满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

There are many kinds of food in the worl...

There are many kinds of food in the world. Scientists learn a lot about them. They say that there are some kinds of food people must eat every day. For example, people must eat some green and yellow vegetables. We shouldn't eat too much meat. People also need to eat some fruits, bread and rice. Of course our bodies need some water and milk.

    Scientists say people in different countries and different places eat different kinds of food. They cook food in different ways. Different people eat at different times. In one place, people eat once or twice a day. But in another place, people eat three or four times. The scientists say when to eat and how many times to eat are not important. What we eat is the most important thing.

    Nowadays(现在), the world faces two problems. People in some places, for example, in Africa, are not full. Many people are eating junk food. It's bad for people's health. So it's our duty to make everyone full and make everyone healthy.

1.            know about food most according to the passage.

A. Farmers        B. Cooks        C. Scientists        D. Doctors

2. Scientists think the most important thing about food is             .

A. how to cook              B. when to eat

C. what to eat               D. how often to eat

3. Which of the following statements(陈述) is NOT true?

A. Every day, we should eat some vegetables.

B. All the people in the world have enough food to eat.

C. Many people are eating unhealthy food.

D. Everyone is needed to help solve (解决) the two problems.

4.            is not good for our health.

A. Water          B. Bread         C. Milk          D. Junk food


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:世界上有许多种类的食物。科学家们了解他们。他们说,有一些食物,人们必须每天吃。例如,人们要多吃一些绿色和黄色蔬菜。我们不应该吃太多的肉。人们还需要吃一些水果,面包和米饭。当然,我们的身体需要一些水和牛奶。科学家们说,在不同的国家和不同的地方吃不同种类的食物的人。他们做不同的食物。在不同的时代,人们吃的不同。在一个地方,人们吃一次或两次一天。但在另一个地方,人们吃三或四次。科学家们说,什么时间吃和吃多少次都不重要。我们吃的内容是最重要的。现在,世界面临着两个问题。有些地方的人,例如,在非洲,是吃不饱的。还有许多人吃垃圾食品。它对人的健康有害。所以让每个人都吃饱和让每个人都健康是我们的责任。 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 考点:新闻报道类阅读。



    Two films will be on this Saturday afternoon at Andersen Cinema. See Life of Pie at 2:30 p.m. The Smurfs will be on at 4:45 p.m. For more information, call 66328801.

Picnic (野餐)

    Are you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to City Park this Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not expensive. Noon (中午) to 5:00 p.m.


    "The only", a popular rock band(摇滚乐队) from America, will give their first concert (音乐会) this Saturday night, at 800 p.m. at Golden Hall.

1.If you want to see the film Life of Pie, you have to arrive the cinema before         

A. 2:30            B. 4:45         C. 5:00           D. 8:00

2.At noon people can            this Saturday.

A. see a film.                       B. have a picnic.

C. go to a concert.                   D. watch a football game.

3.The rock band's first concert will be given at                 .

A. Andersen Cinema                 B. City Park

C. Golden Hall                      D. The Zoo




    day, but, from, reading, much, and, send, famous, those, say, full, hear   

    Jane spent her holiday in Scotland. Two days ago, she 1. a letter to Mary and today Mr. Black received a card   2. her.

    "What does Jane 3. in her card, Mum? Let me have a look." Mary said.

    Jane said in her card, "I visited a lot of places. How are you all? I miss you very much."

Mary stopped   4. the card and said, "The words in the card are less than 5. in the letter. Her letter was 6. of things. Let me read it for you." "I went to Edinburgh by train. I stayed there for three    7. and then I went to the mountains. I met a lot of young people there. They have climbed some mountains. I have been to many 8. lakes. I find that Scotland is   9. more beautiful than England. By the way, the restaurant is very nice 10.  I have made many new friends. I'm having a wonderful time here now."



Joe loved to eat hamburgers in fast food restaurants with his friend Daniel. Every week, they would go to eat hamburgers.

One day, Joe     a dream. In his dream, there was a very big hamburger. And there was a voice said, "Eat it! It is      !" So Joe took this big hamburger and began to eat. But suddenly Joe felt sick and had a serious stomachache. When he looked around for help, he saw      in a mirror. He became very fat!  "No!" Joe shouted and    from the terrible dream. He ran to the bathroom quickly     if he became fat in real life. The dream made Joe think if he had a healthy        habit.

    The next day, Joe and Daniel went to eat hamburgers as usual(像往常一样).    Joe stopped at the door of the restaurant and said, "Daniel, if we keep eating so     hamburgers, we will get fat or sick. Shall we eat      today?"  Daniel said, "Of course. Why do you change(改变) your mind today?"

    "I think fast food isn't all bad. But we shouldn't eat them too often," said Joe.      that day, they began to eat fewer hamburgers and more healthy food.

1.A. didB. had     C. made   D. took

2.A. dangerousB. famous C. delicious  D. serious

3.A. hisB. him C. himself   D. he

4.A. turned upB. got up C. stood up   D. woke up

5.A. to seeB. see C. seeing   D. saw

6.A. sleepingB. studying C. reading   D. eating

7.A. AndB. But C. Or   D. So

8.A. manyB. few C. much   D. little

9.A. everything elseB. other something   C. something else    D. else anything

10.A. For    B. From C. In    D. At



What do you think of math?

   — I find              difficult to learn it.

A. that           B. this              C. its           D. it



Who is              swimming, you or she?

A. better at        B. better in           C. good at        D. good in



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