满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometim...

Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometimes they can get ________ of schoolwork.

A. on the way         B. by the way          C. in the way          D. out of the way


C 【解析】 试题分析:A. 在途中;B.顺便说;C.在路上;D.不寻常地。Get in the way of, 妨碍。Get out of the way, 解决。句意:许多青少年有爱好。但是有时他们能妨碍学习。结合语境可知选C。 考点:考查短语辨析。

 —When I was five, I drew very well.


A. So did I              B. So was I      C. So I was      D. So I did



根据句子意思和首字母提示完成单词 (10分)

1.Don’t read in the sun. It does great h_________ to your eyes.

2.It is polite to wait in the l_________ when you are waiting to buy tickets.

3.My friends gave me a lot of g_______ on my birthday.

4.He feels l_________ from time to time because he misses his old friends.

5.I didn’t know it was you. You have c________ a lot.




1.The old woman is crying______(悲伤). What happened to her?

2.Kitty got______(结婚) last year. Her husband is a computer programmer.

3.It is ___________(有意义的) for us to help people in need.

4.Shanghai EXPO was a ____________(成功的) exhibition.

5.I’d like some bread and apple ___________(馅饼)for my breakfast.



用所给单词的适当形式填空 (5分)

1.When he knew the dog died, he left__________ (happy) without a word.

2.He will give the book back to you if he ________(finish) reading it tomorrow.

3.Miss Li ______________ (not have) breakfast, she feels a bit hungry now.

4.“How long have you had your car?” “ I ___________(buy) it three years ago.”

5.I said hello to her, but she __________ (talk) to the shopkeeper and didn’t hear me.



上周Millie 和Kitty去了“欢乐谷乐园(Happy Valley)”。请根据提示,写一篇80词左右的文章。文章应包括以下要点,可做适当发挥。

要点:  1. 上周日天气晴朗,Millie 和Kitty去了“欢乐谷乐园”;

2. 首先,他们在入口处拍了许多照片;

3. 欢乐谷里有一个很大的过山车,在整个旅程中他们一直尖叫大笑;

4. 他们看了美丽的风景,不停地拍照;

5. 他们为家人和朋友们买了一些纪念品;

6. 他们一共在那里呆了三个小时;

7. 那真是一次令人激动的旅行,他们希望还能再去。



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