满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Alice is an American girl. She has two g...

Alice is an American girl. She has two good friends. One is Tom, the other is Jim. They come from the same country. They are studying in Beijing now. They are at the same school-- No.2 Middle School. They have a lot of Chinese friends here. They go to school from Monday to Friday. They go to school at seven in the morning. They all go to school by subway. In the evening, they do their homework and learn Chinese. On Saturdays and Sundays they go to their friends’ homes. There they learn more Chinese from their Chinese friends and their friends learn English from them.

Sometimes they write to their parents in America. They tell them about China and their life in China. They all like living here . They want their parents to come to China one day.

1.Alice , Tom and Jim come from               .

A.England           B.Europe           C.the USA           D.different countries

2.How many days do they go to school?

A.Four.             B.Five              C.Six               D.Seven

3.Why do they go to their Chinese friends’ home on weekends?

A.They want to eat Chinese food at their homes.

B.They want to play with them.

C.They want to make friends with their parents.

D.They want to learn Chinese from them.

4.Where are Alice’s parents?

A.In America.        B.In England.         C.In China.          D.We don’t know.

5.What do Alice, Tom and Jim write to their parents in the letters?

A. Something about China.              B.Their life in China.

C. To ask their parents to come to China.    D.A,B and C.


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了爱丽丝和她的两个朋友汤姆,吉姆在中国的学习及生活情况。 1.根据第一段Alice is an American girl. She has two good friends. One is Tom, the other is Jim. They come from the same country. 描述,可知选C。 2.根据第一段They go to school from Monday to Friday.可知他们每周上五天课,故选B。 3.根据There they learn more Chinese from their Chinese friends and their friends learn English from them. 可知选D,他们想从他们那里学习中文。 4.根据第二段Sometimes they write to their parents in America.描述,可知选A。 5.根据第二段They tell them about China and their life in China. They all like living here . They want their parents to come to China one day.描述,可知选D。 考点:生活类记述文阅读

Everybody has a home. We people have homes,animals have homes,too.

Some animals live under the ground. The woodchuck(土拨鼠) lives in holes(洞) under the ground. His home has two doors. If anybody comes in one door, he goes out from the other door. Some birds live in nests(鸟巢) and trees. They come out for food in the day and go back to sleep at night. But many birds just live in the trees. Bees(蜜蜂) work hard to make their homes. There are many,many little rooms in their house... Cows(奶牛) ,sheep(羊) and chicks (小鸡)live in people’s homes. And that is called farm.

We see all kinds of animals in the zoo. It’s a big home for lots of animals.

1.   have homes.

A.Everybody                            B.Woodchucks and bees

C.Bees and birds                         D.People and animals

2.A woodchuck’s home has               doors.

A.one              B.two              C.no               D.some

3.Birds live             .

A.in holes           B.under the ground   C.on the farm        D.in nests and trees



Mr. Brown asks a lot of questions about the buses. Here’s the timetable. Can you answer his questions?












  New Street





















1.What time does Bus Four leave(离开) the hotel?

A.7:00             B.7:05             C.7:35             D.8:15

2.How many buses are there from Ferry to Market?

A.One.             B.Two.              C.Three.            D.Four.



Jenny works hard every day. After work, she spends much time  1  housework for her family. She always has   2  things to do. Her husband(丈夫) works in a radio station.He is never late   3  work.  4   the radio station , he takes the number 109 bus . He is busy every day.There  5 a son and three daughters in Jenny’s family. They are not  6  in the same school. They go to school   7  bike on school days.They study very   8 . On weekends, Jenny takes them to some nice   9   to eat different kinds of delicious food. She also takes them to the zoo . They love most animals because they think they’re interesting. But her son doesn’t like tigers .He thinks they’re   10  scary.  Jenny has a happy family.

1.                A.do            B.to do           C.doing D.on doing


2.                A.many          B.much          C.a lot D.a lots of


3.                A.to             B.it              C.for  D.with


4.                A.Get            B.To get          C.To get to  D.Getting to


5.                A.is             B.are            C.have D.has


6.                A.study          B.going           C.studying  D.go


7.                A.with           B.on             C.in   D.by


8.                A.good           B.well            C.bad  D.nice


9.                A.parks          B.restaurants      C.banks    D.offices


10.               A.kinds of        B.a kind of        C.all kinds of D.kind of




--Thanks a lot.        --             . Which is not right?

A.No thanks         B.That’s right       C.No problem        D.You’re welcome



-- What are you doing, Kate?

--               . I’m just watching TV.

A.Many things       B.Not much          C.No               D.Playing the guitar



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