满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据短文内容和以下提示:1)首字母提示,2)语境提示,3) 汉语提示,4)音标提...

根据短文内容和以下提示:1)首字母提示,2)语境提示,3) 汉语提示,4)音标提示,在每一个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。

Everyone may fail or may meet with difficulties. When a person meets with difficulties, he should take a right attitude(态度) to them .In factpeople will give up after they fail once. They 1.r_________ themselves as failures(失败者),and are not able to get over the difficulties. Some people, however ,are able to take a correct attitude. They face up to the failure. They try to find2.________ what the trouble is. At last , they get over their difficulties . They have the right attitude to deal 3.w_______ difficulties.

“Do not ever lose heart. ”This is the 4._________ (建议)given by a successful young man. This young man once got hurt in his leg . He could never stand as before. This was an unlucky thing .But he didn’t lose 5.h___________. At last he found out that he could do things as good as other people. He started to do 6.___________( /infə’meiʃn/ ) on computers. He finally7._________ (成功) in becoming an expert(专家) on computers.

The story tells us not to lose heart 8. ________(/ wɒt 'evə /) happens. Difficulties are nothing 9._________ you have courage and confidence in yourself. Let’s learn something from the story. Keep on going , and you will make it. Remember: Nothing is 10.__________ (不可能)if you put your heart into it.


1.regard 2.out 3.with 4.advice 5.heart 6.information 7.succeeded. 8.whatever 9.if 10.impossible 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要简述了对待困难的两种不同态度。如果你把自己看成是失败者,你永远不会成功。相反你只要有信心,没有什么事情是不可能的。 1.考查动词词。他们把自己看成是失败者。regard …as…,把……视为……,故填regard. 2.考查词组。find out 查出,他们设法查出问题是什么。故填out。 3.考查介词。句意:他们有处理困难的正确态度。deal with 处理。故填with. 4.考查名词。句意:这是一个成功青年给出的建议。建议不可数故填advice. 5.考查名词。句意:但是他没有失去信心。根据提示字母故填,heart,心。 6.考查名词。根据音标可知填information. 7.考查动词。最后他成功的成为了一个电脑专家。succeed in doing sth,在某方面成功。描述过去的故事,故填过去式succeeded. 8.考查连接词。这个故事告诉我们无论发生什么事都不要失去信心。whatever,无论什么。 9.考查连词。如果你有信心困难什么都不是。根据句意填if. 10.考查形容词。如果你用心去做没有事情是不可能的。不可能的impossible. 考点:词语运用。


success , lazy , twelve, warn, German

1.Next Sunday is my son’s  ________  birthday .

2.The _________ a person is, the more things he has to do tomorrow.

3.A good plan can make your study _____________.

4.Travelers _____________that a new flu called H7N9 has arrived in Asia.

5.This morning I met some ________ in the supermarket.



阅读下面短文,把方框中的句子还原到文中,然后完成第五小题。(每题1分,共5 分)

If you look at the sky one night and see something moving and shining that you have never seen before, it might be a comet (彗星).

  A comet sometimes looks like a star.  ____1.____ It shines from the sunlight it reflects (反射). Like the earth, a comet goes round the sun, but on a much longer path (轨道) than the earth travels.

    If a comet isn’t a star, what is it then?

   Some scientists think that a large part of a comet is water frozen into pieces of ice and mixed with iron and rock dust and perhaps a few big pieces of rock. ____2.______ These clouds, together with the dust, form a long tail.

Many people perhaps have seen a comet. _____3._____ .There may be millions of comets, but only a few come close enough for us to see.

An Englishman named Edmund Halley, who lived from 1656 to 1742, found out a lot about the paths that comets take through the sky.  ______4.____  . Others keep coming back at regular times. A big comet that keeps coming back was named after Halley because he was the one who worked out when it would come back again. Maybe you have ever seen Halley’s Comets because the last time it came close to the sun and the earth was in the year 1986. Then people all over the world were outside at night to look at it. You will probably be able to see Halley’s Comets when it comes near the earth again.

A. However no one knows how many comets there are.

B. Some comets move out of our sight and never come

C. Like a planet, a comet has no light of its own.

D. When sunshine melts (融化) the ice in the comet, great clouds of gas go trailing after it.

5.Which of the following is not true?

A. A large part of a comet is ice, iron and rock dust

B. Some comets keep coming back at any time

C. Halley’s Comets came back in 1986

D. Maybe many people have seen a comet



If you get into the forest with your friends, stay with them always. If you don’t, you may get lost. If you really get lost, this is what you should do. Sit down and stay where you are. Don’t try to find your friends—let them find you by staying in one place.

  There is another way to help your friends or other nearby people to find you. Give them a signal (信号) by shouting or whistling (吹口哨) three times. Any signal given three times is a call for help.

  Keep up shouting or whistling always three times together. When people hear you, they will know that you are not just making noise for fun. They will let you know that they have heard your signal. They give you two shouts, two whistles, or two gun-shots (枪声). When someone gives you a signal, it is an answer to a call for help.

