满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It was June. The sun was in the sky. It ...

It was June. The sun was in the sky. It was very hot. Jim was tired of school. He wanted to be at the beach. He could not stay in his   1  . He could not   2   talking. While the teacher wrote on the board, Jim got up and talked to a friend. The teacher, Mr Smith, heard the   3  and said: "Jim, sit down and be quiet. "

    Jim sat down. Mr Smith   4   his lesson. Jim got up and talked to another friend. "Sit down and be quiet," said Mr Smith. He was very   5  .

    "OK," said Mr Smith.  "If you want to talk,  6  come to the front of the classroom and   7  the teacher. "

    "All right,"   8   Jim. He came to the front of the classroom and said:"Quiet,  9  . I am the new teacher. Class is over now. Let's have a   10  "

1.A. office           B. home           C. seat                     D. room

2.A. stop             B. enjoy           C. forget                   D. finish

3.A. news            B. story                     C. fact                      D. noise

4.A. got ready for    B. went on with      C. went over               D. was interested in

5.A. angry           B. sad              C. worried                 D. afraid

6.A. again            B. also              C. then                    D. next

7.A. hear            B. find              C. ask               D. be

8.A. asked           B. agreed                    C. guessed                 D. laughed

9.A. anyone         B. someone                  C. everyone               D. no one

10.A. lesson         B. break           C. try                      D. meeting


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要技术了课堂上发生的一件事.汤姆不爱上课,就频频和同学们说话,最后老师让他到前面去当老师.结果汤姆真的去了,并命令同学们下课. 1.名词辨析。A. 办公室;B. 家;C.座位;D.房间,空间。联系前一句描述,可知此处指的是,他不能呆在他的座位上。故选C。 2.动词辨析。A. 停止,阻止;B. 欣赏,享受;C. 忘记;D.完成,结束。联系下文可知此处指的是他禁不住说起话来。短语could not stop doing禁不住做某事。故选A。 3.联系前文描述,可知此处指的是老师听到了他们说话的噪音,故选D,噪音。 4.短语辨析。A. 为……做好准备;B. 继续……;C. 复习,温习;D.对……感兴趣。结合语境可知此处指的是,老师继续上课。故选B。 5.联系前文描述,可知史密斯老师非常生气.故选A,生气的,愤怒的. 6.词义辨析. A.再,又;B. 也;C.那么,然后;D. 然后,下次.联系上下文,可知前后是顺接关系,故选C,那么就到教室前面来. 7.动词辨析. A.听见;B.发现;C. 要求,问;D. 成为,做;联系前半句,可知是让他来当老师.故选D. 8.联系上下文,可知汤姆同意了老师的意见.故选B,同意. 9.不定代词辨析. A. 任何一个人;B. 某些人;C. 每个人;D.没有一个人.结合语境可知此处指的是全体同学,故选C. 10.联系前一句描述,可知此处指的是让我们休息一下吧.故选B,休息,中断. 考点:故事类记述文

—Hello, may I speak to Mr Green , please?

—Sorry. He ________ a meeting. Can you call him later?

A. has           B. is having       C. will have          D. had



I can't find ________ beef in the fridge. Shall I buy some?

A. some          B. every           C. any               D. no



Mark Twain ______ school and began to work at the age of twelve.

A. left            B. leaves           C. will leave          D. leave



Jack usually goes to school by bike, ________ today he walked to school.

A. and           B. but             C. or                D. so



My English teacher ________ Mrs Lane now. She often helps me.

A. were          B. will be          C. is           D. was



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