africa. Once there was a baby eagle living in a nest on a cliff(悬崖). The baby eagle loved his nest. It was warm, soft and comfortable. And even better, he had all the food and love that his mother could give. Whenever the baby eagle was hungry, his mother would always come just in time with delicious food he liked.

He was growing happily day after day. But suddenly his world changed. His mother stopped coming to the nest. He was full of sadness and fear. He thought he would die soon. He cried, but nobody heard him.

Two days later his mother came with some nice food. The baby eagle was wild with joy. But his mother put the food at the top of the mountain and then looked down at her baby. The baby eagle cried out, “Mom, why did you do this to me? I’m hungry. Don’t you know I will die if I have nothing to eat?”

“Here is the last meal I give you. Come and get it by yourself.” his mother said. Then she flew down and pushed the baby out of the nest.

The baby eagle fell down, faster and faster. He looked up at his mom, “Why do you abandon me?” He looked down at the earth. The ground was much closer. Then something strange happened. The air caught behind his arms and he began to fly! He wasn’t moving to the ground any more. Instead, his eyes were pointed up at the sun. “You are flying! You can make it!” His mother smiled.

1.Which of the following is true about the baby eagle’s life before his mother stopped coming to the nest?

A.He lived in a nest in a tree.                B.His mother gave him nice food.

C.He was always cold and hungry.             D.He lived very happily with his friends.

2.How did the eagle feel as soon as he saw his mother coming again?

A.Sad.              B.Happy.            C.Afraid.            D.Angry.

3.What did the baby eagle’s mother do when she came the last time?

A.She put some food in the nest.

B.She just came to see him again.

C.She shouted at her baby eagle and flew away.

D.She pushed her baby eagle out of the nest..

4.The underlined word “abandon” means _________ in Chinese.

A.抛弃             B.保护             C.歧视             D.拯救

5.We can infer from the story that the baby eagle ___________.

A.lost his mother                         B.fell down and died

C.could get food himself                    D.was still angry with his mother


1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了幼鹰的成长,在离开母亲之前,幼鹰一直是靠母亲的喂养.直到有一天在母亲的强制下,自己学会了飞翔.从而自己能获取食物.也告诉我们要学会独立生活,不能事事依赖父母. 1.根据短文第一段描述,可知选B,他的母亲每天为它提供精美的食物. 2.根据Two days later his mother came with some nice food. The baby eagle was wild with joy.描述,可知选B. 3.根据“Here is the last meal I give you. Come and get it by yourself.” his mother said. Then she flew down and pushed the baby out of the nest.描述,可知选D. 4.联系前文描述,可知这个幼鹰以为是母亲抛弃了自己,故选A. 5.根据短文最后一段描述,可知幼鹰学会了飞翔,故它可以自己获取食物.选C. 考点:关于鹰的哲理性记述文阅读

Is there someone you hate? Well, maybe you don’t really hate them. But you get really angry every time you think of them. If you don’t let this anger go, it can turn into bitterness(痛苦)。

Bitterness often appears when we can’t forgive someone who has hurt us or made us angry. Someone might say or do something that hurts us. But instead of controlling the anger, we keep it deep inside. Before long, a bitter feeling begins to grow. We may think we’re hurting that person by criticizing(指责) him or her often, but we’re really only hurting ourselves.

Bitterness can not only lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, but also hurt our relationship with friends and family members. No one enjoys being around an anger person for very long.

If you see bitterness in your life, here are some ways to help you to deal with it.

Accept(接受) it

Instead of trying to deny your anger, make it clear to yourself and accept it. See your anger for what it is and quickly deal with it.

Stop making excuses for it

You may feel you have a right to be angry. You may think you’re right and the other person is wrong. You may even secretly enjoy making the other person look bad. But in the end, bitterness hurts you much more than the other person. The bitterness will hold you back, and the other person will go on with his or her life.

Forgive(原谅) and forget it

You probably can’t completely put the anger out of your mind. But you can decide to forgive the other person. Forget it and move on. You’ll enjoy better health and peace of mind.

1.According to the passage, we might get angry when someone_________.

A.holds us back      B.forget us          C.doesn’t like us    D.does hurt us

2.Bitterness comes from      .

A.our health problems like hear disease

B.the anger that lives deep inside our mind

C.the person who says something that hurts us

D.our relationship with friends and family members

3.The underlined word “deny” in the passage means         .

