满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

________ the wind sounds now !The work w...

________ the wind sounds now !The work we are doing ________ finished on time .

A. How terribly , can’t be   B. How terrible , mustn’t be

C. How terribly , may be    D. How terrible ,can’t be       


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:现在风的声音是多么可怕!我们做的工作不可能按时完成。形容风的声音要用形容词terrible,表示否定的推测用can’t be。所以选D。 考点:考查习惯句型。

 Daniel plays chess _______ , if not better than , David .

A. as well             B. as well as            C. so well                      D. so well as



 My teacher probably spoke about this rule ,but I forgot about it or didn’t ______________.

A. pay attention           B. pay attention to C. paid attention to  D. pay no attention



Don’t throw away the waste paper. It needs           so that it can be reused.

A. to destroy                B. destroying          C. to collect           D. collecting



There is ________ juice or ________ vegetables in the fridge . So we must buy some today .

A. few , little            B. a little , a few   C. little , few    D. a few , a little



Climbing with our best friend Lucy was so           that we always invite her to join us .

A. interested           B. interesting           C. bored               D. boring



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