满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



  Pablo Picasso(毕加索) was born in Spain in 1881. His father was a painter and art teacher. 1.__________________He won a prize — “Science and Charity” for his first important painting when he was only fifteen. He studied in several cities in Spain. But there was no one to teach him all that he wanted to know.  2.________________________

   Paris was then the center of the world for artists. Everything that was new and exciting in the world of paintings seemed to happen there. 3.__________________When he was twenty-three, Picasso moved there to live . 4._______________________

   When he was over ninety, this great painter still lived his life like a young man. 5.____________________________

   When he died in 1973, he was ninety-one years old.

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1.C 2.A 3.F 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述毕加索在早年受到父亲的启蒙教育,并在15岁时就获得第一个奖项,然后远赴法国学艺,并在巴黎定居直至最后去世的生平经历。 1.根据第一段His father was a painter and art teacher的描述可知,是他的父亲在绘画方面给了他启蒙教育。故应选C, He gave his son the first lesson in drawing。 2.根据上文He studied in several cities in Spain. But there was no one to teach him all that he wanted to know.的描述可知,他在西班牙的几个城市都学习过,但没有人能教他想知道的东西,所以他才出访巴黎。故选A,When he was nineteen, he visited Paris。 3.根据前文 Paris was then the center of the world for artists. Everything that was new and exciting in the world of paintings seemed to happen there描述可知,巴黎是世界艺术中心,绘画领域的新奇事都发生在那里。因此对那里产生了爱慕。故选F,He found he liked this city very much。 4.根据上文When he was twenty-three, Picasso moved there to live .的描述可知,他23岁移居巴黎,并从此在那里度过他的余生。故应选D,Then he lived in France for the rest of his life.。 5.根据短文 When he was over ninety, this great painter still lived his life like a young man的描述可知这位伟大的画家九十岁时依然过着象年轻人一样的生活。他依然为他的艺术素材寻找新的理念和方法。故应选B,He was still looking for new ideas and new ways to use his artistic materials。 考点:人物传记类短文阅读。

Jeff Keith has only one leg. When he was 12 years old, Jeff had cancer(癌症). Doctors had to cut off most of his right leg.

     Every day Jeff puts on an artificial leg(假腿). With the plastic artificial leg Jeff can ride a bicycle, swim, and play soccer. He can also run.

    Jeff made a plan with his friends who had plastic legs, too. They decided to run across America.

    When he was 22 years old, Jeff Keith ran across the United States from the east to the west. He started running in Boston. Seven months later, he stopped running in Los Angeles. He ran 3,200 miles. Jeff stopped in cities on the way to Los Angeles. In every city people gave Jeff money. The money was not for Jeff, but for the American Cancer Society.

   Jeff is disabled, but he can do many things. He is studying to be a lawyer(律师). Jeff says, “People can do anything they want to do. I want people to know that. I ran not only for disabled people. I ran for everybody.”


1.Jeff’s right leg was cut off because he had_______.

A. TB(肺结核)B. an accident  C. cancer   D. a serious injury

2. From the passage we know that Boston is _______.

A. in the west         

B. half between the east and west

C. near Los Angeles   

D. in the east

3.It took Jeff _______ to run from Boston to Los Angeles.

A. about four and a half months     B. over two hundred days

C. almost twenty-five weeks        D. less than half a year

4.The underlined word “disabled” means _______.

A. 优秀的  B. 劳累的    C. 残疾的    D. 无能为力的

5.The fifth passage tells us that _______.

A. people should give him more money

B. people can do anything they want to do

C. some disabled men will become lawyers 

D. disabled people also can run





Personal Information



Born in 1965 in Jiangsu, China

An astronaut (宇航员)

Traveled in Shenzhou VI in outer space with Nie Haisheng from October 12th to October 17th, 2005

Yao Ming

Born in Shanghai in 1980

The son of two great basketball players

Joined the Houston Rockets in November, 2002

Jay Chou

Born in 1979 in Taiwan, China

A popular singer

Favorite music: Hip-Hop

Alfred Nobel


Born in Sweden

A scientist

Known for the Nobel Prize

Helen Keller


Not able to see or hear

Worked hard and became one of the famous writers in America

Wrote a lot, such as The Story of My Life

1.Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng traveled in outer space for ____ days.

