满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



Boys and girls,

May I have your attention ,please?I have something 1._______(重要的)to tell you.Tomorrow is Beach Clean-Up Day.Our class will 2.t_________ part in the activity.The clean-up starts at 9:30a.m.and  3.f_________ in the afternoon.

We will meet on the beach at 9:00a.m.You can go there by bus.Please be on time.We will have lunch on the beach after our morning work.Then we have to4._____(...分类) the garbage.There will be a lot of hard work to do tomorrow,so make sure you go to bed early tonight.See you all on the 5.b______.

Thats all.Thank you.


1.important 2.take 3.finishes 4.sort 5.beach 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一个班内通知,告诉同学们明天是沙滩清洁日,从上午9:30到下午结束,9:00集合,乘公交车去;明天的活很累,今晚要早睡。 1.联系短文I have something _______(重要的)to tell you.我有重要的事情告诉你们。something important重要的事情,形容词修饰不定代词要后置,所以答案为形容词important。 2.联系短文Our class will t_________ part in the activity.我们班将参加这次活动。take part in 参加,并且首字母为t,故填take。 3.根据上文The clean-up starts at 9:30a.m.清洁活动上午九点开始,联系下文and f_________ in the afternoon.可推知应是下午结束,故答案为[ifinishes,与 starts对应。 4.联系短文Then we have to ______(把...分类) the garbage.然后我们必须把垃圾分类。sort sth.把……分类,故答案为sort。 5.联系上文There will be a lot of hard work to do tomorrow,so make sure you go to bed early tonight.明天将会有更艰辛的工作,所以今晚一定早睡。可知See you all on the b______.明天沙滩见,故答案为beach。 考点:单词拼写。


     Mr and Mrs Jackson bought a big farm and they were always busy working on it .They had a good harvest every year.One of their sons Victor studied at a high school.The boy studied hard and did well in his lessons.It made them happy.

      Last month Victor finished high school and passed the university entrance examination.Mrs Jackson was very happy and told almost all her friends about it .

      Yesterday morning she went to the town to buy something for her son.On the bus she met one of her friends and they hadnt seen each other for fifteen years.She told her friend how clever her son was.She spoke very loudly.All the people on the bus could hear her.

       Which university will your son study in?a man next to her asked.

       Oxford University,said Mrs Jackson happily.

       Most of the people on the bus looked at her.Some of them said to her, Congratulations!

       A woman sitting opposite her said, Im sure hell meet Jim White.

       Whos Jim White?

       Hes my son,said the woman with smile.

       Does he study in the same university?

       No.He is one of the professors(教授).

1.The underlined word harvestprobably means _______in Chinese.

A.  庄稼              B.  收成            C.  成就      

2.Mr and Mrs Jackson were happy because________.

A.their son did well in his lessons

B.they bought a big farm

C.they had a good time on the farm

3.Mrs Jackson wanted everyone to know_________.

A.her som finished high school

B.her son was brave

C.her son was going to study in a famous university

4.Mrs Jackson spoke so loudly on the bus that________.

A.her friend could hear her

B.all the people could hear her

C.all the people looked at her

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Mrs Jackson met some of her friends on the bus.

B.The woman was Mrs Jacksons friend.

C.The woman wanted to stop Mrs Jackson from talking about her son.




      James shook his money box.Nothing!He carefully counted the coins that lay on the bed.All that he had was $24.52.The bicycle he wanted was at least $90!How on earth(究竟)was he going to get the rest of the money?

       He knew that his friends all had bicycles.It was hard to hang out with them when he was the only one without a bicycle. He knew his parents had no extra money.He would have to find a part-time job.He decided to ask Mr Clay        advice.

        Well,you can start right here,said Mr Clay. You see,my windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.

       That was the beginning of Jamespart-time job.For the next three months he worked every day after finishing his homework.He took dogs for walks,打扫干净cupboards and repaired books.

       The day finally came when James counted his money and found $94.32.He wasted no time and went down to the shop to buy the bicycle he wanted.He__________(ride) home proudly,looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends.






My windows__________  ____________  ____________  ____________


______________  _______________






     More than 6000 languages are spoken on the earth today.Many of these languages are spoken by small groups of people,and over 200 languages are spoken by one million or more people.Chinese is a language spoken by the largest number of people in the world.But English is most widely spoken in the world

      English is spoken by more than 400 million people as their first language.It is spoken by most people in the U.S.A.,Great Britain,Canada,Australia and New Zealand.And it is also used very widely in many other countries of the world.

      Look at the back of your watch.You may see the English words  Made in China, Made in Japan,or Made in Germany.English is spoken as the first language in none of these countries.Why are English words written on it?That is because in the modern world English is widely used for business between different countries.

1.How many languages are spoken on the earth today?


2.Which language is spoken by the largest number of people in the world?


3.Is English spoken by more than 400 million people as their first language?


4.Do  Americans speak English ?


5.Why may English words be written on your watch?




     He was a single father of a 5-year-old boy.He was often worried about his son growing up without a mother.

      One day he went away on business and left the child alone.He was worried about the child all the way.He went home quickly after finishing his work.

      When he got home,the child was asleep.He was very tired.Before going to bed,he was surprised to find an overturned(翻倒的)bowl of noodles under the quilt(床罩).

      He beat his sleeping son angrily, Why are you so naughty(淘气的),making the quilt dirty?Who will wash it?It was the first time that he had hit his son after his wifes death.

       I havent,the child explained with tears in his eyes.  This is your supper,Daddy.In order to let his father eat dinner as soon as he got home,the child cooked two bowls of noodles:one for himself,the other for his father.He put his fathers noodles under the quilt to keep them hot.

       Hearing this,the father hugged(拥抱)his boy tightly without saying a word.

1.The father worried about his son when he was on business.

2.The child was sleeping when his father got home.

3.The father often hit his son after his wifes death.

4.The child cooked noodles for himself and his father.

5.The child put the noodles on the table.



A green life sometimes just needs a good idea like sharing cars.Its a new way of thinking.You can use a car but you dont need to own it Now the idea of car sharing has become       in many countries.

As we know ,most cars        in garages for much time.In fact,we drive our own cars           one or two hours a day on average(平均).              When we dont use them,we have to pay for parking and         things.That costs too much money.To        money,some people come up with the idea of car sharing.If we share a car, well only        when we use it.

Now many people are starting to do car sharing.In Switzerland,almost 40,000 people have           it.Japan is also trying to make        popular around the country.

Car sharing is the beginning of a new idea in       .It is also very nice for us to travel everywhere     buying a car.Do you love to share a car with others?                                                                         

1.A.popular            B.interesting         C.funny          

2.A.are washed         B.are driven          C.are parked      

3.A.as far as            B.as long as          C.as much as      

4.A.the other           B.others             C.other        

5.A.make              B.save              C.find            

6.A.spend              B.cost               C.pay

7.A.joined             B.covered            C.take part

8.A.time saving         B.money saving       C.car sharing   

9.A.fashion            B.transportation       C. the world

10.A.without          B.with              C.by 



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