A.误解             B.否认             C.疏远             D.减轻

4.The best way to deal with the bitterness is to___________.

A.make the person who hurts you look bad

B.hate the person who hurts us often

C.accept that we are hurting the other person

D.forgive the person who hurts us and forget it

5.The writer wrote this article to tell us that ______________.

A.we should enjoy someone who hurts us

B.we should pay more attention to our friends.

C.the peace of mind is more important than hurt itself

D.it’s better to let bitterness go along with the other person



说明: 满分5 manfen5.com

Now throwing shoes at somebody is a favorite game on the Internet. Sometimes you should throw your shoes. Here is an example.

After leaving his office at the center of city, a young man bought a new car and drove it from the city to his home.

He was very happy and the car ran very fast. Suddenly, a shoe hit the car in the door. The man got very angry. He jumped out of car and caught a boy who still had a shoe in his hand.

“Who are you? Why do you that?” the angry man shouted at the boy.

“I’m sorry… But I don’t know what else to do. My sister has been hurt. I cry for help but nobody stops,” the boy says.

The man looked around and saw a girl by the road. ___22____.

“She is my sister. She wants to cross the road but falls out of her wheelchair. She is too heavy for me. I can’t get her back into the wheelchair.” The man was moved. He helped the bleeding girl back into her wheelchair. “Thank you. You are so kind.” says the little boy.

Life speaks to our heart. Sometimes we don’t have time to listen and he will throw a shoe at us.

1.The young man drove his new car _______.

A.to the center of city                     B.to his office

C.to his home                            D.to the supermarket

2.Which sentence should be put in the blank____ (22)___?

A.She was dancing.                        B.Her leg was bleeding .

C.She was running.                        D.Her hands were dirty.

3.Why did the boy throw the shoe?

A.Because he wanted to help the young man    B.Because he needed help.

C.Because he was hurt                     D.Because the car ran fast.

4.The boy said “Thank you. You are so kind.” because___________.

A.the young boy wanted to cross the road

B.the young man was moved

C.the young man saw a girl’s leg was bleeding into the wheel chair

D.the young man helped his sister back into the wheelchair

5.What do you learn from the article?

A.We should be kind and helpful.

B.We should drive slowly.

C.We shouldn’t get angry when someone throws shoes at our cars.

D.We shouldn’t throw shoes at the cars.



说明: 满分5 manfen5.com

As a kid, everyone wants to learn how to ride a bike. Here is some advice to_1_ you be on your way.

The bike. Start with a bicycle and it’s small enough for your feet to touch the _2_. If you lose your balance, you can put your feet to the ground _3_.

Training grounds. You need a big place for the first part of your practice. Be sure to wear something to keep _4_.

Keeping your balance. It’s very important to learn how to keep your balance. You may practice this easily. _5_ your bike to the higher place. Sit on the bike seat  _6_both feet on the ground. Lift both feet a few inches to let the bike roll down. If you start to fall, just put your feet on the ground. Try practicing this several times _7_ you get your balance.

Pedaling(踩动). After you get your balance, it’s time to _8_ learning how to pedal. Start by sitting on the bike seat. With your left foot on the ground and your right foot on the pedal, then push _9_ on the pedal. Push off with your left foot. Keep on practicing until you learn it well.

Braking(刹车). Catch them lightly at first, slowly increasing the pressure to get to a full _10_. Remember that braking hard while going fast can cause you fall over.

1.                A.hold           B.help           C.feel  D.wish


2.                A.tree           B.floor           C.ground   D.bike


3.                A.at first          B.at last          C.on time   D.at once


4.                A.dangerous      B.safe            C.warm    D.cool


5.                A.Take           B.Bring           C.Give D.Ask


6.                A.under          B.over           C.with D.after


7.                A.because        B.though         C.until D.after


8.                A.start           B.keep           C.enjoy D.finish


9.                A.up            B.down           C.in   D.on


10.               A.look           B.stop           C.beginning D.turn





-- I can’t move the box. Can you help me?

A.What do you do?                       B.What’s the problem?

C.What can you do?                       D.How are you?



--Could I go skating with you, dad?

-- ____. You have to practice piano at home.

A.I am afraid not                          B.Have a good time

C.Of course                             D.You should do that



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