满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

_______animals are in danger and there w...

_______animals are in danger and there will be _______space for them if we do nothing for them.

A. More and more; less and lessB. Less and less; more and more

C. Fewer and fewer; more and moreD. More and more; more and more


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:越来越多的动物面临危险,如果我们不为他们做些事情将来他们生存的空间会越来越少。Animal为可数名词,而space意为“空间”,为不可数名词,所以用less来修饰;故选A。 考点:考查比较级的用法。  

Good hotels can provide us _______hot water even at night. And it can also provide food ______us any time.

A. for; for B. with; withC. with; for   D. for; with



______nature reserves _______us learn more about protecting animals.

A. Studying ; helpB. Studies ; helpsC. To study; helping   D. Studying; helps




           —It was sunny and windy.

A.What was the weather        B. What was the weather like

C.How was the temperature           D. What was the temperature



Bees always remember ________back the same way _______they went.

A. coming; from   B. coming; as     C. to come; asD. to come ;from



Please_______the painting on the wall and _______the washing machine later.

A. put up; put in   B. put out; put inC. put in; put upD. put up; put down



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