满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1 is becoming popular these days. Many o...

is becoming popular these days. Many of us run for our  2 .   3 say many of the health problems come from these  4 habits: eating too much,   5 too much, smoking cigarette, and not having enough  6 . Doctors tell us, ‘Eat less, don’t smoke,   7  exercise more.’ Running is a good exercise  8 it helps build a strong heart. It also helps most people

  9 weight.   10 80-year-old woman runs three times a week. She is getting  11 . Running is good for health in other  12 , too. Many runners say running makes colds and other small health problems  13 . ‘Running is my doctor,’ says a man. Running can also make people feel  14 . So today men and women of all  15 enjoy running.

1.                A.Run           B.Running        C.Ran  D.To run


2.                A.health          B.doctor          C.habit D.exercise


3.                A.Teachers        B.Doctors         C.Men D.Women


4.                A.good           B.well            C.bad  D.badly


5.                A.drink          B.to drink         C.drinking  D.drank


6.                A.exercise        B.to exercise      C.exercises D.exercising


7.                A.and            B.so             C.but  D.however


8.                A.so             B.because        C.because of    D.even if


9.                A.get            B.gain            C.lose D.lost


10.               A.A             B.An            C.The  D./


11.               A.fat            B.fatter          C.slim  D.slimmer


12.               A.road           B.roads          C.way  D.ways


13.               A.go away        B.went away      C.go on D.went on


14.               A.nervous        B.relax           C.relaxed   D.tried


15.               A.job            B.jobs           C.age   D.ages



1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要描述了跑步对于健康的重要作用。 1.句意:跑步这些日子变得流行了。动名词作主语表示抽象动作,结合语境可知选B,跑步。 2.结合语境可知跑步就是为了我们的健康,故选A,健康。 3.四个选项中最有资格对健康问题表达意见的就是医生,故选B,医生。 4.联系下文,可知此处指的是不好的习惯,故选C,坏的,不好的。 5.联系前文介词可知选C,饮酒,动名词作宾语表示抽象动作。 6.联系前文谓语动词及形容词enough可知选A,抽象名词作宾语 7.连词辨析。A.和,并且;B.因此;C.但是,可是;D.然而,可是。联系上下文,可知前后是递进关系,故选A,并且多锻炼。 8.连词辨析。A.因此;B.因为,后面接从句;C.因为,接名词性从句;D.虽然,即使。联系上下文,可知前后位因果关系,后面表示原因,且是宾语从句,故选B。 9.联系上文描述,可知这同样帮助大部分人减肥,help后接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,故选C,失去,丧失。 10.结合语境可知此处指的是一个八十岁的老妇人,泛指,故用不定冠词。eighty词首音素是元音,故不定冠词用an,选B。 11.联系上文,可知此处指的是她变得更苗条了。故选D,更苗条的。 12.联系下文,可知此处指的是其他方面。结合语境可知此处用复数名词ways,方面。选D。 13.结合语境可知此处指的是跑步让人们远离感冒和其它的健康小问题。Make后接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,故选A,走开,离开。 14.联系上文描述,可知此处指的是跑步也能让人们感到放松。本句中feel是系动词,后面接形容词作表语,故选C,放松的。 15.结合语境可知此处指的是所有年龄段的男女都喜欢跑步。Age在表示年龄段时是可数名词,故选D,年龄。 考点:有关跑步与健康的说明文

--- I must say it is the most delicious duck I have ever eaten.

--- __________. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

A.Please don’t say so                     B.Thank you         C.OK    D.That’s OK.



I will tell him ___________ I see him.

A.after soon         B.soon as           C.as soon as         D.till



There ________ many changes to Beijing over the past years.

A.are              B.have             C.has been          D.have been



---How many times have you _________ to that place?

--- Twice.

A.go               B.went             C.gone             D.been



The festival __________ for almost a month.

A.have been on      B.has been on        C.began            D.begun



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