满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



1.The ________ will drop below zero. (温度

2.You should understand the ___________of learning English well.(重要性)

3.All of us know bad weather sometimes causes _______ disasters. (自然的)

4.The ________ girl named Susanne in the world weighs nearly 700 kilograms now. (胖)

5.Ladies and gentlemen, please let me ________ my best friend to you. (介绍)

6.______, he didn’t hurt badly in the terrible accident. (lucky)

7.The ______ are busy fishing in the lake. (fish)

8.The shoes are ________ to wear, I will not buy them. (comfortable )

9.Help _________to some meat, boys and girls. (you)

10.You had better________ at home until it stops raining. (stay)


1.temperature 2.importance 3.natural 4.fattest 5.introduce 6.Luckily 7.fishermen 8.uncomfortable 9.yourselves 10.stay 【解析】 试题分析: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 考点:单词拼写。

Do you like eating chocolate? Companies spend millions of dollars on tools and machines to make chocolate. With a little ingredients, however, you can turn your kitchen into a chocolate factory. Today we will teach the Cocoa Powder (可可粉)Method(方法), it is easier for beginners. Try it and make your own homemade chocolate.

Here are the ingredients (原料) you need:

cocoa powder — 2 cups (220g) ; butter — 3/4 cup (170g); sugar — 3/4 cup (100g); milk — 2/3 cup (150ml); salt — a little bit ; water — 1 cup (235ml).

Now, please follow these steps. First, mix the cocoa powder and butter in a bowl until you have a smooth paste (). Then , add the cocoa powder mixture (混合物)  to the hot water and stir(搅拌). Allow the temperature to rise back up. Put the hot mixture into a bowl,  stir the sugar mixture into the hot cocoa mix. Add milk, stir until smooth. At last, put the mixture into different containers(容器). The chocolate will take the shape of the container. You can put it in the fridge to harden(使变硬)it.

We hope you can enjoy your homemade chocolate.

1.What is NOT necessary when we are making chocolate?

A. cocoa power     B. salt        C. water      D. egg

2.Which is the right order to make chocolate?

Put sugar and milk into the mixture.

Mix the cocoa powder and butter

Place the mixture into containers, and put it in the fridge.

Add hot water and stir.

A.       B.    C.      D.

3.What’s the best title of this passage?

A. How to Build a Chocolate Factory.

B. The Ways to Eat Chocolate.

C. How to Make Chocolate at Home.

D. The Cocoa Bean Method.

4.The information above may come from a ________.

A. story book      B.  magazine      C. sports newspaper     D. travel guide



Jay, an American, wanted to write a book about famous churches (教堂)around the world. Firstly, Jay bought a plane ticket and took a trip to Columbus, Ohio, USA, thinking that he would start by working his way across the USA from East to West. 

On his first day he was inside a church taking photos when he noticed a golden telephone on the wall with a sign that read "$10,000 per call".

Jay was intrigued so he asked a priest (牧师) what the telephone was used for.

The priest told him that it was a direct (直接的) line to heaven(天堂) and that for $10,000 you could talk to God. Jay thanked the priest and went along his way.

Next stop was in Des Moines, and there at a very large church, he saw the same looking golden telephone with the same sign under it. A nearby nun(修女)told him that it was a direct line to heaven and that for $10,000 he could talk to God.

Jay decided to travel to Australia to see if they had a similar phone. He arrived at Western Australia, and again, in the church he entered, there was the same looking golden telephone, but this time the sign under it read "40 cents per call."

Somewhat surprised, Jay asked the priest about the sign. 'Father Brian, I travelled all over the world and I saw this same golden telephone in many churches. I know it is a direct line to Heaven, but in all of them price was $10,000 per call. Why is it so cheap here?'

Father(神父)Brian smiled and answered, 'My son, you're in Australia now - this is Heaven, so it's only a local call.'

1.How many churches did Jay go to in the passage?

A. Three     B. Four     C. Five     D. Six

2.The underlined word ‘intrigued’ in Paragraph 3 may mean ‘        ’.

A. 恐惧的  B.欣喜的    C.犹豫的    D. 好奇的

3.Which is TURE according to the passage?

A. Jay was a singer.

B. In all of churches, the price was $10,000 per call

C. All the telephones look the same.

D. Jay travelled in America by car.

4.We can infer (推断) from the Father Brian’s words in the last Paragraph?