A. two                     B. six                  C. seven                   D. nine

2.Yao Ming was a basketball player in ____ years ago.

A. Germany              B. Canada              C. America                D. England

3.The ____ was born in 1833.

A. player                B. singer                  C. astronaut                 D. scientist

4.The Story of My life is the name of a ____.

A. sport                B. song                 C. prize                    D. book

5.Which of the following is true?

A. Yao Ming’s parents were players.

B. Jay Chou is from Shanghai, China.

C. Alfred Nobel was a French.

D. Helen Keller couldn’t see, but could hear.



If you want to make friends, what should you do?


Try to look on the bright side of things.

Look for groups in your area that do something you are interested in. Maybe you will learn some new skills and meet some people who have many things in common with you.


Contact your friends at least once a week by telephone or e-mail, or by visiting them to find out how they are. Remember important things about them such as birthdays and weddings(婚礼).

If you have an argument with your friends, say sorry first.

Remember never to leave old friends just because you have made some new ones.

Listen to others carefully. It’s better to be a good listener.

Be different. Don’t try to change others through your own ideas.


Never ask or give away(泄密) a friend’s secret.

Don’t be afraid to stand up for what is right.

You’d better not give your ID number, phone number or your home address to people that you have just made friends with.


1.Why is it good to look for groups in your area?

A. Because it isn’t far.             

B. Because it is a rule in your area.

C. Because you can make some money.

D. Because it’s a good chance to meet people who have the same interests.

2.The underlined word “contact” means “ ______ ”.

A.联系              B.关系              C.关联                            D.联合

3.If you are somebody’s good friend, you should ______ .

try to know his or her secrets             

support him or her when he or she is right

keep in touch with them often  

try to change her or him with your own ideas

A.①②              B.②③              C.②④                            D.①④

4.Which of the following is NOT right according to the passage?

A. Listen to your friends carefully and keep their secrets.

B. To keep in touch with your new friends, you’d better tell them your phone number or address.

C. If you have an argument with your good friend, you’d better say sorry to him or her first.

D. When you want to make more friends, you should look on the bright side first.

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. What Is Real Friendship             

B. Where to Meet New Friends

C .How to Make Friends

D. Friends should Help Each Other



Do you know? There is one language ____ in every country in the world. People, young or old, short or tall, thin or fat, use it very often. It is everybody’s second ____ . It is very easy to ___, though you can’t hear it. It is a sign language.

   When you wave(挥手) to a friend on the street, you are ____sign language. When you ___  up your hand in class, you are saying, “Please ask me, I think I know the answer,” or “I have some questions to ____.” When you smile at someone, you mean to be ____to him. When you put your forefinger(食指) in front of your mouth, you mean, “___ quiet, please.” When a policeman wants to ___cars or buses, he raises his right arm. Sign language is very useful in quiet places or places ___ of noise. It is different from body language.

1.A.used                  B.use                    C.using                    D.uses

2.A.sign                  B.action                    C.language        D.expression

3.A.write                  B.say                    C.express                     D.understand

4.A.use                  B.using                    C.speak                    D.speaking

5.A.look     B.make       C.put             D.Take

6.A.ask       B.say         C.answer         D.tell

7.A.friend     B.friendly    C.kindness        D.kindly

8.A.Take      B.Make      C.Is             D.Be

9.A.say       B.catch        C.stop           D.prevent

10.A.full      B.none       C.made          D.some




A: May I help you?

B: Yes, please. I’d like to borrow a book.

A:        1.           

B: Jane Eyre.

A: Wait a minute.           2.         . Sorry, it has been borrowed.

B:          3.            . What about Romeo and Juliet?

A: Yes.          4.         .

B: Thank you.         5.            .

A: Two weeks. You must finish reading it and return it on time.

B: I see. Thank you. Goodbye.

A: Goodbye.

A.What a pity!

B.What’s the name of the book?

C.Here it is.

D.Let me find it on the computer for you.

E.How long can I keep it?



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