满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

从方框中选择恰当的句子完成下面对话,并将答题标号写在答题处。 Tom: Mom,...


Tom: Mom, can I go out to play?

Mother: 1._______________

Tom: If you let me go out, I will finish it later.

Mother: No, Just sit down and finish it now. You’d never do it if I didn’t make you, would you?

Tom: Yes, I would. 2.______________

Mother: Never mind about football. You will never do well at school if you don’t do your homework..

Tom: 3._______________

Mother: Well, we would. 4.______________

Tom: I don’t know, but just think how happy he’d be if I got on the football team.

Mother: 5.________________

A.   But if I don’t go now, it will be too late to play football with my friends.

B.   He says he would play football all day if he were my age again.

C.   If you’ve finished your homework.

D.   What would your father say if you got the lowest mark in the class again?

E.    I wouldn’t mind if I didn’t.

F.    He would be more pleased if you got the higher marks.

G.  Never mind about the football


1.C 2.A 3.E 4.D 5.F 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据汤姆后面的回答 If you let me go out, I will finish it later.可知妈妈要求他先完成作业再出去玩;故选C。 2.根据妈妈的回答Never mind about football. 可知在汤姆和妈妈争执的过程中汤姆是强调其足球比赛的重要性的;故选A。 3.根据妈妈的回答Well, we would.说:“我们会介意”可知,汤姆说他没哟努力就不介意功课不好遭到了妈妈的驳斥;故选E。 4.本句中妈妈继续用爸爸的警告来给汤姆施压;故选D。 5.汤姆的话 but just think how happy he’d be if I got on the football team.仅仅局限在娱乐上,而妈妈说爸爸更关心的是他的学习成绩的提高;故选F。 考点:补全对话。

--Do you care much about your grades?

         --_______.My father isn’t so strict.

A.Yes, of course   B. No, not for me   C.Yes, I will   D. No, I don’t



We find ______ fast and comfortable to travel by plane.

A. that       B. us          C. it          D. This



The train______ when we________ to the station.

A. was left; was getting  B. left; had got  C. had left; got  D. left; got



The smile on the teacher's face showed that she was______ with us.

A. strict      B. pleased       C. angry     D. Sorry



Lian Zhan _____form Taiwan _______ paying his first visit to the mainland of China

A. who comes; is  B. which come; is  C. which is; are D. that are; are



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