A. Jay was from Australia.

B. Jay would spend less money in Australia because everything was cheaper there.

C. Australia is as beautiful as Heaven.

D. Father Brian found his real son at last.



A dog can’t speak any words, but it can “talk”. It has feelings just as you do. Sometimes it may feel angry or afraid. Watch a dog closely, and you can find out its feelings. You can see what it is trying to tell you. When you are afraid, you may look down. When a dog is afraid, it may run away. When you are angry with other people, you stare at(凝视) them. An angry dog also stares. Sometimes the hair along its back stands up.

Do you feel guilty (有罪的) when you have done something wrong? Dogs can feel guilty, too. Sometimes when I come home, my dog gives me a guilty look. Then I know he has done something wrong.

Dogs need love and attention (关心). Some dogs are very unhappy when they are left alone for a long time. Some dogs snaps(撕咬)if they don’t get enough attention.

You may have a dog or you may know a dog. Treat it well if you want to have fun with it. Take it for a walk. Don’t order(命令) it round too much. Try not to punish (惩罚) it. Always remember, a dog has needs and feelings just as you do. Talk to a dog, and it will talk to you.

1.When a dog is afraid, it may _______.

A. look down     B. run away         C. bark          D. stare

2.When ______, you know that a dog has done something wrong.

A. It runs away from you                B. Its hair stands up

C. its tail shakes (摇摆)                 D. it has a guilty look

3.If a dog snaps at things, it may ________.

A. feel lonely    B. be frightened     C. feel sleepy      D. be happy

4.Which of the following would the writer like you to do towards your dog?

A. Leave your dog alone.

B. Punish the dog.

C. Treat it the way you want to be treated.

D. Teach the dog to take orders from you



Do you like travelling? If you are interested, come to our travel service as soon as possible. We offer the following travel lines for you to choose from.

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1.If you want to relax yourself at the seaside, you can call________ .

A. 800-817-7223     B. 800-810-6288 C. 800-830-7288 D. 800-850-8288

2.Mrs. Li is planning to take the 8-Day London Tour with her daughter. How much will they pay?

A. 31600     B. 33600    C. 32600          D.27600

3.If you take the 6-Day Colourful Taiwan Group Tour, you will be able to ________.

A. taste Yangzhou food                   B. enjoy the view of the Thames

C. climb A-li Mountain                   D. walk along the beaches



Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Rakesh, he studied and lived in a boarding school(寄宿学校). Every night he jumped over the wall and played outside. He       returned before dawn (黎明) and lay on his bed again, so no one knew that Rakesh went out at        .

One night as usual, Rakesh found          asleep. He decided to play outside again. He went into his teacher—Mrs. Green’s room       and saw her       . Then Rakesh walked out towards the wall. Near the wall, there was a ladder in the bushes, he hid it there. He         the ladders and he climbed up it , then jumped over the wall.       at that time his teacher was awake and saw him going out.

      got up and took away the       from the wall. A few hours       , Rakesh returned. In the dark, he tried to climb       from the wall. Sadly, there was no ladder, instead, Mrs. Green was standing where the ladder was and waited for him. Rakesh was very       to be punished (处罚), but to his surprise, she just helped Rakesh to get onto the ground , said, "Rakesh, at least       a warm coat with you, when you go out at night."

Mrs. Green's       made Rakesh know his own faults. He apologized (道歉) and never went out at night again. It is the       lesson that he has ever had.

1.A. never        B. always     C. seldom      D. sometimes

2.A. daytime      B. weekends   C. night        D. noon

3.A. someone     B. anyone     C. no one       D. everyone

4.A. loudly       B. quietly      C. happily      D. quickly

5.A. sleeping     B. reading     C. watching TV   D. running

6.A. took care of   B. took away  C. took a look at  D. took out

7.A. And         B. But        C. So            D. Because

8.A. He          B. They      C. She           D. It

9.A. bed         B. chair       C. bushes       D. ladder

10.A. ago         B. before      C. later         D. late

11.A. up          B. down       C. out         D. in

12.A. afraid       B. glad        C. sorry        D. surprised

13.A. buy        B. bring       C. take         D. borrow

14.A. kindness    B. illness      C. happiness     D. sadness

15.A. worst       B. best        C. furthest       D. smallest



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