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More and more Chinese people go traveli...


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More and more Chinese people go traveling abroad during these years. But not all tourists behave well in the places of interest. Recently, a story about a 15-year-old Chinese tourist has caused a heated discussion online.

1The 15-year-old teenager carved “Ding Jinhao 丁锦昊 was here” in Chinese in the 3,500-year-old Luxor Temple卢克索神庙. A Chinese traveler took a photo and shared it on Sina Weibo on May 24.

Many people were angry about what Ding had done and decided to search the Internet for the boy. 2】他们只花了一天时间就在南京找到了他的有关信息。After that, Ding’s parents quickly said sorry to the media. “We want to say sorry to the Egyptian people and to people who have paid attention to this matter across China,” Ding’s mother said.

Ding’s parents said they should face it and their son had 3a learned his lesson.

  【3b       to Xinhua, local Egyptians had worked to try and clean the sculpture雕像. 4There was some improvement, but the words could not be totally wiped off.






任务三:Guess the Chinese meaning of “learn lesson” in 3a:                                   







1.这个15岁的少年,用中文在有3500年历史的卢克索神庙上刻下了“丁锦昊到此一游”。 2.It took them just one day to find information about him in Nanjing. 3.(a) 得到教训 (b) According 4.Although there was some improvement, the words could not be totally wiped off. 5.Behave well in public / in the places of interest 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:本文主要是以一个中国15少年在国外旅行时,在建筑物刻名字为例。告诉我们要注意自己的行为举止。 1.15-year-old 15岁的;in Chinese用中文; 3,500-year-old,3500年的; 2.考查take的用法。take 用于 it takes sb ... to do sth句型,仅指花费时间(three hours等),必须用it作形式主语,指代下文不定式内容;故填:It took them just one day to find information about him in Nanjing. 3.(a) 联系前文描述,可知此处指的是,他们的儿子得到一个教训。故填:得到教训。(b) 结合语境可知此处指的是,根据新华社的报道。故填According,按照,依据。 4.结合语境可知本句指的是,尽管有所改善,但是这些话也不能完全清除掉。故填:Although there was some improvement, the words could not be totally wiped off. 5.主旨大意题。阅读短文可知,本文主要是以一个中国15少年在国外旅行时,在建筑物刻名字为例。告诉我们要注意自己的行为举止。故填:Behave well in public / in the places of interest,在公众场合/景点注意自己的表现。 考点:考查新闻报道类阅读

One of the most common questions I am asked is whether, when, and how to follow up after a job interview. Following up in some way is necessary. Yes, you can get a job without it, but if you compete (竞争) with other top candidates (候选人), following up can sometimes help you when the other candidate doesn’t. Here’s how to follow up well:

Send a thank-you note at once. E-mail is fine for this and has the advantage of arriving faster, but handwritten notes are still appreciated (欣赏). And if there are many interviews, send a thank-you note each time.

Find out their timeline. Hopefully, you asked about their timeline in the interview itself, but if you didn’t, follow up within a week to strengthen (强化) your interest and politely ask what they expect their timeline for a decision to be.

Be patient. Most commonly, job seekers are too worried about the result. It doesn’t look worried to express your interest in the job or check in to ask about the timeline.

Don’t be nervous if you don’t hear from them at once. The hiring process (招聘过程) often takes longer than a candidate would like, maybe the decision makers are out of town. If you’re past the time they indicated you would hear something, this isn’t necessarily cause for nervousness. Hiring often ends up taking longer than expected. Just politely follow up, explain you’re very interested but understand that hiring can take time, and ask if they have the latest timeline.


Title: How to follow up after a job interview(就职面试)

Importance of following up

● Following up is very  1.in some way.

     2.  of following up

● Send a thank-you note at once.

﹡E-mail can arrive 3.than handwritten notes. ﹡The employer still appreciate 4.notes.

    5.__  out the timeline.

﹡Follow up to strengthen your 6..

﹡Politely ask what they 7.the timeline to be.

● Be patient.

It is 8.that job seekers are too worried.

● Don’t be nervous

﹡The hiring often takes a longer time.

﹡The decision makers are not 9.town.

﹡If the indicated time is past, follow up 10.and explain you are interested in the job.



What would you do if you had an accident in your daily life?

It is important for you to get some knowledge about first aid in your daily life. If a person has an accident, he / she needs medical care before a doctor can be found. When you give first aid, you must know three things:

First, when a person stops breathing (呼吸), open his / her mouth to see if there is food in his / her mouth. Second, if a person cannot breathe, try to start his / her breathing at once, using a mouth-to-mouth way. Third, if a person is hurt badly, try to stop the bleeding (流血) at once. And then take him / her to a doctor, because if a person loses one third of his / her blood, he / she may be in great danger.

