满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It is very important to have good friend...

It is very important to have good friends. A life without a friend is a life without a sun.

Having good friends can help us in lots of different ways. People with a lot of friends usually feel happier than people with no friends. Everything we do will be more fun if we have friends with us to share our happiness and worries. 1)When friends are in trouble, we should help them _____ ______laughing at them. When we are feeling sad or worried, our friends will also give us advice and help us get out of difficulties.

2)We should not only have good friends but also be good friends. We need our friends as much as they need us. We should be willing to help friends when they need help.


What will friends do when we have difficulties?


2.1)句的空白处填入适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺:________  ________



If friends need our help, we should be glad to help them.





1.They can help us get out of difficulties. 2.instead of 3.我们不仅应该拥有好朋友,而且还应该做好朋友。 4.We should be willing to help friends when they need help. 5.It is very important to have good friends. 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了朋友的重要性,告诫我们要珍惜朋友并且要善待朋友。和朋友要真心相对,互帮互助。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 考点:任务型阅读。


1.He is ________(humor),he always tells us funny jokes.

2.What fun it is _______(learn)foreign language.

3.Did you enjoy__________(you)at the party yesterday?

4.We have a ________(month)test on each subject.

5.When we arrived at the park, we could not wait _______(take)many photos of the park.

6. _______(sad), many wild animals lost their lives because of people.

7.Many polar bears die because of _______(lose) their living areas.

8.You had better ________(not shout)at the children. Be patient.

9.When Xi Wang was born, she _______(weigh)just 100 grams.

10.The radio says it will be much _______(snow)tomorrow.

11.Look! There are many________(fisherman) fishing in the river.

12.Tomorrow will be a hot day with temperatures in the _____________(thirty).

13.It’s______(correct)if you drop litter(垃圾)in nature nerves.

14.We_______(sleep)at 10.p.m last night.

15.A lot of ___________(tour) go to Zhalong to watch the birds every day.



Bob Harris was a weatherman at a small television station. He worked for twenty years and during those twenty years, he felt that his life was boring. Every day, he studied the weather and tried to predict(预报)the next day’s weather. Then, he stood in front of the camera and read his report. Some days it was cloudy, some days it was sunny; sometimes rainy, while sometimes snowy. The weather changed each day, but Bob still felt that his job was always the same. His boss often told him to be happier and smile more in front of the camera, but Bob rarely smiled. He thought that most people did not watch his weather report and his job did not matter much to anyone. One day, he arrived at work and began to study the weather as usual. He noticed that something was different that day.

Everything he studied told him that there was going to be a very big storm very soon, though he was not completely sure. Suddenly, Bob felt excited. He ran to his boss’s office and asked to do a special weather report. The boss agreed and Bob gave a special report that afternoon, warning people of the coming storm. Because of this report, many people were safe during the storm.

Bob realized(意识到) that his job was actually very important.

1.Why did Bob feel that his life was boring?

A. Because the weather changed each day.  

B. Because he did not want to work for a small television station.

C. Because he did not like to stand in front of the camera.

D. Because he felt that his job was always the same.

2.Why did Bob rarely smile when he was in front of the camera?

A. Because he thought that his job did not matter much to anyone.

B. Because he only worked for a small televison station.

C. Because he did not like his boss.

D. Because the weather report was boring.

3.Why did Bob ask to do a special weather report?

A. Because he felt excited.

B. Because he wanted to warn people of the coming storm.

C. Because he realized that his job was actually very important.

D. Because he wanted to smile in front of the camera.

4.Why did Bob feel excited?

A. Because he wanted to do a special weather report.

B. Because he wanted to ask his boss for more money.

C. Because he knew there was going to be a big storm soon.

D. Because he was going to stand in front of the camera.

5.How did Bob realize that his job was actually very important?

A. People were safe from the storm because of his weather report.

B. He got better pay after he did the weather report.

C. People liked him very much.

D. He did a special report every day.



Little Mike’s grandma died weeks ago. He missed her very much. One afternoon Mike went to the city park where his grandma used to go. There he saw an old lady. She looked very kind. She was sitting there, watching pigeons(鸽子).Little Mike went up and sat next to her. He took out his food and drinks and gave some to her. She smiled at him. Her smile was so sweet that Mike wanted to see it again. She seemed to understand him, so once again she smiled. Mike was very glad.

They sat there all the afternoon, eating and talking. As it grew dark, Mike got up to leave. Before he left, he hugged the old lady and she gave her sweetest smile.

When Mike got home, his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face. “I met a granny in the park. Her smile was like the kind of smile I had seen on grandma’s face.”

The old lady also returned to her home happily. She told her son that she had food and drinks with a little boy. “He was as lovely as Brittany.” She said. Her son was surprised, because he had never seen her so happy since Brittany, her grandson, died weeks ago.

1.Little Mike went to the park and ________.

A. played with pigeons

B. fed pigeons

C. met an old lady

D. saw a friend of his grandma’s

2.The old lady’s smile showed that _______.

A. he had hoped to meet the boy

B. she wanted to get some drinks

C. she missed her grandson

D. she liked the little boy

3.Mike felt very glad because_______.

A. he gave the granny food and drinks

B. the old lady was as kind as his grandma

C. he had seen his grandma

D. she liked the little boy

4.Mike and the old lady________.

A. were good to each other

B. knew each other well

C. often met in the park

D. did nothing that afternoon

5.What can we learn from the story?

A. When one feels unhappy, he must go to a park

B. Old people are always kind and happy

C. Children and old people should get on well with each other

D. When people are kind to each other, they will feel happy



It is not a good idea for children to have to work hard. Children should study in school as hard as they can. They should not have to do heavy work with their bodies. When parents or others force(强迫)their children to work hard, the results are never good. Many may be very bad. If a farmer makes his son work like a man, he may easily learn to hate farming.

Children sometimes do too much in gardens, in shops, or even in their own homes. They soon begin to hate such work with a force, because that can destroy their happiness. But there may be a worse loss, child’s love for its parents. The feeling may become something different. When that happens, the old kind of love never returns.

1.It is not a good idea for _______to have to work hard.

A. men B. womenC. children       D. boys

2.Children should study in school _______.

A. hard       B. easy        C. happyD. early

3.Children should not have to do _______work with their bodies.

A. easy       B. good          C. heavily       D. heavy

4.The writer thinks children should study and play _______.

A. hard       B. happily        C. heavily       D. happy

5.The writer thinks children’s parents or others don’t force their _______to work hard.

A. sisters      B. brothers        C. children       D. uncles




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1.New York Museum is closed on        .

A. Monday      B. Friday       C. Saturday    D. Sunday

2.Tommy is an 8-year-old boyHe wants to visit The City Flower Show with his parentsHow much will they pay?

A. 125yuan       B. 100 yuan       C. 75 yuan         D. 150 yuan

3.If you want to get more information about English Summer Camp, you can        .

A. go to Canada

B. write to CEECCIEE

C. call at (010) 66062607

D. send an e-mail to University of Toronto

4.        will give performances in Pop Music Week in Chaoyang Park.

A. Bands       B. Dancers       C. Singers        D. Both A and C

5.Philliptwenty years old, is not allowed to        .

AThe City Flower Show   B. English Summer Camp

C.  New York Museum DPop Music Week



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