满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The math problem is so hard. I really do...

The math problem is so hard. I really don’t know     .

A. how to do it    B. how to do       C. what to do it     D. where to do it


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意: 这道数学题如此难。我真的不知道怎样做它。how 表示方式,是一个副词;what 什么,是一个代词;where 在哪里,是一个副词,不符合句意。如果用what,则应是what to do ,后面不能有宾语。故选A。 考点:考查连词。  

They didn’t come to the meeting ________ the heavy rain.

A. because         B. with           C. because of        D. for



----- Jack, is there __________ in today’s newspaper?    ----- No, nothing.

A. anything important           B. something important     

C. important anything        D. important    something



It is time for class. Let’s  stop _______.

A. playing football              B. play football

C. from playing football          D. to play football



---What are you reading?

        --- The Old Man and the Sea     Hemingway.

A. in       B. for       C. of         D. by



根据所给提示,写一封60 词左右的信:

假设你是李磊,你给你的美国朋友 Jim 写一封信介绍你是如何学习英语的。信的开头已经给出, 至少写五句话以上, 多者不限。

关键词:favorite subject, work hard, practice reading, speaking, listening, writing, keep on doing, remember words, listen to..., watch English videos, talk in English(写作时,不必局限于所给的关键词, 可以根据自己的实际情况适当发挥)。

Dear Jim,

How are you? Today I want to tell you about my English study.










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