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用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯﹙每个单词限用一次﹚ en...


enjoy   with   enough   but   he   possible  only   mean   book   fact

     Can you imagine inviting 12 friends to a party with only 35 yuan to spend? Or could you take a holiday in Tibet with 1.______ 500 yuan? Can you imagine making a short film with only 3,000yuan?

Well, you might say it’s 2._____ because these things cost a lot of money.But Qiao Xiaodao,, a 36-year-old artist, shows it’s all possible in his 3._______ The Good Life Doesn’t Have to Cost a Fortune﹙大笔钱“People like to say that ‘I will do something as soon as I have got 4.______ money’,but you should never let money become a problem to stop you from 5._____ a happy life,” he said. Qiao lived a cheap 6.______ wonderful life. He started a rock band with his nephew, and 7.________ own CD record came out a few years ago.“In 8._____, we can do many things with only a little money,”he said. “A happy life 9.______ that you are able to feed yourself every day, to have money to make your dream come true, and to be good 10.______ family members,”said Qiao.


1.only 2.impossible 3.book 4.enough 5.enjoying 6.but 7.his 8.fact 9.means 10.with 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要介绍了一位36岁的艺术家Qiao Xiaodao,他认为并不是所有事情都要花很多钱,人不应该让钱阻止你享受幸福的生活。 1.could you take a holiday in Tibet with ______ 500 yuan? 你能仅花500元就可以在西藏旅游度假吗?结合前后文,应是仅用500元,故填only。 2.you might say it’s _____ because these things cost a lot of money.你可能说不可能,这些事要花很多钱。前面列举的这些事情对我们大部分人来说真不太可能,故填impossible。 3.But Qiao Xiaodao,, a 36-year-old artist, shows it’s all possible in his _______ The Good Life Doesn’t Have to Cost a Fortune﹙大笔钱﹚。但是一个36岁的艺术家Qiao Xiaodao却在他的书《好生活不需要很多钱》中表明了这是可能的。并且从所给的单词中也可以推知,此处应填book。 4.People like to say that ‘I will do something as soon as I have got ______ money人们喜欢说:我一有了足够的钱就做……。从日常生活中可以推知,此处应填enough。enough修饰名词要置于名词前。 5.but you should never let money become a problem to stop you from _____ a happy life,但是你永远不应该让钱成为阻止你享受幸福生活的问题。Stop …from doing sth.阻止做某事,故填enjoying。 6.Qiao lived a cheap ______ wonderful life. 乔过着便宜而精彩的生活。cheap 和wonderful的意思相差很大,故填but。 7.He started a rock band with his nephew, and ________ own CD record came out a few years ago.他和侄子创建了自己的摇滚乐队,并且在几年前就出了他自己的CD唱片。根据句意他自己的,故填his。 8.“In _____, we can do many things with only a little money,实际上,我们可以仅用很少的钱做很多事情。in fact实际上,是固定短语,故填fact。 9.A happy life ______ that you are able to feed yourself every day幸福生活的含义是你每天能喂饱自己。这并不用花很多钱,故填means。 10.to have money to make your dream come true, and to be good ______ family members有钱让梦想实现,和家庭成员之间处好关系,be good with,与……相处好,故填with。 考点:词语填空。


请从B栏中选出适合A 栏的答语。

A                                                         B

1.How was the food?                        A.I think Tina is more serious.

2.How much sugar do we need?               B. Because it makes me feel relaxed.

3.Which is more serious,Tina or Tara?          C.Really? How come?

4.Will there be clean air and blue sky?          D.The one with shorter hair.

5.Oh, which one was Lisa?                   E.I’m going to practice basketball really hard

6.Next week is quite full for me,Jack.           F.Yes, I hope so.

7.Classes finish on the sixteenth.               G.No,I think they finish on the fifteenth.

8.Why do you like watching the talk show?     H.Everything tasted really good!

9.Can you hang out with me tomorrow?          I.A tea spoon.

10.How are you going to be a basketball player?   J.Sure! Catch you then!




A. What about nature’s worth﹙价值

It’s our planet’s womb﹙What about us﹚

What about animals﹙What about it﹚

We’ve turned kingdoms to dust﹙What about us﹚

What about elephant﹙What about us﹚


B. And there are children to think of.

Baby’s asleep in the backseat.

Wonder how they’ll ever make it through this living nightmare.

But the mind is an amazing thing.

Full of candy dreams and new toys and another cheap hotel.


C. Then up the stairs he would carry me

And I knew for sure I was loved

If I could get another chance, another walk, another dance with him

I’d play a song that would never, ever end

How I’d love, love, love to dance with my father again


D.I think I’ve found my best friend

I know that it might sound more than a little crazy.

But I believe

I knew I loved you before I met you

I think I dreamed you into life


E. That even though it’s far

He’ll find me at Christmas Eve

I guess Santa is busy

Cause he never comes around

I think of him when Christmas comes to town.


F. What we’ll find

What lies waiting down the line

In the end of Ninety-nine

Happy new year.

1.It’s December 29th.Emily plans to have a New Year’s party at home. She wants to invite all her friends to the joyous party.

2.January 30th is a special day for Paul and Jenny because three years ago they met each other and fell in love with each other on that day.

3.Max’s father is going to have his 40th birthday. Max wants to hold a small family party for him to show his love to his father.

4.Ferro is a one-year-old baby. Every night when he is going to sleep, his mother will sing a gentle song to him.

5.Alice cares about the environment we live in. She wants to hold a school meeting to ask all her classmates to take part in saving the earth.



