满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Tina’s cousin is _______ violinist. He c...

Tina’s cousin is _______ violinist. He can play _______ violin very well.

A. an, \                                      B. a, the                                     C. the, the                   D. \, a


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:蒂娜的表弟是一个小提琴家。他小提琴拉得很好。violinist 小提琴家;violin小提琴。第一次提到的事物用a或an,violinist 不是以元音音标开关的,应用a。play接乐器时中间要用the。故选B 考点:考查冠词的用法。  


要求:1. 50—70词;2. 文中不要出现自己的真实信息。








more outgoing

play soccer

go skating

The same

short curly hair

friendly and kind

enjoy singing











This                   is            large                  she gets lost.


My brother                           three  times a week.


The most important thing is to                          and               .


My friend is                               me.


Most of the students                          a scientist in the future.



My sister and I are very different. When people meet us both, they are always surprised to learn that we are sisters. This is because we don’t look like each other, and we have different personalities(性格).

Are you similar to your brother or sister? My sister and I aren’t  similar to each other at all. I am tall, but she is very short. I have short dark brown hair and green eyes. She has long blond hair and blue eyes. I am strong, but she is not. I have big hands and feet; her feet and hands are very small. When we are kids, she was thin, but I was heavy. Now we’re both heavy.

We also have opposite personalities. She is always shy. I am more outgoing. She is very worried about what other people think and say about her, but I really don’t care. When she has a problem, she just worries about it, but when I have a problem, I try to fix it. She easily gets angry, especially with our mother. But I am more patient. 

1.When people meet the writer and her sister, they are always surprised to learn          

2.The writer and her sister are different in                     ways.

3.The writer’s sister has                       hair.

4.The writer’s sister is very worried about             about her.

5.Do the write and her sister have the same personalities?             

6.Find the topic sentence of the passage and copy it down. (找出文章的主题句并抄写下来)

7.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. (将划线的句子翻译成中文)

8.The underlined word “heavy” in the passage means “                 ”in English.



To start with, put the napkin on your lap. this protects your clothes from food or is used to wipe your hands or mouth when necessary..

   Hold the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left hand , and cut the meat or fish into pieces as you eat. Always use your fork to put food in your mouth. Use your spoon only for soup.

   Do not put your own fork, knife and spoon into serving bowl.

   Do not spit food anywhere! If you have bones in your mouth, take them out with your fingers and place them on the edge of your plate, never on the table or floor.

   Do not reach across the table or in front of another person. Ask someone to pass whatever you want.

1.How many rules are there in the passage?

A. Two.   B. Three.   C.Four.    D.Five

2.What can you use to put food in your mouth?

A .Knife.   B. Knife or fork. C. Knife and fork D. fork

3.If you can’t reach the food, what will you do?

A.Reach across the table.

B.Reach in front of another person.

C.Ask somebody to pass it to you.

D.Reach by yourself.

4.Which hand holds the knife?

A.Right hand.

B.Left hand.

C.Either of your hands.

D.Both of your hands.

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Place bones on the edge of your plate.

B.Use your spoon only for soup.

C.The napkin protects your clothes from food.

D.You can put your own fork, knife and spoon into serving bowl.



Every year there is the Spring Festival in China. Usually it is in January or February. Its the most important festival in China. So before it comes, everyone has to prepare things. They buy beef, pork, chicken, fruit and many other things. And they often make a special kind of food called “dumplings”. It means “come together” in Chinese. On the day before the festival, parents buy new clothes for their children and children also buy presents for their parents. 

On the festival eve()all the family members  come back to their home. This is a happy moment. They sing, dance and play cards. When they enjoy the meal, they give each other the best wishes for the coming year. They all have a good time.

1.Which is the most important festival in China?           .

A. Mid-autumn Festival        B. Spring Festival       C. Children’s Day      D. May Day

2. The Chinese usually have their Spring Festival in         . 

A. January or February           B. February or March   

C. September or October         D. December or January 

3. What’s the special kind of food for the Spring Festival in China?   . 

A. Pork        B. Fish         C. Dumplings      D. Noodles  

4.The food “dumplings” mean            ”. 

A. be delicious    B. be hungry     C. come together    D. come back 

5. When they are having dinner on the festival eve, the Chinese       .

A. sing, dance and play cards      B. buy each other presents 

C. never drinks                       D. give each other the best wishes  



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