满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It will _______ hundreds of years to mak...

It will _______ hundreds of years to make robots think like a human.

A. spend       B. cost          C. take           D. pay            


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:使机器人像人类一样思考还需要数百年的时间。四个选项都有花费的意思,但用法不同:A. spend 人作主语,spend---- on\doing花费时间做某事;B. cost 物作主语;C. take it作形式主语,句式:It takes sb st to do sth某人花费多少时间做某事;D. pay 人作主语,pay fo为-----付钱。结合语境故选C。 考点:考查动词辨析。  

He’d like tea _______ milk in it.

A. and           B. with           C. has            D. of



I am tired after the long work. I want to have a ____ ___.

A. look        B. talk          C. rest        D. party



假如你是Mary你也看过CCTV-2 “Good Cook”,学会了cheese sandwich的制作方法。请你给Amanda回信,并向他介绍cheese sandwich的做法。


1. 制作材料:some butter, two pieces of bread, a tomato, an onion some cheese, some lettuce

2. 结合所学知识和生活实践,介绍做法,至少包含5个步骤。

3. 条理清晰,语句通顺,80词左右。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Amanda,

    Thanks for you letter. I have tried the recipe you told me. I like it so much. I learned to make a cheese sandwich from CCTV-2 not long ago. I would like you to try it. Let me tell you how.

     Before starting, we should have ________________________________________________


     I have tried it. It’s easy. Tomorrow is Saturday, so you can try it at home by yourself.

     Have a nice weekend!






Dear Mary,

    How’s it going? Things are fine here. I am very happy every day. Last week on the “Good Cook” on CCTV-2, I learn to make the kebabs(烤肉串). And I want to tell you how to do it.

    Before starting to cook, we should have some meat, vegetables and some sauce. Of course, we need tools(工具), too, like skewers(烤肉签)the barbecue(烤肉架) and the charcoal(木炭).

    Now you can start! First, cut up some meat and vegetables and put them in a bowl with your favorite sauce. Mix them up. 20 minutes later, put the meat and vegetables on the skewers. Then put charcoal in the barbecue and light it. After that, put the kebabs on the barbecue and cook for 10 minutes to 15 minutes, turning them over from time to time. Finally, take the kebabs off the barbecue and enjoy them!

    I tried this recipe. It is really great! I hope you can try it later.

    Best wishes!



How to make kebabs

Things needed

How to do it



1)Cut up the meat and vegetables, and put them in a bowl. Add some 2.______ and mix them up.

2) Put the meat and vegetables on the skewers.

3) Put the charcoal in the barbecue and


4) Put the kebabs on the barbecue to cook 10-15 minutes, 4.______ from time to time.

5) Take off the kebabs and you can enjoy them.







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Another 1.__ is coming. My classmates are talking about how to spend the weekend. Some of them are going to have a good sleep and 2.___ up late. Some are going to watch TV. 3.__ are going to enjoy themselves in the park.

On weekends, I usually 4.___ at home doing my homework or reading some books. Sometimes I watch TV or play computer games. But this weekend, I have my 5.___ plan, however. On Saturday morning, I’m going to practice English more, 6.___ there will be an English test next week. I want to do 7.__ in the test, so I must get ready for it. I’ll watch the news report in the evening. I like watching the news because I can know what’s 8.___ on around the world. On Sunday, I will go to 9.___ my grandmother with my parents. She 10.___ ill last week. We want to know if she is better now.

Maybe I’ll be very busy but I think I’ll be very happy, too.



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