满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Every year thousands of young people in ...

Every year thousands of young people in England finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to university. Some young people go to other countries and work as volunteers (志愿者). Volunteers give their time to help people. For example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they do something helpful for the environment.

    Pauline Jones, 18, lives in Cardiff, Wales. Next year she wants to go to university to study Chinese, but now she’s living in Belize. Pauline says, “I’m working with other people here to save the coral reefs (珊瑚礁) in the sea near Belize. The reefs here are beautiful, but if the sea water is very polluted (污染), the coral dies. I’m helping to do research on the coral and the fish that live around the reefs. All over the world, coral reefs are dying. We need to do something about the problem before it’s too late.”

    “I’m staying with a family here and I help do some housework. I don’t get any money, butthat’s OK. I love my work here, and I’m learning a lot about the people of Belize—and myself!When I finish my work, I want to stay here for another three months. I want to travel around Belize and Central America.”

1.Some young people from England _______ after they finish school.

A. go to university abroad

B. spend one year abroad as volunteers

C. go to work for money

D. start work in schools or hospitals

2.Pauline Jones, an eighteen-year-old girl, is living in _______ now.

A. England         B. China            C. Belize            D. Cardiff

3.Pauline Jones is _______ with other people.

A. studying Chinese in a university

B. working to save the coral reefs

C. helping do some housework

D. doing some research in Wales

4.From the passage, we know that the coral reefs ______.

A. will die because of the pollution

B. are not as beautiful as before

C. cannot live without fish in the sea

D. will probably be sold for money

5.Pauline Jones wants to            after she finishes her work as a volunteer.

A. stay there for another year

B. go back home to start work

C. learn about the people home

D. travel around Central America


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文中作者主要讲述了每年数千名年轻人在毕业后在开始工作前会腾出一年的时间当志愿者。有的年轻人还会去国外做志愿者。Pauline Jones就是这样的一个年轻人。 1.Some young people go to other countries and work as volunteers (志愿者)描述,可知他们到国外当志愿者。故选B。 2.but now she’s living in Belize.可知她住在Belize,故选C。 3.I’m working with other people here to save the coral reefs (珊瑚礁) in the sea near Belize描述,可知他正在拯救珊瑚。故选B. 4.but if the sea water is very polluted (污染), the coral dies.描述,可知由于污染珊瑚会死。故选A。 5.When I finish my work, I want to stay here for another three months. I want to travel around Belize and Central America.描述,在结束工作后他将再呆三个月,想绕伯利兹和中美洲旅行。故选D。 考点:类短文阅读

Do teenagers in small villages do chores at home? How about the teenagers in big cities? Here is a survey. We asked 4,000 teenagers in China several questions. Half of them come from big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.The others are from small villages. We made a diagram of the result of our survey. Let’s have a look at it.We found out that teenagers from small villages do more chores than those from big cities. Maybe it is because they live a harder life. Our advice to parents in big cities is that parents should give their children some chores to do. Doing chores teaches teenagers to take care of themselves.


2000 teenagers in small villages

2000 teenagers in big cities

Take out the trash



Sweep the floor



Make the bed



Do the dishes



Fold the clothes



1.They surveyed ______ teenagers from small villages.

A. 1,000     B. 2,000    C. 3,000 D. 4,000

2.There are 1,000 teenagers from the cities who ______.

A. take out the trash B. do the dishes C. make the bedD. fold the clothes

3.Fewer than ______ teenagers in big cities sweep the floor and make the bed.

A. 500    B. 1,000      C. 1,500  D. 2,000

4.The number of teenagers ______ in big cities is bigger than that in small villages.

A. making the bed        B. taking out the trash

C. folding the clothes      D.doing the dishes

5.Why did they make the survey?

A. Because they don’t want teenagers in China to do chores at home.

B. Because they thought it’ll help teenagers to take good care of themselves to do chores at home.

C. Because they wanted to know if teenagers in China do chores at home.

D.Because they thought it’s not necessary for teenagers to look after themselves.



Mr.  and  Mrs.  Green  were  very  worried  about  their son, Leo. He seemed to be dumb( 哑的)    he  was  normal in every other way. Mr. and Mrs. Green  tried  everything to get him to    ,but with no success.When Leo was six years old, the best  doctors in the town    him carefully, but could find nothing wrong.

And he seemed to be smart. It was just that he  _     spoke.

“There might be something wrong with his      and he doesn’t know he's able to speakone doctor said.“But he can read and write,,,said  Mr. Green. “We’ve written him notes, telling him that he can speak. ”“It’s certainly very       ” another doctor said.  Perhaps he’ll be able to speak some day.    passed. Leo went to university. But he did not say a     word. Then one day,Leo was having a meal with his parents. Without any warning, he looked up  from  his       and said“Pass me the salt,please. ”

Mr. and Mrs. Green were excited. “You  spoke! You spoke!” they cried. “ Why have you     so long to speak?” “I didn’t have anything to  say,,,he said. “Until now everything was perfect. But you forgot to put salt in potatoes. ”

1.A. because    B. when     C. though     D. before

2.A. speak      B. walk     C. play      D. laugh

3.A. taught      B. found       C. examined    D. asked

4.A. never       B. often        C. usually      D. always

5.A. back        B. hair        C. face        D. mind

6.A. unfair     B. strange       C. noisy       D.quiet

7.A. Hours      B. Weeks       C. Months     D. Years

8.A. good       B. right        C. single       D. new

9.A. chair       B. meal         C. hands       D. books

10.A. slept      B. walked       C. served       D. waited



—My mother is ill.             .

A.I think so.      B. That’s OK.   C. Really? Thank you    D.I am sorry to hear that.



I'm not going swimming tomorrow afternoon.          I have to clean up my bedroom.

A. So am I     B. Neither am I C. Neither I am  D. So I am



-Could I        a dictionary from you.  David?

-Sorry , I         it to my cousin yesterday.

A. lend; borrowed B. borrow; lend C. borrow: lent D. borrowed; lend



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