  If you don’t think that you will get help before night comes, try to make a little house---cover up to the holes with branches (树枝) with lots of leaves. Make yourself a soft bed with leaves and grass.

  What should you do if you get hungry or need drinking water? You would have to leave your little house to look for a river. Don’t just walk away. Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk so that you can find your way back. The most important thing to do when you are lost is—stay in one place.

1.If you lost in the forest, you should _______.

A. stay where you are and give signals three times

B. walk around the forest and shout so that your friends could hear you

C. try to find your friends as soon as possible

D. try to get out of the forest and shout for help

2.If you want to let people believe that you are not just making noise for fun, you should _____________.

A. tell people that you are lost     

B. keep up shouting or whistling

C. shout at the top of your voice    

D. shout or whistle three times

3.When you hear two shouts, or whistles, or gunshots, __________.

A. you should shout more loudly      

B. you can whistle three times

C. it is an answer to your call for help  

D. you should try to run to them

4.When you want to leave your place to get drinking water, you should ________.

A. just go to the river

B. find some glasses or bottles before you go

C. make a fire so that you can have some tea

D. leave marks so that you can find your way back

5.This passage mainly tells you __________.

A. when you hear a signal always three times, it is a call for help

B. What you should do if you get lost in a forest

C. any signal given twice means an answer to a call for help

D. how you can live longer in a forest



He was struggling(费劲) to tie his shoes. I was struggling with whether I should help him. I did, and he was grateful.

     “Thank you,” he said.

     “I’m glad I could help. I just thought it would be easier for me to reach,” I said.

     He was a disabled man, and forced to look down most of the time. His arms and legs were twisted(扭曲的) terribly, and he couldn’t do what the rest of us would consider easy tasks. He always managed to look up to see how you reacted(反应) to his words, however. He had a big smile, making me feel comfortable.

I was still on my knees by his wheelchair.

“ Nice shoes,” he said.

“Thanks. No one ever complimented (赞美) me on them before,” I said.

“No one has the same view of the world as I do,” he replied.

“Tell me about the world as you see it,” I said smiling.

“Most people can see if someone is comfortable with them or not in their eyes. I see it in their feet.” he said. “If people keep moving their feet, I just let them go, because I know they’re impatient with me. I don’t want to make people uncomfortable.

“What about me? I asked.

“I could see your compassion. And then you came down to my level. I was the one who was nervous.” he said. “I don’t normally have someone look me in the eye.”

“They don’t know what they’re missing,” I told him.

“My old face is nothing to brag(自夸) about.” he said.

“But that smile is so big.”

Yes, and it’s not only a big smile but an attitude.

1.The disabled man knew people were impatient mostly by their _________.

A. words             B. eyes             C. feet             D. smile

2.The unlined word “compassion ”means _______ in Chinese.

A. 注意          B. 同情              C. 信任           D. 职责

3.We learn that the disabled man _________.

A. had great difficulty looking after himself      

B. always asked people for help

C. couldn’t have a big smile                   

D. liked to talk about people’s shoes

4.The writer felt comfortable because _________.

A. he had a nice talk to the man             

B. the man looked him in the eye

C. he didn’t move his feet before the man     

D. the man had a big smile on the face

5.We can infer (推断)from the passage that _________.

A. the disable man had something wrong with his mind

B. not many people went down to the man’s level

C. the man was good at telling people about the world

D. the writer would not give the man more help



On Sunday , April 22nd , people all over the world take time out to appreciate the earth that we all share .It’s Earth Day , a special day to learn about our planet and how to take care of it .

On Earth Day , some people listen to speeches about the environment . Others help clean up their offices or save water and electricity at home .Your parents may even decide to take a day off from driving their cars .

The idea for Earth Day came from a U.S. Senator(参议员) . He was worried about pollution and the health of plants and animals . And the idea quickly caught on (流行起来) . In 1970 , the first Earth Day was celebrated . More than 20 million people in cities all over the U.S. took part in it .Since then, Earth Day has been used to educate people about their roles in taking care of our planet .

Now , Earth Day has become a worldwide celebration. In 1990, two hundred million people from 140 countries took part in clean-ups , tree planting and other environmental events on  Earth Day .  

1.Earth Day is a special day to learn about our planet and          .

A.how to pay attention to the earth    

B. how to learn English

C. how to go to the moon            

D. how to make use of time

2.On Earth Day , we are told to           .

A. go shopping         

B. save water and electricity at home 

C. listen to music       

D. drive our cars

3.The idea for Earth Day was given by a __________ from America .

A. farmer         B. teacher       C. scientist      D. senator

4.According to the passage ,the first Earth Day was celebrated in____________ .

A. 1990, the U.S.A.              B. 1970, Beijing

C. 1970, America                D. 1990, America

5.Why has Earth Day become a worldwide celebration ? Because __________.

A. Earth Day is on Sundays .   

B. we can sing songs on Earth Day

C. there are so many people on Earth Day

D. Earth Day can teach people how to take care of our planet



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