满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— How was your interview with the boss? ...

— How was your interview with the boss?

— ________. He seemed interested in my experience, but he didn’t ask for my recommendation letter.

A. Perfect                        B. I’m not sure                     C. That’s right                                D. Couldn’t be better


B 【解析】 试题分析: 句意:昨天老板对你的面试怎么样?我不太确定。他似乎对我的经验感兴趣,但是没有要我的推荐信。 Perfect完美,I’m not sure我不确信,That’s right 那是对的,Couldn’t be better好的不能再好了;根据 He seemed interested in my experience, but he didn’t ask for my recommendation letter.他似乎对我的经验感兴趣,但是没有要我的推荐信,可知是不确定,故选B。 考点:考查交际用语。  

Our headmaster isn’t in his office. I can’t find him anywhere. Did you notice him ______ the office?

A. to enter                        B. enter                          C. to leave                        D. leave



You had better ________ some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.

A. spend                         B. take                           C. spare                           D. give



The radio says that a terrible traffic accident happened sometime ________ 8 a.m. ________ 10 a.m. this morning.

A. between; and                  B. from; to                        C. between; to                     D. from; and



He made a mistake, but then he took action to change the situation ________ it got worse.

A. until                                                         B. when                                                         C. before                                           D. because



Having ________ exercise every day will do great good to your health.      

A. a lot                                                            B. a number of                              C. too much                                              D. plenty of 



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