满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

近几年,“汉语热”(Chinese Rush)在世界各地不断升温。请结合提供的要...

近几年,汉语热”(Chinese Rush)在世界各地不断升温。请结合提供的要点,以“Chinese Rush”为题写一篇短文,介绍一下各种学汉语的活动以及汉语热的原因。



      中国有悠久的历史,丰富的文化(rich culture)


要求:1. 词数80—100词;2. 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Chinese Rush

As a Chinese. I’m very proud of the popularity of Chinese in the world. ________________






Chinese Rush As a Chinese, I’m very proud of the popularity of Chinese in the world. There are more and more programmers of Chinese learning and Chinese competitions on TV. So far, more than 200 Confucius institutes have been set up in over 60 countries all over the world. The number of foreign students who come to China to learn Chinese increases every year. Why is Chinese becoming so popular in the world? There are three main reasons, I think. First, China has a long history and rich culture. Many foreigners are interested in them. Second, China is getting richer and stronger. Last, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2010 Shanghai Expo helped the world know China better. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇给材料作文。主要是介绍各种学汉语的活动以及“汉语热”的原因,给出的要点包括各种电视汉语节目、汉语比赛越来越流行;来中国学习汉语的人越来越多;中国有悠久的历史,丰富的文化(rich culture);中国越来越富有、强大等。在写作中要包含这些要点,并适当利用连词使文章通顺,流畅。 【亮点说明】能合理发挥,适当增加细节很是不错。在文中合理利用连词及句子使文章更有逻辑性如:As a Chinese, So far,,Why is Chinese becoming so popular in the world?。复合句及大量短语的应用给文章增色不少。如:be proud of,more and more,be interested in ,The number of foreign students who come to China to learn Chinese increases every year.等。平时要注意积累并合理利用这些固定短语。 考点:话题作文。  



We should _________ when we are _________ the bus.


He won’t stay at home _________. He likes to _________ others.


I _________ a bike as a gift on my _________.


His grandpa took _________ collecting _________.


Have you _________ Zhang Lili? She is the _________ woman teacher in China.




1.Study hard, or you’ll fail the exams. (改为同义句)

_________ you _________ study hard, you will fail the exams.

2.Mary is good at writing Chinese words. (改为同义句)

Mary _________ well _________ writing Chinese words.

3.“I can sing some English songs.” Li Ming said. (变为间接引语)

Li Ming said _________ _________ sing some English songs.

4. She went shopping last Sunday. (改为同义句)

She _________ _________ shopping last Sunday.

5.We will go somewhere to have a picnic. (改为否定句)

We _________ go _________ to have a picnic.



Dear John,

Thanks for taking care of my apartment while I’m away. Please feed the cat and the fish every day. The cat food is in the kitchen and the fish food is next to the cat food. Also, could you please check the cat’s water bowl? The bowl is next to his food dish. (83) The fish food is __________________.

Please water the plants twice a week. (84) 你能在星期四的时候把垃圾扔了吗? They come for the trash then. Please check my mail box for me on Wednesday, too.

If you’re hungry, have some chocolate cakes. It’s in the refrigerator. You can help yourself to the orange juice in there, too. (85) Please don’t forget to lock the door when you leave.

Thanks again for your help.



1.How often does John need to feed the cat?


2.What does John need to cheek?



3.The fish food is ___________________________________________________________.








how   look  many    able  as  crowd    find   problem   for   comfortable

Do you think people will work and live in the sea in the future? You may ask. “_________1.will people go to work then?” By submarine(潜水艇)! Some scientists believe that some day submarines will be as ________2. as today’s cars.

A French driver says, “One day, man will travel in the sea _________3.they do in the street!”

If humans want to live in the sea, they have to solve (解决) a lot of ___4. first. For example, what will happen to our body if we stay in the water _________5. a long time?

Scientists are _________6. for the answers. Maybe in 50 years man will be _________7. to live in the sea. They will be away from the _________8. cities. Man will _________9.that it’s fun and interesting to live in the sea, and that life in the sea is more _________10.. Don’t you think so?




1.Some students are singing to r_________ money for charity.

2.China and India are both A _________ countries.

3.My mother is cooking in the k_________.

4.I’ll get a_________ when someone talks to me while I’m reading.

5.It’s very i_________ to make noise in class.

6.The boy was dancing when a_________(外国人) arrived.

7.Beijing is the _________ (首都) of China.

8.All of us have been _________() up the hill for two hours.

9.Were you _________ (抄写) others’ homework when I came in?

10.He feels _________(紧张的) when he goes to see the doctor.



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