There are seven continents﹙﹚in the world. Among them, Antarctica﹙南极洲﹚is the most special one. It is a world of snow and ice all year round. China has sent many scientists there. They try to find resources﹙资源﹚under the icy land and study climate change and sea biology.

What do they eat?

   Scientists don’t have many choices on what they eat. About 60% their food is frozen food. It is easy to heat﹙加热Meat is common on the menu, while vegetables are not usual. Fresh vegetables are hard to grow in the cold weather. Therefore, people often eat dried and canned vegetables.

How do they sleep?

   In Antarctica, summer lasts from November to March. During this time, Antarctica faces the sun and gets sunlight 24 hours of the day. In order to get some sleep,scientists cover the window with black cloth to make “night”.

How do they work?

    People can wear warm clothes to be against the cold weather, but they can do little with the strong wind. Sometimes, the wind is even stronger than a typhoon. It can easily blow people away.

So there are ropes﹙绳索﹚that connect some research stations. People can hold these ropes to keep balance in strong winds.

How do they keep in touch with others?

  There are no cables or Internet on the frozen continent. So mobiles and computers don’t work there. Scientists usually use two-way radios to communicate at work. If they want to say hello to family and friends, they can use the satellite phones.

1.What do scientists do in Antarctica?

A.They mostly study on the animals and plants there.

B.They mostly find resources and study climate change and sea biology.

C.They mostly find different kinds of lives under the ice and study them.

D.They mostly study on the ice and geography.

2.What kind of vegetables do they usually eat?

A.Fresh vegetables                    

B.Green vegetables only

C.Dried and canned vegetables    

D.They go down the ice to work.

3.What do they do when the day lasts for 24 hours?

A.They work all day long.       

B.They find a way to make “night”.

C.They stop working on those days.     

D.They go down the ice to work.

4.How do the scientists work on the terrible windy days?

A.They use ropes to help themselves.   

B.They just stay in the houses.

C.They use cars and ships to help.     

D.They don’t think the wind brings trouble.

5.If scientist wants to say “I love you”to her daughter, what can she use?

A.Mobile phones    B.Tow-way radios   C.Satellite phones   D.Iphones and Ipods.



Here is an interview with a painter. Read and choose the best.

Reporter:Mr Shum, you were one of Taiwan’s most outstanding youths last year. Why was that?

Mr Shum:Well, I can tell you that there are two reasons.First, I am a painter. Second, and more important reason is I am handicapped﹙残疾的I have no arms and only one leg.

Reporter:Well, how do you paint then if you’ve got no arms? Do you use your foot?

Mr Shum:Hah! For some handicapped people, it’s true and they are able to use their feet.No,I use my mouth. I put my paintbrush or my crayons or pencils or whatever I am using in my mouth. I hold it firmly in my teeth and paint or draw like that. It was a little strange for me at first, but it quickly became very easy.

Reporter:I know you feel that you are first a painter and only secondly that you are a disablbed person, but can we talk first about your handicap?

Mr Shum:Well,in fact I think of myself firstly as a person, secondly as a painter and thirdly as someone with a physical handicap. Can I say that I am not happy with the word “handicapped”?

I am a popular painter because my paintings are good, not because they were painted by a handicapped person. “handicapped”means you can’t do anything. It is difficult for me to do some things like getting dressed.

Reporter: Were you born with your handicap?

Mr Shum:No. An accident happened to me when I was 15 years old.After that I became depressed﹙沮丧﹚and even tried to end my life, but my mother was always there for me.

1.Mr Shum is a painter who has no ____.

A.mouth   B.teeth   C.feet    D.arms

2.Mr Shum thinks himself first as ____.

A.a person    B.a painter    C.a hit     D.a star

3.He doesn’t like the word“handicapped”because it suggests ______.

A.he can do anything                       

B.there are some things he can’t do

C.there are somethings he can do very well 

D.he doesn’t want others to look him down

4.What does the underlined word“firmly”in this passage mean?

A.紧紧地      B.随意地      C.缓缓地     D.轻轻地

5.What can we learn from Mr Shum’s story?

A.Comfort in living by painting      

B.Pleasure of living with a brave mother

C.Help gives people happiness.       

D.What really matters is how you face it.



The happy Prince was blind﹙The swallow﹙燕子﹚sat on his shoulder and told him many   __.

He told him about so many amazing places __  __ Nile River﹙尼罗河the desert in Africa and so on. The Happy Prince greatly enjoyed his stories. He wanted to know   __ was happening in the city, so he asked the swallow to fly over the city to have a look. The Swallow did as the Prince asked. He _  ___ through the sky. Below him, he saw rich people living __  __ in their homes. He saw poor people were in cold and hunger.__  __ one bridge, two boys shook their bodies t stay warm. The Swallow told the Prince everything. The Happy Prince became even __  _ and told the Swallow to take his gold to the cold and hungry people. Heavy snow fell off the sky on the city. Life for the swallow was becoming more difficult._  __ he still didn’t leave the Prince, he flew to the Prince’s shoulder fell dead at his feet. At the same time, there was a loud“Crack”and the Prince _  _ two halves, he might be very sad.The next morning, people in the city found them_  _ and took them out of the square. The angel found them and made them live forever in the city of gold.

1.A.magazines    B.stories        C.novels       D.words

2.A.such as      B.at least         C.so far      D.because of

3.A.how          B.what         C.why       D.when

4.A.walked       B.ran           C.flew        D.rode

5.A.normally     B.surprisingly    C. comfortably  D.personally

6.A.From         B.In           C.Under       D.With

7.A.sadder       B.happier       C.sad         D.happy

8.A.And          B.But          C.So          D.Because

9.A.brought out    B.fell dow   C.made up      D.broke into

10.A.both         B.all           C.each         D.none



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