满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---What are you reading? --- The Old Man...

---What are you reading?

        --- The Old Man and the Sea     Hemingway.

A. in       B. for       C. of         D. by


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意: -你在读什么?-海明威的老人与海。这个题目考查的是介词。in 经常表示在……里面;在一般将来时中后跟一段时间,表示一段时间之后;for 为了,因为,经常表示目的或原因;有时候还可以表示针对的对象;of ……的,表示所属关系,或用在一些固定短语中;by 也有很多用法,如表示交通工具,表示方式等。这里的by 表示由某人所写的。故选D。 考点:考查介词。  

根据所给提示,写一封60 词左右的信:

假设你是李磊,你给你的美国朋友 Jim 写一封信介绍你是如何学习英语的。信的开头已经给出, 至少写五句话以上, 多者不限。

关键词:favorite subject, work hard, practice reading, speaking, listening, writing, keep on doing, remember words, listen to..., watch English videos, talk in English(写作时,不必局限于所给的关键词, 可以根据自己的实际情况适当发挥)。

Dear Jim,

How are you? Today I want to tell you about my English study.











1.You go to the party. You have a good time. (改为条件状语从句)

______ you go to the party , you ______ have a good time .

2.Pour the milk into the blender, Lily. (改为否定句)

__________ _________ the milk into the blender, Lily.

3.His mother doesn’t mind soap operas.(对画线提问

________ does his mother ______ of soap operas?

4.The man is very weak. He can’t carry the bag. (改为同义句)

The man is ________ weak ________ carry the bag.

5.I’m going to stay at home. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ you _____ to stay at home?




1.We w________ the first prize in the sports meeting last night.

2.We should speak English as much as p_____ if we want to learn it better.

3.People in our village built many tall b______ last year.

4.His father is an e_______. He can plan the making of bridges.

5.Thank you for i______ me to visit next week.

6.John plays football ________() than his brother Jack.

7.There are some _________ (外国的) friends visiting our school.

8.____________(然而), many young trees died ten days ago.

9.Mr. Black and his son are great _______(科学家)in Green City.

10.I can’t _________(忍受) unhealthy Living.



Ann’s grandpa was very rich and he had some shops. The old man began to learn drawing when he was sixty, and he loved it very much. For twelve years he drew a lot and there were many pictures in his workroom. He was pleased with them and kept them well. One day, the old man was ill. He had to stay in hospital. Before he died, he said to Ann, “I want to give my pictures to a school as presents. Then the students can remember me forever. But I don’t know which school I’m going to give them to. Can you help me?” “Well, “said the little girl, “you’d better give them to a blind school. “

1.Ann’s grandpa was ____________.

A. a driver    B. a teacher    C. a blind man    D. a rich man

2.The old man tried his best to be ____________.

A. an artist    B. a farmer    C. a doctor      D. a teacher

3.The old man loved ____________ very much when he was sixty.

A. writing    B. his shops      C. money     D. drawing

4.When the old man was in hospital, he was ____________ years old.

A. 60         B. 70        C. 72         D. 78

5.Ann thought her grandpa’s pictures were ____________.

A. nice     B. beautiful       C. good        D. bad 



People began to make robots about several hundred years ago. In the past, some of the early ones looked like animals or humans. However, they couldn’t talk and were pretty dumb. They worked like clocks and did the same things over and over again.

Now modern robots don’t always look like people. Some are like big machines; others are nothing but long arms attached to boxy(箱子般四四方方的)bodies. However, modern robots are smart. Some can solve problems on their own. Their brains are computers and their eyes are sensors(传感器). Motors(发动机)help them move.

In the future, robots will learn from their mistakes more than they do now. They will be smarter. It’s possible that we will have robot judges, robot household workers, and robot factory workers. Robots will help people to do more things.

1.How long is the history of robots? 

A. Hundreds of years.             B. Several hundred years.

C. Seven hundred years.           D. A hundred year.

2.What’s the possible meaning of dumb? 

A. Talking like people. B. Clever.     C. Unintelligent (迟钝). D. Cute.

3.Most robots look like people ______ .

A. in the past    B. clever      C. in the futureD. all the time

4.Which of the following is NOT true about modern robots? 

A. Some robots can solve problems on their own.    

B. Some robots are like big machines.

C. Modern robots are smart.                     

D. Some robots’ brains are sensors.

5.What can’t robots do in the future according to the passage? 

A. They can help people do housework.     

B. They can work as judges.

C. They can work in the factory.           

D. They can have brains as people. 



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