满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



on, listen, others, hear, of, ask, answer, activity, another, small, learn, we

Many people like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the most important1. _____________of the day. TV brings the outside world closer to people’s homes. Some people say the world is 2.____________than before because of TV.

What’s going on in 3.__________ countries? How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What’s living in the deepest最深的part 4.___________the sea?

If you want 5.__________ these and other kinds of questions, just turn 6.  _______ the TV. You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn through reading or 7.__________ to the radio. But with TV they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can8.______________ and watch, too.

TV helps to open our eyes. TV also helps us to open our minds. TV often gives 9._____________ new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing something that can be 10._____________ on TV.


1.activities 2.smaller 3.other 4. of 5. to answer 6.on 7.listening 8.hear 9.us 10.learned / learnt 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了电视在我们生活中的重要性。电视带给我们巨大的便利、使我们学到很多知识、更好的了解世界。 1.观看电视是一天中最重要的活动之一。Watching TV为日常活动,one of the加名词表达“......之一”时,后面的名词要用复数形式;故答案为activities 2.一些人说因为有了电视,世界变得比以往更小了。即电视的存在使我们可以更方便的了解世界各地;故答案为smaller 3.其他国家正在发生什么事情?Others相当于other加名词;Other表示“其他的,别的”;故答案为other 4.在海洋的最深处生活的是什么生物?Of表示所属关系;故答案为of 5.如果你想回答这些问题和其他的问题,仅仅打开电视就可以。Want to do sth意为“想要做某事”;故答案为 to answer 6.turn on意为“打开”;故答案为on 7.当然人们还可以通过看书和听广播来学到知识。Listen to意为“听,收听”;故答案为listening 8.但是拥有电视人们可以学的更好而且更容易。为什么?因为他们既可以听到声音还可以看到图像。故答案为hear 9.电视经常给我们提供一些新观点。Give sb sth意为“给某人某物”;故答案为us 10.我们在电视上学到了做事情的更新的和更好的方法。That引导的为一定语从句,表示被动,故答案为learned / learnt 考点:短文填空。


Yesterday I read a report on a charity show in a local newspaper. The aim of the show was to    money for the poor children. In the poor areas, some children were out of school because their parents couldn’t     their education.

Many pop stars     the charity show, such as Andy Liu, Jay, Faye Wang and Kitty Chen. The stars didn’t ask for any pay. They did it for long! There were a lot of performances     singing and dancing. The audience(观众) were so   that they clapped their hands from time to time. Of course, the show was     .

All the people followed the stars’ example. They showed their generosity慷慨in      their money to the show. Both the ticket money and the donated money were soon sent to the poor areas and some of the poor children could get back to school.

Now many charity shows      in our country, not only to support the education in poor areas, but also to help people in trouble. As the Chinese saying goes, “All the others will come to one’s rescue(援助)     one is in trouble.”

I     the whole world will become better and better.

1.A. raise               B. pay               C. spend              D. cost

2.A. pay for               B. pay               C. cost               D. get

3.A. took part in               B. joined               C. got to               D. had

4.A. for               B. of               C. as               D. like

5.A. exciting              B. excited               C. sad               D. surprised

6.A. boring               B. bad              C. successful              D. easy

7.A. bring               B. collecting              C. taking              D. donating

8.A. hold              B. are holding               C. are held               D. will be held

9.A. when               B. than               C. before               D. because

10. A. want               B. hope               C. love               D. Wish





Do you know where Tom is? He didn’t __________  ___________ at the party yesterday.


Have you ever taken others’ keys _________   ___________?


Hold on to your dream, one day they may ____________  __________.


The music __________ me ________ my school days.


Mr Brown, you’d better ______  _______drinking, or you will get ill.














A: May I speak to Nick?

B: This is Nick speaking.

A: Hi, NickI haven’t seen you for a long time. What 1.________to you?

B: I have been in hospital.

A: Oh, 2. ________ . But for what?

B: I 3.___________ three weeks ago.

A: Really?4.___________?

B: Yes. But luckily, only my left arm was broken. And I can move it now.

A: Good. But how did it happen?

B: I was driving fast to work on that rainy morning. I couldn’t stop my car and it 5.________ another car.

A: Oh, you should drive slowly.




Tom: Mom, can I go out to play?

Mother: 1._______________

Tom: If you let me go out, I will finish it later.

Mother: No, Just sit down and finish it now. You’d never do it if I didn’t make you, would you?

Tom: Yes, I would. 2.______________

Mother: Never mind about football. You will never do well at school if you don’t do your homework..

Tom: 3._______________

Mother: Well, we would. 4.______________

Tom: I don’t know, but just think how happy he’d be if I got on the football team.

Mother: 5.________________

A.   But if I don’t go now, it will be too late to play football with my friends.

B.   He says he would play football all day if he were my age again.

C.   If you’ve finished your homework.

D.   What would your father say if you got the lowest mark in the class again?

E.    I wouldn’t mind if I didn’t.

F.    He would be more pleased if you got the higher marks.

G.  Never mind about the football



--Do you care much about your grades?

         --_______.My father isn’t so strict.

A.Yes, of course   B. No, not for me   C.Yes, I will   D. No, I don’t



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