Many accidents may happen at home, and everyone should know some first aid to deal with common injuries. When a person is bitten by an animal, wash the wound with cold running water before he / she is taken to see a doctor. When a person is burnt, wash and cool the area of the skin under the cold tap for a while, then put a piece of dry clean cloth over the burn. If a person is badly burnt, take him / her to the doctor. If a person cuts his / her finger, clean it and put a piece of clean paper round the cut.

In the future we should learn more about first aid and try to spread (传播) it. 

1.How many steps should you pay attention to when you give first aid?

A. Two.                    B. Three.                   C. Four.                     D. Five.

2.If a person is hurt badly and bleeding, what should you do first?

A. Try to stop the bleeding at once. 

B. Wash the wound with cold running water. 

C. Try to start his / her breathing at once.

D. Open his / her mouth and see if there is food in his / her mouth. 

3.The underlined word “is bitten” means “        ” in Chinese.

A. 被打                    B. 伤害                                          C. 被控制                     D.被咬  

4.If Jim cuts his finger, what first aid should you give according to the passage?

A. We should wash the cut with cold running water.                           

B. We should put a piece of dry clean cloth over the cut.

C. We should clean it and put a piece of clean paper round the cut.

D. We should wash and cool the area of the skin under the cold tap for a while.

5.Which can be the BEST title for the passage?

A. How to give first aid                                                  B. How to stop the bleeding 

C. How to deal with different cuts                      D. How to deal with common injuries             




Side A                                                       No. 293083

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Student Bus Card

Name:  Lilian

From:  April 1st, 2013

To:     June 30th, 2013

Price:  180

College: University of Chichester

Not valid (有效的) for travel unless it's used in the bus companies of

Stagecoach, Season., Goldrider and Busabout in the UK.

Side B                                                   No. 293083

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Thank you for travelling with

If the card is found, please return to any Stagecoach driver.

1.The card is used for________.

A. taking a taxi     B. taking a bus   C. travelling by train    D. entering the college

2.Lilian is________________.

A. a bus driver                                                                B. a teacher in a college   

C. a university student               D. a middle school student

3.The card can be used in any of the four_____________.

A. cities           B. companies                 C. colleges                      D. universities

4.According to the reading material, if you find a lost card, you can ___________.

A. sell it                                       B. phone Lilian

C. use it for travelling                            D. give it back to any Stagecoach driver

5.You can not find _________in the card.

A. Lilian's age                     B. the price

C. the card number                 D. the time limit                



Once, a circle lost a piece of its own. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around, looking for its   piece. But because it was not complete, it could only roll () very slowly. It enjoyed the flowers and the sunshine   the way. It talked with worms. It found lots of different pieces, but   of them fit. So it left them all by the side of the road and kept on   for the lost piece. Then one day the circle found a piece that fit   . The circle put the piece into   . It could be whole with nothing lost. It was so happy and began to roll. As it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to see flowers or talk to worms. It realized how different the world was when it rolled so quickly. It felt so sad   it stopped, left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled very slowly.

Sometimes we are perfect when we lose something. A man   has everything is poor in some ways. He will never have hopes, dreams or something   . He will never know someone loves him or someone is giving him something he has always wanted or never had.

We couldn’t be perfect. But we must be brave enough to love, strong enough to forgive, kind enough to share   with others and clever enough to know there is enough love around us and then we can always have a wonderful time in our life.

1.A. miss                                                        B. lose                                                        C. missing                            D. losing

2.A. at                                                                      B. of                                                        C. in                                                        D. along

3.A. none                                                        B. all                                                        C. every one                            D. each

4.A. look                                                        B. looking                                          C. to look                                          D. looked

5.A. perfectly                                          B. perfect                                                        C. part                                          D. partly

6.A. it                                                                      B. itself                                                        C. them                                          D. themselves

7.A. which                                                        B. whether                                          C. that                                          D. what

8.A. who                                                        B. which                                                        C. where                                          D. when

9.A. bad                                                        B. worse                                                        C. good                                          D. better

10.A. kindness                                          B. sadness                                          C. happiness                            D. illness



—Chinese writer Mo Yan has won the 2012 Nobel Prize in literature.


A. I think so.              B. That’s all right.               C. That’s a good idea.              D. I’m glad to hear that.



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